blob: 1507f98b8a6c67e18d74424994485b163eaf88cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2003-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
#include <windows.h>
#include <accctrl.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
#include <sddl.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <atlsecurity.h>
#include <atlwin.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "omaha/common/constants.h"
#include "omaha/common/debug.h"
#include "omaha/common/logging.h"
#include "omaha/common/reg_key.h"
#include "omaha/common/scoped_any.h"
#include "omaha/common/static_assert.h"
#include "omaha/common/user_info.h"
namespace omaha {
// Determines whether to run ClickOnce components. This constant is not defined
// in the SDK headers.
ULONGLONG VersionFromString(const CString& s);
CString StringFromVersion(ULONGLONG version);
// Gets current directory
CString GetCurrentDir();
// Creates a unique file name using a new guid. Does not check for
// presence of this file in the directory.
HRESULT GetNewFileNameInDirectory(const CString& dir, CString* file_name);
// Use of this method is unsafe. Be careful!
// Gets security attributes for a "everyone" (authenticated users) DACL.
void GetEveryoneDaclSecurityAttributes(CSecurityAttributes* sec_attr,
ACCESS_MASK non_admin_access_mask);
// Get security attributes containing a DACL that grant the ACCESS_MASK access
// to admins and system.
void GetAdminDaclSecurityAttributes(CSecurityAttributes* sec_attr,
ACCESS_MASK accessmask);
// Merges an Allowed ACE into a named object. If the ACE already exists in the
// DACL with the same permissions (or a superset) and the same ACE flags, the
// merge is skipped.
HRESULT AddAllowedAce(const TCHAR* object_name,
SE_OBJECT_TYPE object_type,
const CSid& sid,
ACCESS_MASK required_permissions,
uint8 required_ace_flags);
struct NamedObjectAttributes {
CString name;
CSecurityAttributes sa;
// For machine and local system, the prefix would be "Global\G{obj_name}".
// For user, the prefix would be "Global\G{user_sid}{obj_name}".
// For machine objects, returns a security attributes that gives permissions to
// both Admins and SYSTEM. This allows for cases where SYSTEM creates the named
// object first. The default DACL for SYSTEM will not allow Admins access.
void GetNamedObjectAttributes(const TCHAR* base_name,
bool is_machine,
NamedObjectAttributes* attr);
// Returns true if the current process is running as SYSTEM.
HRESULT IsSystemProcess(bool* is_system_process);
// Returns true if the user of the current process is Local System or it has an
// interactive session: console, terminal services, or fast user switching.
HRESULT IsUserLoggedOn(bool* is_logged_on);
// Returns true if URLACTION_MANAGED_UNSIGNED is disabled for the Internet zone
// for the current user.
bool IsClickOnceDisabled();
// Wrapper around ::GetProcAddress().
template <typename T>
bool GPA(HMODULE module, const char* function_name, T* function_pointer) {
*function_pointer = reinterpret_cast<T>(::GetProcAddress(module,
if (NULL == *function_pointer) {
UTIL_LOG(LW, (_T("GetProcAddress failed [%s]"), CA2T(function_name)));
return NULL != *function_pointer;
#define GPA_WRAP(module, \
function, \
proto, \
call, \
calling_convention, \
result_type, \
result_error) \
typedef result_type (calling_convention *function##_pointer) proto; \
inline result_type function##Wrap proto { \
HINSTANCE module_instance = ::GetModuleHandle(_T(#module)); \
ASSERT1(module_instance); \
if (!module_instance) { \
return result_error; \
} \
function##_pointer fn = NULL; \
return GPA(module_instance, #function, &fn) ? (*fn) call : result_error; \
(DWORD process_id),
// Private Object Namespaces for Vista and above. More information here:
(LPCWSTR boundary_name, ULONG flags),
(boundary_name, flags),
(HANDLE* boundary_descriptor, PSID required_sid),
(boundary_descriptor, required_sid),
(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES private_namespace_attributes, LPVOID boundary_descriptor, LPCWSTR alias_prefix), // NOLINT
(private_namespace_attributes, boundary_descriptor, alias_prefix),
(LPVOID boundary_descriptor, LPCWSTR alias_prefix),
(boundary_descriptor, alias_prefix),
bool IsPrivateNamespaceAvailable();
HRESULT PinModuleIntoProcess(const CString& module_name);
// Creates a directory with default security.
// S_OK: Created directory
// S_FALSE: Directory already existed
// E_FAIL: Couldn't create
HRESULT CreateDir(const TCHAR* dirname, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attr);
// Gets the path for the specified special folder.
HRESULT GetFolderPath(int csidl, CString* path);
// Returns true if this directory name is 'safe' for deletion:
// - it doesn't contain ".."
// - it doesn't specify a drive root
bool SafeDirectoryNameForDeletion(const TCHAR* dir_name);
// Deletes a directory.
HRESULT DeleteDirectory(const TCHAR* ir_name);
// Deletes all files in a directory.
HRESULT DeleteDirectoryFiles(const TCHAR* dir_name);
// Deletes all files in a directory matching a wildcard.
HRESULT DeleteWildcardFiles(const TCHAR* dir_name, const TCHAR* wildcard_name);
// Deletes either a file or directory before or after reboot.
HRESULT DeleteBeforeOrAfterReboot(const TCHAR* targetname);
// Gets the size of all files in a directory.
// Aborts counting if one of the maximum criteria is reached.
HRESULT SafeGetDirectorySize(const TCHAR* dir_name,
uint64* size,
HANDLE shutdown_event,
uint64 max_size,
int max_depth,
int max_file_count,
int max_running_time_ms);
// Gets size of all files in a directory.
HRESULT GetDirectorySize(const TCHAR* dir_name, uint64* size);
enum TimeCategory {
PAST = 0, // older than 40 years from now
FUTURE, // in the future by > 1 day
TimeCategory GetTimeCategory(time64 t);
// Returns true if a given time is likely to be valid.
bool IsValidTime(time64 t);
// Gets a time64 value.
// If the value is greater than the
// max value, then SetValue will be called using the max_value.
// Args:
// full_key_name: the reg keyto read to get the time value.
// value_name: the name for the reg key value to be read.
// (may be NULL to get the default value)
// max_time: the maximum value for the reg key.
// value: the time value read. May not be set on failure.
// limited_value: true iff will be set if the value was
// changed (and resaved). (NULL is allowable.)
HRESULT GetLimitedTimeValue(const TCHAR* full_key_name,
const TCHAR* value_name,
time64 max_time,
time64* value,
bool* limited_value);
// Gets a time64 value trying reg keys successively if there is a
// failure in getting a value.
// Typically used when there is a user value and a default value if the
// user has none.
// Args:
// full_key_names: a list of reg keys to try successively (starting
// with index 0) to read to get the time value. The
// attempts stops as soon as there is a successful read or
// when all keys have been tried.
// key_names_length: number of keys in full_key_names.
// value_name: the name for the reg key value to be read.
// (may be NULL to get the default value)
// max_time: the maximum value for the reg key.
// value: the time value read. May not be set on failure.
// limited_value: true iff will be set if the value was
// changed (and resaved). (NULL is allowable.)
HRESULT GetLimitedTimeValues(const TCHAR* full_key_names[],
int key_names_length,
const TCHAR* value_name,
time64 max_time,
time64* value,
bool* limited_value);
// Convert milliseconds to a relative time in units of 100ns, suitable for use
// with waitable timers
// TODO(omaha): remove from public interface.
inline void WINAPI NullAPCFunc(ULONG_PTR) {}
// Forces rasman.dll load to avoid a crash in wininet.
void EnsureRasmanLoaded();
// Returns if the HRESULT argument is a COM error
// TODO(omaha): use an ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE to avoid the situation in which the
// macro gets called like RET_IF_FAILED(hr);
// For now, use a quick fix hr -> __hr. Leading underscore names are not to be
// used in application code.
#define RET_IF_FAILED(x) \
do { \
HRESULT __hr(x); \
if (FAILED(__hr)) { \
return __hr; \
} \
} while (false)
// return error if the first argument evaluates to false
#define RET_IF_FALSE(x, err) \
do { \
if (!(x)) { \
return err; \
} \
} while (false)
// return false if the HRESULT argument is a COM error
#define RET_FALSE_IF_FAILED(x) \
do { \
if (FAILED(x)) { \
return false; \
} \
} while (false)
// return true if the HRESULT argument is a COM error
#define RET_TRUE_IF_FAILED(x) \
do { \
if (FAILED(x)) { \
return true; \
} \
} while (false)
// return if the HRESULT argument evaluates to FAILED - but also assert
// if failed
#define RET_IF_FAILED_ASSERT(x, msg) \
do { \
HRESULT hr(x); \
if (FAILED(hr)) { \
ASSERT(false, msg); \
return hr; \
} \
} while (false)
// return if the HRESULT argument evaluates to FAILED - but also log an error
// message if failed
#define RET_IF_FAILED_LOG(x, cat, msg) \
do { \
HRESULT hr(x); \
if (FAILED(hr)) { \
LC_LOG(cat, LEVEL_ERROR, msg); \
return hr; \
} \
} while (false)
// return if the HRESULT argument evaluates to FAILED - but also REPORT an error
// message if failed
#define RET_IF_FAILED_REPORT(x, msg, n) \
do { \
HRESULT hr(x); \
if (FAILED(hr)) { \
REPORT(false, R_ERROR, msg, n); \
return hr; \
} \
} while (false)
// Initializes a POD to zero.
// Using this function requires discipline. Don't use for types that have a
// v-table or virtual bases.
template <typename T>
inline void SetZero(T& p) { // NOLINT
// Guard against the easy mistake of
// foo(int *p) { SetZero(p); } instead of
// SetZero(*p);
// which it should be.
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(p) != sizeof(void*)); // NOLINT
// A POD (plain old data) object has one of these data types:
// a fundamental type, union, struct, array,
// or class--with no constructor. PODs don't have virtual functions or
// virtual bases.
// Test to see if the type has constructors.
union CtorTest {
T t;
int i;
// TODO(omaha): There might be a way to test if the type has virtuals
// For now, if we zero a type with virtuals by mistake, it is going to crash
// predictable at run-time when the virtuals are called.
memset(&p, 0, sizeof(T));
inline void SecureSetZero(CString* p) {
if (!p->IsEmpty()) {
p->GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR));
inline void SecureSetZero(CComVariant* p) {
uint32 byte_len = ::SysStringByteLen(V_BSTR(p));
if (byte_len > 0) {
::SecureZeroMemory(V_BSTR(p), byte_len);
// CreateForegroundParentWindowForUAC creates a WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE with zero
// size, of the STATIC WNDCLASS. It uses the default running EXE module
// handle for creation.
// A visible centered foreground window is needed as the parent in Windows 7 and
// above, to allow the UAC prompt to come up in the foreground, centered.
// Otherwise, the elevation prompt will be minimized on the taskbar. A zero size
// window works. A plain vanilla WS_POPUP allows the window to be free of
// adornments. WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW prevents the task bar from showing the
// zero-sized window.
// Returns NULL on failure. Call ::GetLastError() to get extended error
// information on failure.
inline HWND CreateForegroundParentWindowForUAC() {
CWindow foreground_parent;
if (foreground_parent.Create(_T("STATIC"), NULL, NULL, NULL,
return foreground_parent.Detach();
// TODO(omaha): move the definition and ShellExecuteExEnsureParent function
// below into shell.h
// This value is not defined in the header, but has no effect on older OSes.
#define SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS 0x00800000
// ShellExecuteExEnsureParent is a wrapper around ::ShellExecuteEx.
// It ensures that we always have a parent window. In elevation scenarios, we
// need to use the HWND property to be acknowledged as a foreground application
// on Windows Vista. Otherwise, the elevation prompt will appear minimized on
// the taskbar The UAC elevation mechanism uses the HWND as part of determining
// whether the elevation is a foreground elevation.
// A better place for this might be in the Process class. However, to
// reduce dependencies for the stub, placing this in utils.
// Return values:
// ShellExecuteExEnsureParent returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure.
// Call ::GetLastError() to get the extended error information on failure.
// Args:
// shell_exec_info structure pointer, filled in, with an optional HWND.
// The structure is not validated. If the HWND is NULL, it creates one.
bool ShellExecuteExEnsureParent(LPSHELLEXECUTEINFO shell_exec_info);
// Wait with a message loop.
// Returns true if the wait completed successfully and false in case of an
// error.
// Waits with a message loop until any of the synchronization objects is
// signaled. Return the index of the object that satisfied the wait.
bool WaitWithMessageLoopAny(const std::vector<HANDLE>& handles, uint32* pos);
// Waits with message loop until all the synchronization objects are signaled.
bool WaitWithMessageLoopAll(const std::vector<HANDLE>& handles);
// Waits with message loop until the synchronization object is signaled.
bool WaitWithMessageLoop(HANDLE h);
// Waits with message loop for a certain period of time
bool WaitWithMessageLoopTimed(DWORD ms);
// TODO(omaha): message handler classes should go in other module.
// Handles windows messages
class MessageHandlerInterface {
virtual ~MessageHandlerInterface() {}
// Does the translate/dispatch for one window message
// msg is never NULL.
virtual void Process(MSG* msg) = 0;
// The simplest working implementation of a message handler.
// It does TranslateMessage/DispatchMessage.
class BasicMessageHandler : public MessageHandlerInterface {
BasicMessageHandler() {}
virtual void Process(MSG* msg);
// An internal detail (used to handle messages
// and adjust the handles/cnt as needed).
class MessageHandlerInternalInterface {
virtual ~MessageHandlerInternalInterface() {}
// Does the translate/dispatch for one window message
// msg is never NULL and may change the handles and cnt (which are
// never NULL).
virtual void Process(MSG* msg, const HANDLE** handles, uint32* cnt) = 0;
// The callback for MessageLoopInterface::RegisterWaitForSingleObject
class WaitCallbackInterface {
virtual ~WaitCallbackInterface() {}
// Return false from this method to terminate the message loop.
virtual bool HandleSignaled(HANDLE handle) = 0;
// This is similar to a threadpool interface
// but this is done on the main message loop instead.
// Important: These method calls are *not* threadsafe and
// should only be done on the message loop thread.
class MessageLoopInterface {
virtual ~MessageLoopInterface() {}
// sets-up a callback for when the handle becomes signaled
// * the callback happens on the main thread.
// * the handle/callback is removed when
// the callback is made.
// * If the handle becomes invalid while it is being waited on,
// the message loop will exit.
// * If the handle has already been registered,
// then adding it again will essentially replace the
// previous callback with the new one.
virtual bool RegisterWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE handle,
WaitCallbackInterface* callback) = 0;
// stops watching for the handle to be signaled
virtual bool UnregisterWait(HANDLE handle) = 0;
// An implementation of the MessageLoopInterface
class MessageLoopWithWait : public MessageLoopInterface,
private MessageHandlerInternalInterface {
// This method needs to be called before the "Process()"
// method or else "Process()" will crash.
// Args:
// message_handler: handles any messages that occur
// *Note* It is the callers responsibility to keep
// message_handler around while this class exists
// and the *caller* should free message_handler
// after that.
void set_message_handler(MessageHandlerInterface* message_handler);
// sets-up a callback for when the handle becomes signaled
virtual bool RegisterWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE handle,
WaitCallbackInterface* callback);
// stops watching for the handle to be signaled
virtual bool UnregisterWait(HANDLE handle);
// The message loop and handle callback routine
HRESULT Process();
// Handles one messgae and adjus tthe handles and cnt as appropriate after
// handling the message
virtual void Process(MSG* msg, const HANDLE** handles, uint32* cnt);
void RemoveHandleAt(uint32 pos);
MessageHandlerInterface* message_handler_;
// Handles that are checked for being signaled.
std::vector<HANDLE> callback_handles_;
// What to call when a handle is signaled.
std::vector<WaitCallbackInterface*> callbacks_;
// Calls an entry point that may be exposed from a DLL
// It is an error if the DLL is missing or can't be loaded
// If the entry point is missing the error returned is
// Otherwise, if the function is called successfully then
// CallEntryPoint0 return S_OK and the result parameter is set to the
// return value from the function call.
HRESULT CallEntryPoint0(const TCHAR* dll_path,
const char* function_name,
HRESULT* result);
// (Un)Registers a COM DLL with the system. Returns S_FALSE if entry
// point missing (so that it you can call (Un)RegisterDll on any DLL
// without worrying whether the DLL is actually a COM server or not).
HRESULT RegisterDll(const TCHAR* dll_path);
HRESULT UnregisterDll(const TCHAR* dll_path);
// (Un)Registers a COM Local Server with the system.
HRESULT RegisterServer(const TCHAR* exe_path);
HRESULT UnregisterServer(const TCHAR* exe_path);
HRESULT RegisterOrUnregisterExe(const TCHAR* exe_path, const TCHAR* cmd_line);
// (Un)Registers a COM Service with the system.
HRESULT RegisterService(const TCHAR* exe_path);
HRESULT UnregisterService(const TCHAR* exe_path);
// Starts a service.
HRESULT RunService(const TCHAR* service_name);
// Read an entire file into a memory buffer. Use this function when you need
// exclusive access to the file.
// Returns MEM_E_INVALID_SIZE if the file size is larger than max_len (unless
// max_len == 0, in which case it is ignored)
HRESULT ReadEntireFile(const TCHAR* filepath,
uint32 max_len,
std::vector<byte>* buffer_out);
// Allows specifying a sharing mode such as FILE_SHARE_READ. Otherwise,
// this is identical to ReadEntireFile.
HRESULT ReadEntireFileShareMode(const TCHAR* filepath,
uint32 max_len,
DWORD share_mode,
std::vector<byte>* buffer_out);
// Writes an entire file from a memory buffer
HRESULT WriteEntireFile(const TCHAR * filepath,
const std::vector<byte>& buffer_in);
// Conversions between a byte stream and a std::string
HRESULT BufferToString(const std::vector<byte>& buffer_in, CStringA* str_out);
HRESULT BufferToString(const std::vector<byte>& buffer_in, CString* str_out);
HRESULT StringToBuffer(const CStringA& str_in, std::vector<byte>* buffer_out);
HRESULT StringToBuffer(const CString& str_in, std::vector<byte>* buffer_out);
// Splits a "full regkey name" into a key name part and a value name part.
// Handles "(default)" as a value name. Treats a trailing "/" as "(default)".
HRESULT RegSplitKeyvalueName(const CString& keyvalue_name,
CString* key_name,
CString* value_name);
// Expands string with embedded special variables which are enclosed
// in '%' pair. For example, "%PROGRAMFILES%\Google" expands to
// "C:\Program Files\Google".
// If any of the embedded variable can not be expanded, we will leave it intact
HRESULT ExpandEnvLikeStrings(const TCHAR* src,
const std::map<CString, CString>& keywords,
CString* dest);
// Returns true if the path represents a registry path.
bool IsRegistryPath(const TCHAR* path);
// Returns true if the path is a URL.
bool IsUrl(const TCHAR* path);
// Converts GUID to string.
CString GuidToString(const GUID& guid);
// Converts string to GUID.
GUID StringToGuid(const CString& str);
// Converts a variant containing a list of strings.
void VariantToStringList(VARIANT var, std::vector<CString>* list);
// Appends two registry key paths, takes care of extra separators in the
// beginning or end of the key.
CString AppendRegKeyPath(const CString& one, const CString& two);
CString AppendRegKeyPath(const CString& one,
const CString& two,
const CString& three);
// Returns the list of user keys that are present within the HKEY_USERS key
// the method only returns the keys of the users and takes care of,
// removing the well known sids. The returned values are the complete values
// from the root of the registry
HRESULT GetUserKeysFromHkeyUsers(std::vector<CString>* key_names);
// Use when a function should be able to
// be replaced with another implementation. Usually,
// this is done for testing code only.
// Typical usage:
// typedef bool BoolPreferenceFunctionType();
// CallInterceptor<BoolPreferenceFunctionType> should_send_stats_interceptor;
// BoolPreferenceFunctionType* ReplaceShouldSendStatsFunction(
// BoolPreferenceFunctionType* replacement) {
// return should_send_stats_interceptor.ReplaceFunction(replacement);
// }
template <typename R>
class CallInterceptor {
CallInterceptor() {
interceptor_ = NULL;
R* ReplaceFunction(R* replacement) {
R* old = interceptor_;
interceptor_ = replacement;
return old;
R* interceptor() {
return interceptor_;
R* interceptor_;
// Gets a handle of the current process. The handle is a real handle
// and the caller must close it
HRESULT GetCurrentProcessHandle(HANDLE* handle);
// Helper class for an ATL module that registers a custom AccessPermission
// to allow local calls from interactive users and the system account.
// Derive from this class as well as CAtlModuleT (or a derivative).
// Override RegisterAppId() and UnregisterAppId(), and delegate to the
// corresponding functions in this class.
template <class T>
class LocalCallAccessPermissionHelper {
HRESULT RegisterAppId() throw() {
// Local call permissions allowed for Interactive Users and Local System
UTIL_LOG(L1, (_T("[LocalCallAccessPermissionHelper::RegisterAppId]")));
// First call the base ATL module implementation, so the AppId is registered
// Next, write the AccessPermission value
RegKey key_app_id;
RegKey key;
RET_IF_FAILED(key.Create(key_app_id.Key(), T::GetAppIdT()));
CSecurityDesc sd;
reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(sd.GetPSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR()),
UTIL_LOG(L1, (_T("[LocalCallAccessPermissionHelper::RegisterAppId]")
return S_OK;
HRESULT UnregisterAppId() throw() {
// First remove the AccesPermission entry.
RegKey key_app_id;
RegKey key;
RET_IF_FAILED(key.Open(key_app_id.Key(), T::GetAppIdT(), KEY_WRITE));
// Now, call the base ATL module implementation to unregister the AppId
UTIL_LOG(L1, (_T("[LocalCallAccessPermissionHelper::UnregisterAppId'")
return S_OK;
// Returns true if the argument is a guid.
inline bool IsGuid(const TCHAR* s) {
if (!s) return false;
GUID guid = {0};
return SUCCEEDED(::CLSIDFromString(const_cast<TCHAR*>(s), &guid));
inline bool IsLocalSystemSid(const TCHAR* sid) {
return _tcsicmp(sid, kLocalSystemSid) == 0;
// Fills a buffer with cryptographically random bytes.
bool GenRandom(void* buffer, size_t buffer_length);
// Deletes an object. The functor is useful in for_each algorithms.
struct DeleteFun {
template <class T> void operator()(T ptr) { delete ptr; }
// Sets or clears the specified value in the Run key to the specified command.
HRESULT ConfigureRunAtStartup(const CString& root_key_name,
const CString& run_value_name,
const CString& command,
bool install);
// Cracks a command line and returns the program name, which is the first
// whitespace separated token.
HRESULT GetExePathFromCommandLine(const TCHAR* command_line,
CString* exe_path);
// Waits for MSI to complete, if MSI is busy installing or uninstalling apps.
HRESULT WaitForMSIExecute(int timeout_ms);
// Returns the value of the specified environment variable.
CString GetEnvironmentVariableAsString(const TCHAR* name);
// Returns true if the OS is installing (e.g., at an OEM factory).
bool IsWindowsInstalling();
} // namespace omaha