blob: 3a7dadbe8636ac1ed03cd20fd4b3d9dc66fc9120 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2003-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// logging.h
// Tracing and logging system.
// Allows filtering of the log messages based on logging categories and levels.
#include "omaha/common/commontypes.h"
#include "omaha/common/synchronized.h"
#ifdef LOGGING
// Logging levels.
enum LogLevel {
LEVEL_FATALERROR = -3, // crashing fatal error
LEVEL_ERROR = -2, // errors - recoverable but shouldn't happen
LE = -2,
LEVEL_WARNING = -1, // warnings
LW = -1,
L1 = 1, // for aprox. 10 logs per run
L2, // for aprox. 100 logs per run
L3, // for aprox. 1,000 logs per run
L4, // for aprox. 10,000 logs per run
L5, // for aprox. 100,000 logs per run
L6, // for > 1,000,000 logs per run
// add above
LEVEL_ALL // all errors
namespace omaha {
#define kDefaultLogFileName kFilePrefix L".log"
#define kDefaultLogFileWide 1
#define kDefaultLogToFile 1
#define kDefaultShowTime 1
#define kDefaultAppendToFile 1
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define kDefaultMaxLogFileSize 0xFFFFFFFF // 4GB
#define kDefaultLogToOutputDebug 1
#define kDefaultLogLevel L3
#define kDefaultLoggingEnabled 1
#define kDefaultMaxLogFileSize 10000000 // 10MB
#define kDefaultLogToOutputDebug 0
#define kDefaultLogLevel L1
#define kDefaultLoggingEnabled 0
// Truncates the log file when the size of the log file is this many
// times over the MaxLogFileSize to prevent disk overfill.
#define kStopGapLogFileSizeFactor 10
// config file sections
#define kConfigSectionLoggingLevel L"LoggingLevel"
#define kConfigSectionLoggingSettings L"LoggingSettings"
// config file attributes
#define kConfigAttrEnableLogging L"EnableLogging"
#define kConfigAttrShowTime L"ShowTime"
#define kConfigAttrLogToFile L"LogToFile"
#define kConfigAttrLogFilePath L"LogFilePath"
#define kConfigAttrLogFileWide L"LogFileWide"
#define kConfigAttrLogToOutputDebug L"LogToOutputDebug"
#define kConfigAttrAppendToFile L"AppendToFile"
#define kConfigAttrMaxLogFileSize L"MaxLogFileSize"
#define kLoggingMutexName kLockPrefix L"logging_mutex"
#define kMaxMutexWaitTimeMs 500
// Does not allow messages bigger than 1 MB.
#define kMaxLogMessageSize (1024 * 1024)
#define kLogSettingsCheckInterval (5 * kSecsTo100ns)
#define kStartOfLogMessage \
L"********************* NEW LOG *********************"
#define kEndOfLogMessage \
L"********************* END LOG *********************"
// TODO(omaha): Allow these defaults to be overriden in the config file.
#define kMaxLevelToStoreInLogHistory L2
#define kMaxHistoryBufferSize 1024
#ifdef LOGGING
#define LC_LOG(cat, level, msg) \
do { \
omaha::Logging* logger = omaha::GetLogging(); \
if (logger) { \
omaha::LoggingHelper(logger, cat, level, \
logger->IsCatLevelEnabled(cat, level)) msg; \
} \
} while (0)
#define LC_LOG_OPT(cat, level, msg) LC_LOG(cat, level, msg)
#define LC_LOG(cat, level, msg) ((void)0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define LC_LOG_DEBUG(cat, level, msg) LC_LOG(cat, level, msg)
#define LC_LOG_DEBUG(cat, level, msg) ((void)0)
// Shortcuts for different logging categories - no need to specify the category.
#define CORE_LOG(x, y) LC_LOG_DEBUG(omaha::LC_CORE, x, y)
#define NET_LOG(x, y) LC_LOG_DEBUG(omaha::LC_NET, x, y)
#define PLUGIN_LOG(x, y) LC_LOG_DEBUG(omaha::LC_PLUGIN, x, y)
#define SERVICE_LOG(x, y) LC_LOG_DEBUG(omaha::LC_SERVICE, x, y)
#define SETUP_LOG(x, y) LC_LOG_DEBUG(omaha::LC_SETUP, x, y)
#define SHELL_LOG(x, y) LC_LOG_DEBUG(omaha::LC_SHELL, x, y)
#define UTIL_LOG(x, y) LC_LOG_DEBUG(omaha::LC_UTIL, x, y)
#define OPT_LOG(x, y) LC_LOG_OPT(omaha::LC_OPT, x, y)
#define REPORT_LOG(x, y) LC_LOG_OPT(omaha::LC_REPORT, x, y)
#ifdef LOGGING
// Logging components.
// Maximum 32 categories unless mask is increased to 64 bits.
enum LogCategory {
// - add a line to the LogCategoryNames table in logging.cpp!!!
// - add to C:\GoogleUpdate.ini
#define kCatEnabledField L"Enabled"
#define kCatLevelField L"Level"
struct CategoryInfo {
bool enabled;
LogLevel log_level;
struct OutputInfo;
// The LogWriter - can decide whether to process message or not, then
// will process it. Actually, the message is processed if either a) the
// individual LogWriter wants to process it or b) it is marked as processable
// by settings in config ini.
// Included LogWriters:
// OutputDebugStringLogWriter - Logs to OutputDebugString() API
// FileLogWriter - Logs to a file
// OverrideConfigLogWriter - Overrides the level settings of a
// particular category, uses another writer to actually do the writing.
// Used, e.g., in installer to force SETUP_LOG messages to go to a file
// even if the there is no trconfig.ini file.
// Not included LogWriters:
// StdLogWriter - Logs to stdout or stderr
// SubmitToGoogleLogWriter - When done logging submits the log file to
// Google's status-receiving server
class LogWriter {
virtual void Cleanup();
virtual ~LogWriter();
// Returns true if this Logging object wants to log even if the global
// "enable logging" flag is off. Useful for always creating a log, e.g., an
// install log, even without a GoogleUpdate.ini.
virtual bool WantsToLogRegardless() const;
// Returns true if this Logging object wants to handle the message,
// regardless of other settings.
virtual bool IsCatLevelEnabled(LogCategory category, LogLevel level) const;
virtual void OutputMessage(const OutputInfo* output_info);
// Registers and unregisters this LogWriter with the Logging system. When
// registered, the Logging class assumes ownership.
bool Register();
bool Unregister();
// A LogWriter that writes to a named file.
class FileLogWriter : public LogWriter {
FileLogWriter(const wchar_t* file_name, bool append);
virtual void Cleanup();
static FileLogWriter* Create(const wchar_t* file_name, bool append);
virtual void OutputMessage(const OutputInfo* output_info);
void Initialize();
bool CreateLoggingMutex();
bool CreateLoggingFile();
bool ArchiveLoggingFile();
bool TruncateLoggingFile();
bool GetMutex();
void ReleaseMutex();
// Returns true if archiving of the log file is pending a computer restart.
bool IsArchivePending();
// Returns the first position of str inside of a MULTI_SZ of count characters
// including the terminating zeros.
static int FindFirstInMultiString(const wchar_t* multi_str,
size_t count,
const wchar_t* str);
uint32 max_file_size_;
bool initialized_;
bool valid_;
bool append_;
bool log_file_wide_;
CString log_file_mutex_name_;
HANDLE log_file_mutex_;
CString file_name_;
HANDLE log_file_;
CString proc_name_;
friend class FileLogWriterTest;
// A LogWriter that uses OutputDebugString() to write messages.
class OutputDebugStringLogWriter : public LogWriter {
static OutputDebugStringLogWriter* Create();
virtual void OutputMessage(const OutputInfo* info);
// A LogWriter that overrides the settings in trconfig.ini and sends messages
// to another LogWriter. Takes ownership of the other LogWriter.
class OverrideConfigLogWriter : public LogWriter {
OverrideConfigLogWriter(LogCategory category, LogLevel level,
LogWriter* log_writer, bool force_logging_enabled);
virtual void Cleanup();
static OverrideConfigLogWriter* Create(LogCategory category, LogLevel level,
LogWriter* log_writer, bool force_logging_enabled);
virtual bool WantsToLogRegardless() const;
virtual bool IsCatLevelEnabled(LogCategory category, LogLevel level) const;
virtual void OutputMessage(const OutputInfo* output_info);
LogCategory category_;
LogLevel level_;
LogWriter* log_writer_;
bool force_logging_enabled_;
// The Logging class - Singleton class
// Fine-grain logging based on categories and levels.
// Can log to a file, stdout or debugger.
class Logging {
// constructor
// destructor
// Enables/disables the logging mechanism. Allows turning logging on/off
// in mid-run. Returns true for success (not for 'logging enabled').
void EnableLogging();
void DisableLogging();
// Checks if logging is enabled - and updates logging settings from the
// configuration file every kLogSettingsCheckInterval seconds
bool IsLoggingEnabled();
// Checks if logging is already enabled. It does not try to enable it.
bool IsLoggingAlreadyEnabled() const;
// Overrides the config file settings for showing the time stamps.
void ForceShowTimestamp(bool force_show_time);
// Checks if logging is enabled for a given category and level.
DWORD IsCatLevelEnabled(LogCategory category, LogLevel level);
LogLevel GetCatLevel(LogCategory category) const;
// Logs a message.
void LogMessage(LogCategory cat, LogLevel level, const wchar_t* fmt, ...);
void LogMessageVA(LogCategory cat, LogLevel level, const wchar_t* fmt,
va_list args);
// Retrieves log directory.
CString GetLogDirectory() const;
// Retrieves in-memory history buffer.
CString GetHistory();
// Returns the file path of the current GoogleUpdate.ini.
CString GetCurrentConfigurationFilePath() const;
const CString& proc_name() const { return proc_name_; }
bool IsCategoryEnabledForBuffering(LogCategory cat);
bool InternalInitialize();
void InternalLogMessageMaskedVA(DWORD writer_mask,
LogCategory cat,
LogLevel level,
CString* log_buffer,
CString* prefix,
const wchar_t* fmt,
va_list args);
friend class LoggingHelper;
void LogMessageMaskedVA(DWORD writer_mask, LogCategory cat, LogLevel level,
const wchar_t* fmt, va_list args);
// Stores log message in in-memory history buffer.
void StoreInHistory(const OutputInfo* output_info);
// Appends string to in-memory history buffer.
void AppendToHistory(const wchar_t* msg);
// Initializes the logging engine. Harmless to call multiple times.
bool InitializeLogging();
// Configures/unconfigures the log writers for the current settings. That
// is, given the current settings from GoogleUpdate.ini, either initializes
// and registers the file-out and debug-out logwriters, or unregisters them.
bool ConfigureLogging();
void UnconfigureLogging();
void UpdateCatAndLevel(const wchar_t* cat_name, LogCategory cat);
void ReadLoggingSettings();
// Returns the primary file path of the GoogleUpdate.ini.
CString GetConfigurationFilePath() const;
// Returns the alternate file path of the GoogleUpdate.ini.
CString GetAltConfigurationFilePath() const;
// Passes the messages along to other OutputMessage()
void OutputMessage(DWORD writer_mask, LogCategory cat, LogLevel level,
const wchar_t* msg1, const wchar_t* msg2);
// Broadcasts the message to each LogWriter.
// It should be private but the function we want to be able to use this,
// debugASSERT is extern "C" and thus can't be declared a friend of
// Logging.
void OutputMessage(DWORD writer_mask, const OutputInfo* output_info);
CategoryInfo category_list_[LC_MAX_CAT];
// Checks if logging is initialized.
bool logging_initialized_;
// Is logging in the process of initializing?
bool is_initializing_;
// The logging process name including the calling module.
CString proc_name_;
// Serializes changing logging init/uninit/enable/disable status.
LLock lock_;
// Bunch of settings from the config .ini file.
bool logging_enabled_; // Checks if logging is enabled.
bool force_show_time_;
bool show_time_;
bool log_to_file_;
CString log_file_name_;
bool log_to_debug_out_;
bool append_to_file_;
// Signals the logging system is shutting down.
bool logging_shutdown_;
// Checkpoint time for dynamic category updates.
time64 g_last_category_check_time;
// The file path of the optional ini file which defines the logging
// configuration.
CString config_file_path_;
bool InternalRegisterWriter(LogWriter* log_writer);
bool InternalUnregisterWriter(LogWriter* log_writer);
bool RegisterWriter(LogWriter* log_writer);
bool UnregisterWriter(LogWriter* log_writer);
enum { all_writers_mask = -1 };
enum { max_writers = 15 };
int num_writers_;
LogWriter* writers_[max_writers];
LogWriter* file_log_writer_;
LogWriter* debug_out_writer_;
friend class HistoryTest;
// In order to make the logging macro LC_LOG work out we need to pass a
// parameter (the mask of loggers to write to) (*) to the actual logging
// method. However, the last parameter to the macro LC_LOG has its own
// parenthesis - it encloses multiple expressions (a format string and
// arguments). So this function object is used as an intermediary in order to
// hold the writer mask.
// (*) The mask needs to be transferred separately because we want to keep the
// LC_LOG structure of asking if the message is going to be logged before
// evaluating the arguments, and we can't store it in the singleton Logging
// object - wouldn't be thread-safe.
class LoggingHelper {
LoggingHelper(Logging* logger, LogCategory cat,
LogLevel level, DWORD writer_mask)
: logger_(logger),
writer_mask_(writer_mask) {}
void operator()(const wchar_t* fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
logger_->LogMessageMaskedVA(writer_mask_, category_, level_, fmt, args);
Logging* logger_;
DWORD writer_mask_;
LogLevel level_;
LogCategory category_;
// Getter for the Logging singleton class.
Logging* GetLogging();
#endif // LOGGING
} // namespace omaha