blob: 258aa1b322b2a864b825c75f870553c53b810b4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2003-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "omaha/common/constants.h"
#include "omaha/common/debug.h"
namespace omaha {
#define STR_SIZE(str) (arraysize(str)-1) // number of characters in char array (only for single-byte string literals!!!)
#define TSTR_SIZE(tstr) (arraysize(tstr)-1) // like STR_SIZE but works on _T("string literal") ONLY!!!
#define kEllipsis L".."
// The number of replacements matches we expect, before we start allocating extra memory
// to process it. This is an optimizing constant
#define kExpectedMaxReplaceMatches 100
// TODO(omaha): above each of these function names, we should
// define what we expect the implementation to do. that way,
// implementers will know what is desired. an example would probably
// make things easiest.
CString AbbreviateString (const CString & title, int32 max_len);
CString AbbreviateUri (const CString & uri, int32 max_len);
CString NormalizeUri (const CString & uri);
// removes "http://", "ftp://", "mailto:" or "file://" (note that the "file" protocol is
// like: "file:///~/calendar", this method removes only the first two slashes
CString RemoveInternetProtocolHeader (const CString& url);
void RemoveFromStart (CString & s, const TCHAR* remove, bool ignore_case);
void RemoveFromEnd (CString & s, const TCHAR* remove);
// Limit string to max length, truncating and adding ellipsis if needed
// Attempts to not leave a partial word at the end, unless min_len is reached
CString ElideIfNeeded (const CString & input_string, int max_len, int min_len);
// The ability to clean up a string for relevant target audiences. Add flags accordingly
// Sanitizes for insertion in an HTML document, uses the basic literals [<>&]
#define kSanHtml 0x1
// XML is the HTML replacements, and a few more
#define kSanXml (kSanHtml | 0x2)
// Javascript has a seperate set of encodings [which is a superset of HTML replacements]
#define kSanJs (kSanHtml | 0x4)
// For input fields on HTML documents
#define kSanHtmlInput 0x8
// TODO(omaha): be consistent on use of int/uint32/int32 for lengths
// The input length of the string does not include the null terminator.
// Caller deletes the returned buffer.
WCHAR *ToWide (const char *s, int len);
// returns pointer to data if found otherwise NULL
const byte *BufferContains (const byte *buf, uint32 buf_len, const byte *data, uint32 data_len);
// Given a string, 'protect' the characters that are invalid for a given mode
// For instance, kSanHtml will replace < with the HTML literal equivalent
// If kSanHtml is used, and bold_periods is true, then periods used for url abbreviation are bolded.
// NOTE: If you call AbbreviateLinkForDisplay before this function, then there might be periods
// used for abbreviation. BoldAbbreviationPeriods should be called after HighlightTerms.
CString SanitizeString(const CString & in, DWORD mode);
// Bolds the periods used for abbreviation. Call this after HighlightTerms.
CString BoldAbbreviationPeriods(const CString & in);
// Unencode a URL encoded string
CString Unencode(const CString & input);
CString GetTextInbetween(const CString &input, const CString &start, const CString &end);
// Given a ? seperated string, extract a particular segment, and URL-Unencode it
CString GetParam(const CString & input, const CString & key);
// Given an XML style string, extract the contents of a <INPUT>...</INPUT> pair
CString GetField (const CString & input, const CString & field);
// Finds a whole word match in the query, followed by a ":".
// If not found, return -1.
// Note: this is case sensitive.
int FindWholeWordMatch (const CString &query,
const CString &word_to_match,
const bool end_with_colon,
const int index_begin);
// Do whole-word replacement in "str".
// This does not do partial matches (unlike CString::Replace),
// e.g. CString::Replace will replace "ie" within "pie" and
// this function will not.
// Note: this is case sensitive.
void ReplaceWholeWord (const CString &string_to_replace,
const CString &replacement,
const bool trim_whitespace,
CString *str);
// Convert Wide to ANSI directly. Use only when it is all ANSI
CStringA WideToAnsiDirect(const CString & in);
// Transform a unicode string into UTF8, used primarily by the webserver
CStringA WideToUtf8(const CString& w);
// Converts the UTF-8 encoded buffer to an in-memory Unicode (wide character)
// string.
// @param utf8 A non-NULL pointer to a UTF-8 encoded buffer that has at
// least num_bytes valid characters. If num_bytes is 0, the buffer must be
// NULL-terminated.
// @param num_bytes Number of bytes to process from utf8, or 0 if utf8 is
// NULL-terminated and should be processed in its entirety.
// @return The Unicode string represented by utf8 (or that part of it
// specified by num_bytes). If the UTF-8 representation of the string started
// with a byte-order marker (BOM), it will be ignored and not included in the
// returned string. On failure, the function returns the empty string.
CString Utf8ToWideChar(const char* utf8, uint32 num_bytes);
CString Utf8BufferToWideChar(const std::vector<uint8>& buffer);
// Dealing with Unicode BOM
bool StartsWithBOM(const TCHAR* string);
const TCHAR* StringAfterBOM(const TCHAR* string);
// Convert an ANSI string into Widechar string, according to the specified
// codepage. The input length can be -1, if the string is null terminated, and
// the actual length will be used internally.
BOOL AnsiToWideString(const char *from, int length, UINT codepage, CString *to);
// Convert char to Wchar directly
CString AnsiToWideString(const char *from, int length);
// these functions untested
// they should not be used unless tested
// HRESULT AnsiToUTF8 (char * src, int src_len, char * dest, int *dest_len);
// HRESULT UTF8ToAnsi (char * src, int src_len, char * dest, int *dest_len);
// HRESULT UCS2ToUTF8 (LPCWSTR src, int src_len, char * dest, int *dest_len);
// HRESULT UTF8ToUCS2 (char * src, int src_len, LPWSTR dest, int *dest_len);
// "Absolute" is perhaps not the right term, this normalizes the Uri
// given changes to correct
// given changes to correct
// given returns the same
CString GetAbsoluteUri(const CString& uri);
// Reverse (big-endian<->little-endian) the shorts that make up
// Unicode characters in a byte array of Unicode chars
HRESULT ReverseUnicodeByteOrder(byte* unicode_string, int size_in_bytes);
// given this returns
// If strip_leading is specified, it will turn
// into
#define kStrLeadingWww _T("www.")
// TODO(omaha): no default parameters
CString GetUriHostName(const CString& uri, bool strip_leading = false);
CString GetUriHostNameHostOnly(const CString& uri, bool strip_leading_www);
const char *stristr(const char *string, const char *pattern);
const WCHAR *stristrW(const WCHAR *string, const WCHAR *pattern);
const WCHAR *strstrW(const WCHAR *string, const WCHAR *pattern);
// Add len_to_add to len_so_far, assuming that if it exceeds the
// length of the line, it will word wrap onto the next line. Returns
// the total length of all the lines summed together.
float GetLenWithWordWrap (const float len_so_far,
const float len_to_add,
const uint32 len_line);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// QuotedPrintableUnescape()
// Copies "src" to "dest", rewriting quoted printable escape sequences
// =XX to their ASCII equivalents. src is not null terminated, instead
// specify len. I recommend that slen<len_dest, but we honour len_dest
// anyway.
// RETURNS the length of dest.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int QuotedPrintableUnescape(const WCHAR *src, int slen, WCHAR *dest, int len_dest);
// Return the length to use for the output buffer given to the base64 escape
// routines. Make sure to use the same value for do_padding in both.
// This function may return incorrect results if given input_len values that
// are extremely high, which should happen rarely.
int CalculateBase64EscapedLen(int input_len, bool do_padding);
// Use this version when calling Base64Escape without a do_padding arg.
int CalculateBase64EscapedLen(int input_len);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base64Escape()
// WebSafeBase64Escape()
// Encode "src" to "dest" using base64 encoding.
// src is not null terminated, instead specify len.
// 'dest' should have at least CalculateBase64EscapedLen() length.
// RETURNS the length of dest.
// The WebSafe variation use '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/'
// so that we can place the out in the URL or cookies without having
// to escape them. It also has an extra parameter "do_padding",
// which when set to false will prevent padding with "=".
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int Base64Escape(const char *src, int slen, char *dest, int szdest);
int WebSafeBase64Escape(const char *src, int slen, char *dest,
int szdest, bool do_padding);
void WebSafeBase64Escape(const CStringA& src, CStringA* dest);
void Base64Escape(const char *src, int szsrc,
CStringA* dest, bool do_padding);
void WebSafeBase64Escape(const char *src, int szsrc,
CStringA* dest, bool do_padding);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base64Unescape()
// Copies "src" to "dest", where src is in base64 and is written to its
// ASCII equivalents. src is not null terminated, instead specify len.
// I recommend that slen<len_dest, but we honour len_dest anyway.
// RETURNS the length of dest.
// The WebSafe variation use '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/'.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int Base64Unescape(const char *src, int slen, char *dest, int len_dest);
int WebSafeBase64Unescape(const char *src, int slen, char *dest, int szdest);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define IsSpace IsSpaceW
#define IsSpace IsSpaceA
bool IsSpaceW(WCHAR c);
bool IsSpaceA(char c);
// Remove all leading and trailing whitespace from s.
// Returns the new length of the string (not including 0-terminator)
int TrimCString(CString &s);
int Trim(TCHAR *s);
// Trims all characters in the delimiter string from both ends of the
// string s
void TrimString(CString& s, const TCHAR* delimiters);
// Strip the first token from the front of argument s. A token is a
// series of consecutive non-blank characters - unless the first
// character is a double-quote ("), in that case the token is the full
// quoted string
CString StripFirstQuotedToken(const CString& s);
// A block of text to separate lines, and back
void TextToLines(const CString& text, const TCHAR* delimiter, std::vector<CString>* lines);
// (LinesToText puts a delimiter at the end of the last line too)
void LinesToText(const std::vector<CString>& lines, const TCHAR* delimiter, CString* text);
// Make a CString lower case
void MakeLowerCString(CString & s);
// Clean up the string: replace all whitespace with spaces, and
// replace consecutive spaces with one.
// Returns the new length of the string (not including 0-terminator)
int CleanupWhitespaceCString(CString &s);
int CleanupWhitespace(TCHAR *s);
int HexDigitToInt (WCHAR c);
bool IsHexDigit (WCHAR c);
// Converts to lower, but does so much faster if the string is ANSI
TCHAR * String_FastToLower(TCHAR * str);
// Replacement for the CRT toupper(c)
int String_ToUpper(int c);
// Replacement for the CRT toupper(c)
char String_ToUpperA(char c);
// Converts str to lowercase in place.
void String_ToLower(TCHAR* str);
// Converts str to uppercase in place.
void String_ToUpper(TCHAR* str);
bool String_IsUpper(TCHAR c);
// String comparison based on length
// Replacement for the CRT strncmp(i)
int String_StrNCmp(const TCHAR * str1, const TCHAR * str2, uint32 len, bool ignore_case);
// Replacement for strncpy() - except ALWAYS ends string with null
TCHAR* String_StrNCpy(TCHAR* destination, const TCHAR* source, uint32 len);
// check if str starts with start_str
bool String_StartsWith(const TCHAR *str, const TCHAR *start_str, bool ignore_case);
// check if str starts with start_str, for char *
bool String_StartsWithA(const char *str, const char *start_str, bool ignore_case);
// check if str ends with end_str
bool String_EndsWith(const TCHAR *str, const TCHAR *end_str, bool ignore_case);
// If the input string str doesn't already end with the string end_str,
// make it end with the string end_str.
CString String_MakeEndWith(const TCHAR *str, const TCHAR* end_str, bool ignore_case);
// converts an int to a string
CString String_Int64ToString(int64 value, int radix);
// converts an uint64 to a string
CString String_Uint64ToString(uint64 value, int radix);
// Convert numeric types to CString
CString sizet_to_str(const size_t & i);
CString itostr(const int i);
CString itostr(const uint32 i);
// converts a large number to an approximate value, like "1.2G" or "900M"
// base_ten = true if based on powers of 10 (like disk space) otherwise based
// on powers of two. power = 0 for *10^0, 1 for *10^3 or 2^10, 2 for *10^6
// or 2^20, and 3 for *10^9 or 2^30, in other words: no units, K, M, or G.
CString String_LargeIntToApproximateString(uint64 value, bool base_ten, int* power);
// converts a string to an int
// Does not check for overflow
int32 String_StringToInt(const TCHAR * str);
int64 String_StringToInt64(const TCHAR * str);
// converts an double to a string
// specifies the number of digits after the decimal point
// TODO(omaha): Make this work for negative values
CString String_DoubleToString(double value, int point_digits);
// convert string to double
double String_StringToDouble (const TCHAR *s);
// Converts a character to a digit
// if the character is not a digit return -1
int32 String_CharToDigit(const TCHAR c);
// returns true if ASCII digit
bool String_IsDigit(const TCHAR c);
// Converts the digit to a character.
TCHAR String_DigitToChar(unsigned int n);
// Returns true if an identifier character: letter, digit, or "_"
bool String_IsIdentifierChar(const TCHAR c);
// Returns true if the string has letters in it.
// This is used by the keyword extractor to downweight numbers,
// IDs (sequences of numbers like social security numbers), etc.
bool String_HasAlphabetLetters (const TCHAR *str);
// Return the index of the first occurrence of s2 in s1, or -1 if none.
int String_FindString(const TCHAR *s1, const TCHAR *s2);
int String_FindString(const TCHAR *s1, const TCHAR *s2, int start_pos);
// Return the index of the first occurrence of c in s1, or -1 if none.
int String_FindChar(const TCHAR *str, const TCHAR c);
// start from index start_pos
int String_FindChar(const TCHAR *str, const TCHAR c, int start_pos);
// Return the index of the first occurrence of c in string, or -1 if none.
int String_ReverseFindChar(const TCHAR * str, TCHAR c);
bool String_Contains(const TCHAR *s1, const TCHAR *s2);
// Replace old_char with new_char in str.
void String_ReplaceChar(TCHAR *str, TCHAR old_char, TCHAR new_char);
void String_ReplaceChar(CString & str, TCHAR old_char, TCHAR new_char);
// Append the given character to the string if it doesn't already end with it.
// There must be room in the string to append the character if necessary.
void String_EndWithChar(TCHAR *str, TCHAR c);
// A special version of the replace function which takes advantage of CString properties
// to make it much faster when the string grows
// NOTE: it CANNOT match more than kMaxReplaceMatches instances within the string
// do not use this function if that is a possibility
// The maximum number of replacements to perform. Essentially infinite
#define kRepMax kUint32Max
int ReplaceCString (CString & src, const TCHAR *from, unsigned int from_len,
const TCHAR *to, unsigned int to_len,
unsigned int max_matches);
// replace from with to in src
// on memory allocation error, returns the original string
int ReplaceString (TCHAR *src, const TCHAR *from, const TCHAR *to, TCHAR **out, int *out_len);
// replace from with to in src
// will replace in place if length(to) <= length(from) and return *out == src
// WILL CREATE NEW OUTPUT BUFFER OTHERWISE and set created_new_string to true
// on memory allocation error, returns the original string
int ReplaceStringMaybeInPlace (TCHAR *src, const TCHAR *from, const TCHAR *to, TCHAR **out, int *out_len, bool *created_new_string);
// you really want to use the straight TCHAR version above. you know it
// on memory allocation error, returns the original string
int ReplaceCString (CString & src, const TCHAR *from, const TCHAR *to);
long __cdecl Wcstol (const wchar_t *nptr, wchar_t **endptr, int ibase);
unsigned long __cdecl Wcstoul (const wchar_t *nptr, wchar_t **endptr, int ibase);
// Functions on arrays of strings
// Returns true iff s is in the array strings (case-insensitive compare)
bool String_MemberOf(const TCHAR* const* strings, const TCHAR* s);
// Returns index of s in the array of strings (or -1 for missing) (case-insensitive compare)
int String_IndexOf(const TCHAR* const* strings, const TCHAR* s);
// Serializes a time64 to a string, and then loads it out again, this string it not for human consumption
time64 StringToTime(const CString & time);
CString TimeToString(const time64 & time);
// looks for string A followed by any number of spaces/tabs followed by string b
// returns starting position of a if found, NULL if not
// case insensitive
const TCHAR *FindStringASpaceStringB (const TCHAR *s, const TCHAR *a, const TCHAR *b);
bool IsAlphaA (const char c);
bool IsDigitA (const char c);
// TODO(omaha): deprecate since we have secure CRT now.
// dest_buffer_len includes the NULL
// always NULL terminates
// dest must be a valid string with length < dest_buffer_len
void SafeStrCat (TCHAR *dest, const TCHAR *src, int dest_buffer_len);
const TCHAR *ExtractNextDouble (const TCHAR *s, double *f);
TCHAR *String_PathFindExtension(const TCHAR *path);
inline TCHAR Char_ToLower(TCHAR c) {
// C4302: truncation from 'type 1' to 'type 2'
#pragma warning(disable : 4302)
return reinterpret_cast<TCHAR>(::CharLower(reinterpret_cast<TCHAR*>(c)));
#pragma warning(default : 4302)
// @returns the lowercase character (type is int to be consistent with the CRT)
int String_ToLowerChar(int c);
// Replacement for the CRT tolower(c)
char String_ToLowerCharAnsi(char c);
bool String_PathRemoveFileSpec(TCHAR *path);
// Escapes and unescapes strings (shlwapi-based implementation).
// The indended usage for these APIs is escaping strings to make up
// URLs, for example building query strings.
// Pass false to the flag segment_only to escape the url. This will not
// cause the conversion of the # (%23), ? (%3F), and / (%2F) characters.
HRESULT StringEscape(const CString& str_in,
bool segment_only,
CString* str_out);
HRESULT StringUnescape(const CString& str_in, CString* str_out);
// Converts a string to an int, performs all the necessary
// checks to ensure that the string is correct.
// Tests for overflow and non-int strings.
bool String_StringToDecimalIntChecked(const TCHAR* str, int* value);
// Converts CLSID to a string.
bool CLSIDToCString(const GUID& guid, CString* str);
// Converts a string to a bool.
HRESULT String_StringToBool(const TCHAR* str, bool* value);
// Convert boolean to its string representation.
HRESULT String_BoolToString(bool value, CString* string);
// Converts a string to a Tristate enum.
bool String_StringToTristate(const TCHAR* str, Tristate* value);
// Extracts the name and value from a string that contains a name/value pair.
bool ParseNameValuePair(const CString& token, TCHAR separator,
CString* name, CString* value);
// Splits a command line buffer into two parts in place:
// first argument (which could be path to executable) and remaining arguments.
// Note that the same pointer can be used for both command_line and
// either of the remaining parameters.
bool SplitCommandLineInPlace(TCHAR *command_line,
TCHAR **first_argument,
TCHAR **remaining_arguments);
// Returns true if the unicode string only contains ascii values.
bool ContainsOnlyAsciiChars(const CString& str);
// Converts a buffer of bytes to a hex string.
CString BytesToHex(const uint8* bytes, size_t num_bytes);
// Converts a vector of bytes to a hex string.
CString BytesToHex(const std::vector<uint8>& bytes);
void JoinStrings(const std::vector<CString>& components,
const TCHAR* delim,
CString* result);
void JoinStringsInArray(const TCHAR* components[],
int num_components,
const TCHAR* delim,
CString* result);
// Formats the specified message ID.
// It is similar to CStringT::FormatMessage() but it returns an empty string
// instead of throwing when the message ID cannot be loaded.
CString FormatResourceMessage(uint32 resource_id, ...);
// Formats an error code as an 8-digit HRESULT-style hex number or an unsigned
// integer depending on whether it matches the HRESULT failure format.
CString FormatErrorCode(DWORD error_code);
// Converts the unicode string into a utf8 encoded, urlencoded string.
// The resulting ascii string is returned in a wide CString.
HRESULT WideStringToUtf8UrlEncodedString(const CString& str, CString* out);
// Converts a string that is in the utf8 representation and is urlencoded
// into a unicode string.
HRESULT Utf8UrlEncodedStringToWideString(const CString& str, CString* out);
} // namespace omaha