blob: ee104f069d11b18aa38f0a2d203d1fc6116aa84b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2005-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// The configuration manager that is used to provide the locations of the
// directory and the registration entries that are to be used by goopdate.
// TODO(omaha): consider removing some of the functions below and have a
// parameter is_machine instead. This is consistent with the rest of the code
// and it reduces the number of functions in the public interface.
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "omaha/common/constants.h"
#include "omaha/common/synchronized.h"
namespace omaha {
class ConfigManager {
const TCHAR* user_registry_clients() const { return USER_REG_CLIENTS; }
const TCHAR* user_registry_clients_goopdate() const {
const TCHAR* user_registry_client_state() const {
const TCHAR* user_registry_client_state_goopdate() const {
const TCHAR* user_registry_update() const { return USER_REG_UPDATE; }
const TCHAR* user_registry_google() const { return USER_REG_GOOGLE; }
const TCHAR* machine_registry_clients() const { return MACHINE_REG_CLIENTS; }
const TCHAR* machine_registry_clients_goopdate() const {
const TCHAR* machine_registry_client_state() const {
const TCHAR* machine_registry_client_state_goopdate() const {
const TCHAR* machine_registry_client_state_medium() const {
const TCHAR* machine_registry_update() const { return MACHINE_REG_UPDATE; }
const TCHAR* machine_registry_google() const { return MACHINE_REG_GOOGLE; }
const TCHAR* registry_clients(bool is_machine) const {
return is_machine ? machine_registry_clients() : user_registry_clients();
const TCHAR* registry_clients_goopdate(bool is_machine) const {
return is_machine ? machine_registry_clients_goopdate() :
const TCHAR* registry_client_state(bool is_machine) const {
return is_machine ? machine_registry_client_state() :
const TCHAR* registry_client_state_goopdate(bool is_machine) const {
return is_machine ? machine_registry_client_state_goopdate() :
const TCHAR* registry_update(bool is_machine) const {
return is_machine ? machine_registry_update() : user_registry_update();
const TCHAR* registry_google(bool is_machine) const {
return is_machine ? machine_registry_google() : user_registry_google();
// Gets the temporary download dir for the current thread token:
// %UserProfile%/AppData/Local/Temp/Downloads
CString GetTempDownloadDir() const;
// Creates download data dir:
// %UserProfile%/Application Data/Google/Update/Downloads
CString GetUserDownloadStorageDir() const;
// Creates offline data dir:
// %UserProfile%/Application Data/Google/Update/Offline
CString GetUserOfflineStorageDir() const;
// Creates initial manifest download dir:
// %UserProfile%/Application Data/Google/Update/Manifests/Initial
CString GetUserInitialManifestStorageDir() const;
// Creates goopdate install dir:
// %UserProfile%/Application Data/Google/Update
CString GetUserGoopdateInstallDir() const;
// Checks if the running program is executing from the User Goopdate dir.
bool IsRunningFromUserGoopdateInstallDir() const;
// Creates crash reports dir:
// %UserProfile%/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/CrashReports
CString GetUserCrashReportsDir() const;
// Creates crash reports dir: %ProgramFiles%/Google/CrashReports
CString GetMachineCrashReportsDir() const;
// TODO(omaha): this is legacy Omaha1. Remove later.
// Creates machine download data dir:
// %All Users%/Google/Update/Downloads
// This is the directory where all the machine downloads are initially
// downloaded to. This is needed as the download could have occured as
// a user who does not have permission to the machine download location.
CString GetMachineDownloadStorageDir() const;
// Creates machine download data dir:
// %ProgramFiles%/Google/Update/Downloads
// This is the directory where the installs for machine goopdate are copied
// to once the download has succeeded.
CString GetMachineSecureDownloadStorageDir() const;
// Creates machine offline data dir:
// %ProgramFiles%/Google/Update/Offline
CString GetMachineSecureOfflineStorageDir() const;
// Creates machine Gogole Update install dir:
// %ProgramFiles%/Google/Update
CString GetMachineGoopdateInstallDir() const;
// Checks if the running program is executing from the User Goopdate dir.
bool IsRunningFromMachineGoopdateInstallDir() const;
// Returns the service endpoint where the install/update/uninstall pings
// are being sent.
HRESULT GetPingUrl(CString* url) const;
// Returns the service endpoint where the manifest requests and update
// checks are being sent.
HRESULT GetUpdateCheckUrl(CString* url) const;
// Returns the time interval between update checks in seconds.
// 0 indicates updates are disabled.
int GetLastCheckPeriodSec(bool* is_overridden) const;
// Returns the number of seconds since the last successful update check.
int GetTimeSinceLastCheckedSec(bool is_machine) const;
// Gets and sets the last time a successful server update check was made.
DWORD GetLastCheckedTime(bool is_machine) const;
HRESULT SetLastCheckedTime(bool is_machine, DWORD time) const;
// Checks registry to see if user has enabled us to collect anonymous
// usage stats.
bool CanCollectStats(bool is_machine) const;
// Returns true if over-installing with the same version is allowed.
bool CanOverInstall() const;
// Returns the Autoupdate timer interval. This is the frequency of the
// auto update timer run by the core.
int GetAutoUpdateTimerIntervalMs() const;
// Returns the wait time in ms to start the first worker.
int GetUpdateWorkerStartUpDelayMs() const;
// Returns the Code Red timer interval. This is the frequency of the
// code red timer run by the core.
int GetCodeRedTimerIntervalMs() const;
// Returns true if event logging to the Windows Event Log is enabled.
bool CanLogEvents(WORD event_type) const;
// Retrieves TestSource which is to be set on dev, qa, and prober machines.
CString GetTestSource() const;
// Returns true if it is okay to do update checks and send pings.
bool CanUseNetwork(bool is_machine) const;
// Returns true if running in the context of an OEM install.
// !CanUseNetwork() may be more appropriate.
bool IsOemInstalling(bool is_machine) const;
// Returns true if running in Windows Audit mode (OEM install).
// USE IsOemInstalling() INSTEAD in most cases.
bool IsWindowsInstalling() const;
// Returns true if the user is considered a Googler.
bool IsGoogler() const;
// Returns true if installation of the specified app is allowed.
bool CanInstallApp(const GUID& app_guid) const;
// Returns true if updates are allowed for the specified app.
bool CanUpdateApp(const GUID& app_guid, bool is_manual) const;
// Gets the current name, say "GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore", of the
// GoogleUpdateCore scheduled task, either from the registry, or a default
// value if there is no registration.
static CString GetCurrentTaskNameCore(bool is_machine);
// Creates a unique name, say "GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore1c9b3d6baf90df3", of
// the GoogleUpdateCore scheduled task, and stores it in the registry.
// Subsequent invocations of GetCurrentTaskNameCore() will return this new
// value.
static HRESULT CreateAndSetVersionedTaskNameCoreInRegistry(bool machine);
// Gets the current name, say "GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA", of the
// GoogleUpdateUA scheduled task, either from the registry, or a default value
// if there is no registration.
static CString GetCurrentTaskNameUA(bool is_machine);
// Creates a unique name, say "GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA1c9b3d6baf90df3", of
// the GoogleUpdateUA scheduled task, and stores it in the registry.
// Subsequent invocations of GetCurrentTaskNameUA() will return this new
// value.
static HRESULT CreateAndSetVersionedTaskNameUAInRegistry(bool machine);
// Gets the current name, say "gupdate", of the goopdate system service,
// either from the registry, or a default value if there is no registration.
static CString GetCurrentServiceName();
// Gets the current name and description of goopdate service.
static CString GetCurrentServiceDisplayName();
// Creates a unique versioned string and sets the version of goopdate service
// in the registry. Subsequent invocations of GetCurrentServiceName() will
// return this new value.
static HRESULT CreateAndSetVersionedServiceNameInRegistry();
// Returns the network configuration override as a string.
static HRESULT GetNetConfig(CString* configuration_override);
// Gets the time when Goopdate was last updated or installed.
static DWORD GetInstallTime(bool is_machine);
// Returns true if it has been more than 24 hours since Goopdate was updated
// or installed.
static bool Is24HoursSinceInstall(bool is_machine);
static ConfigManager* Instance();
static void DeleteInstance();
ConfigManager() {}
static LLock lock_;
static ConfigManager* config_manager_;
} // namespace omaha