blob: 059dec137e0c99c623329ae57f6d8dfba85a240f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007-2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// Declares the Goopdate XML parser. This XML schema is used in the following:
// 1. Creating update pings.
// 2. Parsing update responses.
// 3. Parsing the Install manifest.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "omaha/goopdate/goopdate_utils.h"
#include "omaha/goopdate/request.h"
#include "omaha/goopdate/update_response.h"
namespace omaha {
const int kInvalidId = -1;
// name and value of an element or attribute, used in internal loops.
typedef std::pair<CString, CString> XMLNameValuePair;
// Reader/writer for the Update request. The class is a simple wrapper on
// top of XML DOM. The class performs validation of the response schema,
// without calling into the xml schema validation of DOM.
class GoopdateXmlParser {
// Parses the manifest file.
static HRESULT ParseManifestFile(const CString& file_name,
UpdateResponses* responses);
// Parses the manifest.
static HRESULT ParseManifestBytes(const std::vector<byte>& manifest_bytes,
UpdateResponses* responses);
// Generates the update request from the request node.
static HRESULT GenerateRequest(const Request& request,
bool is_update_check,
CString* request_string);
// Loads an XML file into memory.
static HRESULT LoadXmlFileToMemory(const CString& file_name,
std::vector<byte>* buffer);
// Reads the protocol version of the xml file.
static HRESULT GetProtocolVersion(IXMLDOMElement* document_element,
CString* version);
// Reads the app elements into individual UpdateResponse elements
// and adds them to responses.
static HRESULT ReadUpdateResponses(IXMLDOMNode* gupdate,
UpdateResponses* responses);
// Reads the UpdateResponse element.
static HRESULT ReadUpdateResponse(IXMLDOMNode* app,
UpdateResponse* response);
// Reads the components section of a response.
static HRESULT ReadComponentsResponses(IXMLDOMNode* node,
UpdateResponse* response);
// Reads an individual component of a response.
static HRESULT ReadComponentResponseData(IXMLDOMNode* node,
UpdateResponseData* response_data);
// Reads the install elements into individual UpdateResponse elements
// and adds them to responses.
static HRESULT ReadSeedInstalls(IXMLDOMNode* gupdate,
UpdateResponses* responses);
// Reads the InstallsElement.
static HRESULT ReadInstallElement(IXMLDOMNode* node,
UpdateResponseData* response_data);
// Reads the attributes that must be in an install node.
static HRESULT ReadRequiredInstallAttributes(
IXMLDOMNode* node,
UpdateResponseData* response_data);
// Reads the attributes that are optional in an install node.
static HRESULT ReadOptionalInstallAttributes(
IXMLDOMNode* node,
UpdateResponseData* response_data);
// Reads the string value, either TEXT or CDATA, within the given node.
static HRESULT ReadStringValue(IXMLDOMNode* node, CString* value);
// Reads an attribute, given the node and the name of the attribute.
static HRESULT ReadAttribute(IXMLDOMNode* node, const TCHAR* attr_name,
BSTR* value);
// Reads and parses an attribute that contains a boolean value.
static HRESULT ReadBooleanAttribute(IXMLDOMNode* node,
const TCHAR* attr_name,
bool* value);
// Reads an attribute that contains a guid.
static HRESULT ReadGuidAttribute(IXMLDOMNode* node,
const TCHAR* attr_name,
GUID* value);
// Reads a string attribute given the node and the attribute name.
static HRESULT ReadStringAttribute(IXMLDOMNode* node,
const TCHAR* attr_name,
CString* value);
// Reads an int attribute given the node and the attribute name.
static HRESULT ReadIntAttribute(IXMLDOMNode* node,
const TCHAR* attr_name,
int* value);
// creates an element in the request namespace
static HRESULT CreateRequestElement(const TCHAR* xml_element_name,
const CString& value,
IXMLDOMDocument* document,
IXMLDOMNode** request_element);
// Creates an element in the request namespace and adds it to parent
static HRESULT CreateAndAddRequestElement(const TCHAR* xml_element_name,
const CString& value,
IXMLDOMDocument* document,
IXMLDOMNode* parent);
// Converts a string to the SuccessfulInstallAction enum.
static SuccessfulInstallAction ConvertStringToSuccessAction(
const CString& text);
// Adds the attributes to the node.
static HRESULT AddAttributesToNode(
const CString& namespace_uri,
const std::vector<XMLNameValuePair>& attributes,
IXMLDOMNode* element);
// Verifies that document element's version is compatible.
static HRESULT VerifyElementProtocolCompatibility(
IXMLDOMElement* document_element,
const CString& expected_version);
// Verifies that the versions are compatible.
static HRESULT VerifyProtocolCompatibility(const CString& actual_version,
const CString& expected_version);
// Verifies that the response node name and version are valid.
static HRESULT ValidateResponseElement(IXMLDOMElement* document_element);
// Parses the manifest.
static HRESULT ParseManifest(IXMLDOMElement* manifest,
UpdateResponses* responses);
// Verify that the protocol version is between the versions.
static HRESULT VerifyProtocolRange(const CString& actual_ver,
const CString& start_ver,
const CString& end_ver);
static HRESULT ReadTimeSinceMidnightSec(IXMLDOMNode* node,
int* time_since_midnight_sec);
// Helper for CreateUpdateAppRequestElement and CreatePingAppRequestElement.
static HRESULT CreateAppRequestElementHelper(const AppRequest& app_request,
IXMLDOMDocument* document,
IXMLDOMNode** app_element);
// Creates the main app element, including the update element, and all its
// children.
static HRESULT CreateUpdateAppRequestElement(const AppRequest& app_request,
IXMLDOMDocument* document,
IXMLDOMNode** app_element);
// Creates the main app element, including the ping element, and all its
// children.
static HRESULT CreatePingAppRequestElement(const AppRequest& app_request,
IXMLDOMDocument* document,
IXMLDOMNode** app_element);
static CString seed_protocol_version;
friend class GoopdateXmlParserTest;
} // namespace omaha