blob: 8e0edb5c3c61f02572404e26d6672543a3cb2102 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// update_response_data.h: The app/component data for a response including what
// to download, how big it is, hash, etc..
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "omaha/common/browser_utils.h"
namespace omaha {
// key=IndexString, value=InstallDataString.
typedef std::map<CString, CString> InstallDataMap;
// Represents the values that are used by the application to indicate its
// requirement for admin.
enum NeedsAdmin {
NEEDS_ADMIN_YES = 0, // The application will install machine-wide.
NEEDS_ADMIN_NO, // The application will install per user.
// What Omaha should do on successful installation.
enum SuccessfulInstallAction {
// Represents the information that is parsed from the response returned by
// the server. The class also represents the information that is parsed
// from the manifest that is downloaded as part of the meta-installer.
// The UpdateResponseData contains this information for one app or a component.
// For an entire product, the UpdateResponse will contain a hierarchy of these,
// one for the main app and for each component.
class UpdateResponseData {
: size_(0),
success_action_(SUCCESS_ACTION_DEFAULT) {
// Getters and setters for the private members.
CString url() const { return url_; }
void set_url(const CString& url) { url_ = url; }
int size() const { return size_; }
void set_size(const int& size) { size_ = size; }
CString hash() const { return hash_; }
void set_hash(const CString& hash) { hash_ = hash; }
NeedsAdmin needs_admin() const { return needs_admin_; }
void set_needs_admin(const NeedsAdmin& needs_admin) {
needs_admin_ = needs_admin;
CString arguments() const { return arguments_; }
void set_arguments(const CString& arguments) { arguments_ = arguments; }
GUID guid() const { return guid_; }
void set_guid(const GUID& guid) { guid_ = guid; }
CString app_name() const { return app_name_; }
void set_app_name(const CString& app_name) { app_name_ = app_name; }
CString language() const { return language_; }
void set_language(const CString& language) { language_ = language; }
CString status() const { return status_; }
void set_status(const CString& status) { status_ = status; }
GUID installation_id() const { return installation_id_; }
void set_installation_id(const GUID& installation_id) {
installation_id_ = installation_id;
CString ap() const { return ap_; }
void set_ap(const CString& ap) { ap_ = ap; }
CString tt_token() const { return tt_token_; }
void set_tt_token(const CString& tt_token) { tt_token_ = tt_token; }
CString success_url() const { return success_url_; }
void set_success_url(const CString& success_url) {
success_url_ = success_url;
CString error_url() const { return error_url_; }
void set_error_url(const CString& error_url) {
error_url_ = error_url;
BrowserType browser_type() const { return browser_type_; }
void set_browser_type(BrowserType type) {
browser_type_ = type;
bool terminate_all_browsers() const { return terminate_all_browsers_; }
void set_terminate_all_browsers(bool terminate_all) {
terminate_all_browsers_ = terminate_all;
SuccessfulInstallAction success_action() const { return success_action_; }
void set_success_action(SuccessfulInstallAction success_action) {
success_action_ = success_action;
CString version() const { return version_; }
void set_version(const CString& version) { version_ = version; }
CString GetInstallData(const CString& index) const {
InstallDataMap::const_iterator iter = install_data_.find(index);
if (iter == install_data_.end()) {
return CString();
return iter->second;
void SetInstallData(const CString& index, const CString& value) {
ASSERT1(install_data_.find(index) == install_data_.end());
install_data_[index] = value;
CString url_; // The url for the application installer.
int size_; // The size of the download.
CString hash_; // The 160bit SHA1 hash of the downloaded file.
NeedsAdmin needs_admin_; // If the application needs admin to install.
CString arguments_; // Arguments for application installation.
GUID guid_; // Uniquely represents the application.
// Remove these 5 members when legacy support is removed.
CString app_name_; // Application name for display.
CString language_; // The language for this application.
GUID installation_id_; // Uniquely represents this install.
CString ap_; // ap value to be set in the registry.
BrowserType browser_type_; // Browser to launch.
// The status of the response. There needs to be a protocol established
// between the server and client to determine what the action should be
// on downloading the application installer.
CString status_;
CString tt_token_; // TT value to be set in the registry.
CString success_url_; // URL to launch the browser on success.
CString error_url_; // URL describing error.
bool terminate_all_browsers_; // Whether to restart all browsers.
SuccessfulInstallAction success_action_; // Action after install success.
CString version_; // The version of the application itself.
InstallDataMap install_data_; // Written to a file and passed as argument to
// app installer.
struct GuidComparer : public std::less<GUID> {
bool operator()(const GUID& lhs, const GUID& rhs) const {
CString lhs_guid_str = GuidToString(lhs);
CString rhs_guid_str = GuidToString(rhs);
return (_tcsicmp(lhs_guid_str, rhs_guid_str) < 0);
// Represent the list of requests and responses that are used to communicate
// with the AU server.
typedef std::map<GUID, UpdateResponseData, GuidComparer> UpdateResponseDatas;
} // namespace omaha