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// Copyright 2005-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// ========================================================================
// xml_utils.h
// Utilities for working with XML files via MSXML.
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <msxml.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace omaha {
// Creates a DOMDocument that disallows external definitions to be included and
// resolved as part of the XML document stream at parse time.
HRESULT CoCreateSafeDOMDocument(IXMLDOMDocument** my_xmldoc);
// xmlfile can be any specified encoding.
HRESULT LoadXMLFromFile(const TCHAR* xmlfile,
bool preserve_whitespace,
IXMLDOMDocument** xmldoc);
// xmlstring must be UTF-16 or UCS-2.
HRESULT LoadXMLFromMemory(const TCHAR* xmlstring,
bool preserve_whitespace,
IXMLDOMDocument** xmldoc);
// xmldata can be any raw data supported by xml parser
HRESULT LoadXMLFromRawData(const std::vector<byte>& xmldata,
bool preserve_whitespace,
IXMLDOMDocument** xmldoc);
// xmlfile is in encoding specified in the XML document.
HRESULT SaveXMLToFile(IXMLDOMDocument* xmldoc, const TCHAR * xmlfile);
// xmlstring is in UCS-2
HRESULT SaveXMLToMemory(IXMLDOMDocument* xmldoc, CString* xmlstring);
// Canonicalizes the XML string so you can compute a signature on it.
// This is not the official canonicalization but a cheaper scheme which
// depends on the whitespace stripping capability of MSXML.
// xmlstring is in UTF-16 or UCS-2
HRESULT CanonicalizeXML(const TCHAR* xmlstring, CString* canonical_xmlstring);
// Dealing with element/attribute names: the combination of a base name
// and a namespace URI is a fully-qualified XML name, or: XMLFQName.
// We can't just typedef a std::pair because we need proper comparison operators
// in case we want to stick a XMLFQName into a standard collection.
struct XMLFQName {
XMLFQName(const TCHAR* u, const TCHAR* b);
CString uri;
CString base;
bool operator==(const XMLFQName& u, const XMLFQName& v);
bool operator!=(const XMLFQName& u, const XMLFQName& v);
bool operator< (const XMLFQName& u, const XMLFQName& v);
bool operator> (const XMLFQName& u, const XMLFQName& v);
bool operator<=(const XMLFQName& u, const XMLFQName& v);
bool operator>=(const XMLFQName& u, const XMLFQName& v);
bool EqualXMLName(const XMLFQName& u, const XMLFQName& v);
bool EqualXMLName(IXMLDOMNode* pnode, const XMLFQName& u);
bool EqualXMLName(const XMLFQName& u, IXMLDOMNode* pnode);
// Returns the FQ name from the node.
HRESULT GetXMLFQName(IXMLDOMNode* node, XMLFQName* name);
// Returns a string version of an XMLFQName suitable for debugging use.
CString XMLFQNameToString(const XMLFQName& fqname);
// Returns a string version of a node's name suitable for debugging use.
CString NodeToString(IXMLDOMNode* pnode);
// Routines for dealing with fragments of DOM trees.
// Creates an XMLDOMNode of the given type with a given name and optional text.
HRESULT CreateXMLNode(IXMLDOMDocument* xmldoc,
int node_type,
const TCHAR* node_name,
const TCHAR* namespace_uri,
const TCHAR* text,
IXMLDOMNode** node_out);
// Adds newchild as a child node of xmlnode after all existing children.
HRESULT AppendXMLNode(IXMLDOMNode* xmlnode, IXMLDOMNode* new_child);
// Adds text as a child node of xmlnode after all existing children.
HRESULT AppendXMLNode(IXMLDOMNode* xmlnode, const TCHAR* text);
// Adds newchild as an attribute node of xmlnode replacing existing
// attribute with same name.
HRESULT AddXMLAttributeNode(IXMLDOMNode* xmlnode, IXMLDOMAttribute* new_child);
// Adds name/value pair as an attribute node of xmlnode replacing
// existing attribute with same name.
HRESULT AddXMLAttributeNode(IXMLDOMElement* xmlelement,
const TCHAR* attribute_name,
const TCHAR* attribute_value);
// Adds name/value pair as an attribute node of xmlnode replacing
// existing attribute with same name.
// Can add attributes to nodes other than IXMLDOMElement.
// Can add attributes with non-null namespaces.
HRESULT AddXMLAttributeNode(IXMLDOMNode* xmlnode,
const TCHAR* attribute_namespace,
const TCHAR* attribute_name,
const TCHAR* attribute_value);
// Removes all children of the given node that have the specified name.
HRESULT RemoveXMLChildrenByName(IXMLDOMNode* xmlnode, const XMLFQName& name);
// Gets a child of a given node by name
HRESULT GetXMLChildByName(IXMLDOMElement* xmlnode,
const TCHAR* child_name,
IXMLDOMNode** xmlchild);
// Adds newchild as a child node of xmlnode, before the exiting
// child item_number.
HRESULT InsertXMLBeforeItem(IXMLDOMNode* xmlnode,
IXMLDOMNode* new_child,
size_t item_number);
// Gets parse error information after a failed load.
HRESULT GetXMLParseError(IXMLDOMDocument* xmldoc,
IXMLDOMParseError** parse_error);
// Interprets parse error.
HRESULT InterpretXMLParseError(IXMLDOMParseError* parse_error,
HRESULT* error_code,
CString* message);
// Gets the number of children of this node.
HRESULT GetNumChildren(IXMLDOMNode* pnode, int* num_children);
// Gets the number of attributes of this node.
int GetNumAttributes(IXMLDOMNode* pnode);
// Maps over a list of XML DOM nodes of some kind, executing a function
// against each attribute in the list. Passes a cookie along to each
// function call useful for accumulating results.
// Template class List is usually a IXMLDOMNodeList or a IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap.
template <class List, class Cookie>
HRESULT ForEachNodeInList(List list,
HRESULT (*fun)(CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode>, Cookie),
Cookie cookie) {
ASSERT1(list); // List assumed to be a pointer type or smart pointer type
long len = 0; // NOLINT
for (long i = 0; i != len; ++i) { // NOLINT
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pnode;
RET_IF_FAILED(list->get_item(i, &pnode));
RET_IF_FAILED(fun(pnode, cookie));
return S_OK;
// Maps over the attributes of a node, executing a function against each
// attribute. Passes a cookie along to each function call.
template <typename Cookie>
HRESULT ForEachAttribute(CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pnode,
HRESULT (*fun)(CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode>, Cookie),
Cookie cookie) {
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> attr_list;
RET_IF_FAILED(ForEachNodeInList(attr_list, fun, cookie));
return S_OK;
// Maps over the children nodes of a node, executing a function against
// each child node. Passes a cookie along to each function call.
template <typename Cookie>
HRESULT ForEachChildNode(CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pnode,
HRESULT (*fun)(CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode>, Cookie),
Cookie cookie) {
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> child_list;
RET_IF_FAILED(ForEachNodeInList(child_list, fun, cookie));
return S_OK;
} // namespace omaha