blob: d05dbf4e5ab5702b97dd2baf3a378cc7810949f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007-2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// Goopdate constants - Reduces dependencies on goopdate.h for names that
// are needed outside Goopdate.
// TODO(omaha): it appears that the string constants below are not
// optimized out the program image even if not used. Figure out why they still
// show up in the tiny shell in optimized builds.
#include <tchar.h>
#include "omaha/base/constants.h"
// TODO(omaha3): Many of these values are specific to the COM server and a few
// may apply to the client. Move most of them to the goopdate directory.
namespace omaha {
enum ActiveStates {
// Specifies what Omaha should do on successful installation.
enum SuccessfulInstallAction {
// Specifies the type of result the app installer returned.
enum InstallerResultType {
// The enumeration of the events. Some of the events are used in IPC,
// these are named events, the rest are not named. Of the named events there
// are two types the global and the local events.
// Global Events:
// The events which are global are indicated with the Global suffix in the
// enum. These events have the Global prefix attached to the event name and
// are used for IPC across terminal server sessions, these events are used
// as barriers, i.e. all waiting threads are release on these events.
// Local Events:
// The local counter parts of these events have the Local prefix attached
// to their names, and dont have any suffix in the enum names. The local events
// are used to release only one thread, this works as we know that there is
// only one user goopdate process in a user session and one machine goopdate.
// The local events also have the user sid added to the event name. This is to
// work around a bug in win2K and on XP where in case of TS, the event names
// will collide, inspite of the name changes.
enum GoopdateEvents {
EVENT_LEGACY_QUIET_MODE, // Only used to shut down pre-i18n goopdates.
// Represents the values that are used by the application to indicate its
// requirement for admin.
enum NeedsAdmin {
NEEDS_ADMIN_NO = 0, // The application will install per user.
NEEDS_ADMIN_YES, // The application will install machine-wide.
NEEDS_ADMIN_PREFERS, // The application will install machine-wide if
// permissions allow, else will install per-user.
// Using extern or intern linkage for these strings yields the same code size
// for the executable DLL.
// The string representation of the NeedsAdmin enum as specified in the tag or
// command line. This is eventually parsed into the needs_admin member of
// CommandLineAppArgs.
const TCHAR* const kNeedsAdminNo = _T("&needsadmin=false");
const TCHAR* const kNeedsAdminYes = _T("&needsadmin=true");
const TCHAR* const kNeedsAdminPrefers = _T("&needsadmin=prefers");
// Environment variable inherited by an installer child process that indicates
// whether GoogleUpdate is running as user or machine.
const TCHAR* const kEnvVariableIsMachine = APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T("IsMachine");
// Registry values read from the Clients key for transmitting custom install
// errors, messages, etc. On an update, the InstallerXXX values are renamed to
// LastInstallerXXX values. The LastInstallerXXX values remain around until the
// next update.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueInstallerResult = _T("InstallerResult");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueInstallerError = _T("InstallerError");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueInstallerExtraCode1 = _T("InstallerExtraCode1");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueInstallerResultUIString =
const TCHAR* const kRegValueInstallerSuccessLaunchCmdLine =
const TCHAR* const kRegValueLastInstallerResult =
const TCHAR* const kRegValueLastInstallerError =
const TCHAR* const kRegValueLastInstallerExtraCode1 =
const TCHAR* const kRegValueLastInstallerResultUIString =
const TCHAR* const kRegValueLastInstallerSuccessLaunchCmdLine =
// Registry subkey in an app's Clients key that contains its commands.
const TCHAR* const kCommandsRegKeyName = _T("Commands");
// Registry values read from the Clients commands key.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueCommandLine = _T("CommandLine");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueSendsPings = _T("SendsPings");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueWebAccessible = _T("WebAccessible");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueReportingId = _T("ReportingId");
// Registry value in an app's Clients key that contains a registration update
// hook CLSID.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueUpdateHookClsid = _T("RegistrationUpdateHook");
// Registry values read from the Clients key and stored in the ClientState key.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueLanguage = _T("lang");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueAppName = _T("name");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueProductVersion = _T("pv");
// Registry values stored in the ClientState key.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueAdditionalParams = _T("ap");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueBrandCode = _T("brand");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueBrowser = _T("browser");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueClientId = _T("client");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueDidRun = _T("dr");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueExperimentLabels = _T("experiment_labels");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueInstallationId = _T("iid");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueOemInstall = _T("oeminstall");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueReferralId = _T("referral");
// This two registries hold client UTC timestamp of server's midnight of the day
// that last active ping/roll call happened.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueActivePingDayStartSec = _T("ActivePingDayStartSec");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueRollCallDayStartSec = _T("RollCallDayStartSec");
// Registry values stored in the ClientState key related to Omaha's actions.
// A "successful check" means "noupdate" received from the server or an update
// was successfully applied.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueInstallTimeSec = _T("InstallTime");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueLastSuccessfulCheckSec = _T("LastCheckSuccess");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueLastUpdateTimeSec = _T("UpdateTime");
// Registry values stored in the ClientState or ClientStateMedium keys.
// Use accessor methods rather than reading them directly.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueEulaAccepted = _T("eulaaccepted");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueUsageStats = _T("usagestats");
// Registry values stored in the ClientState key for Omaha's internal use.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueTTToken = _T("tttoken");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueUpdateAvailableCount = _T("UpdateAvailableCount");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueUpdateAvailableSince = _T("UpdateAvailableSince");
// Registry values stored in the Update key.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueDelayOmahaUninstall = _T("DelayUninstall");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueOmahaEulaAccepted = _T("eulaaccepted");
// TODO(omaha3): Consider renaming these if there is not a upgrade problem.
// If we can't consider moving all "gupdate" values to the customization file.
const TCHAR* const kRegValueServiceName = _T("omaha_service_name");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueMediumServiceName = _T("omaham_service_name");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueTaskNameC = _T("omaha_task_name_c");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueTaskNameUA = _T("omaha_task_name_ua");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueLastChecked = _T("LastChecked");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueOemInstallTimeSec = _T("OemInstallTime");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueCacheSizeLimitMBytes = _T("PackageCacheSizeLimit");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueCacheLifeLimitDays = _T("PackageCacheLifeLimit");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueInstalledPath = _T("path");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueUserId = _T("uid");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueSelfUpdateExtraCode1 = _T("UpdateCode1");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueSelfUpdateErrorCode = _T("UpdateError");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueSelfUpdateVersion = _T("UpdateVersion");
const TCHAR* const kRegValueInstalledVersion = _T("version");
// TODO(omaha3): Consider moving all "gupdate" values to the customization file.
// Use a non-gupdate name for the new medium service.
const TCHAR* const kServicePrefix = _T("omaha");
const TCHAR* const kMediumServicePrefix = _T("omaham");
const TCHAR* const kScheduledTaskNameUserPrefix =
const TCHAR* const kScheduledTaskNameMachinePrefix =
const TCHAR* const kScheduledTaskNameCoreSuffix = _T("Core");
const TCHAR* const kScheduledTaskNameUASuffix = _T("UA");
const TCHAR* const kServiceFileName = kOmahaShellFileName;
const char* const kGoopdateDllEntryAnsi = "DllEntry";
// Event Id's used for reporting in the event log.
// Crash Report events.
const int kCrashReportEventId = 1;
const int kCrashUploadEventId = 2;
// Update Check events.
const int kUpdateCheckEventId = 11;
const int kUpdateEventId = 12;
const int kUninstallEventId = 13;
const int kWorkerStartEventId = 14;
const int kDownloadEventId = 15;
// Network Request events.
const int kNetworkRequestEventId = 20;
// Maximum value the server can respond for elapsed_seconds attribute in
// <daystart ...> element. The value is one day plus an hour ("fall back"
// daylight savings).
const int kMaxTimeSinceMidnightSec = ((24 + 1) * 60 * 60);
// Maximum time to keep the Installation ID. If the app was installed longer
// than this time ago, the Installation ID will be deleted regardless of
// whether the application has been run or not.
const int kMaxLifeOfInstallationIDSec = (7 * 24 * 60 * 60); // 7 days
// Documented in the IDL for certain properties of ICurrentState.
const int kCurrentStateProgressUnknown = -1;
// COM ProgIDs.
#define kProgIDUpdate3COMClassUser \
#define kProgIDUpdate3COMClassService \
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".Update3COMClassService")
const TCHAR* const kProgIDOnDemandUser =
#define kProgIDOnDemandMachine \
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".OnDemandCOMClassMachine")
const TCHAR* const kProgIDOnDemandMachineFallback =
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".OnDemandCOMClassMachineFallback");
const TCHAR* const kProgIDOnDemandSvc =
const TCHAR* const kProgIDUpdate3WebUser =
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".Update3WebUser");
#define kProgIDUpdate3WebMachine \
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".Update3WebMachine")
const TCHAR* const kProgIDUpdate3WebMachineFallback =
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".Update3WebMachineFallback");
const TCHAR* const kProgIDUpdate3WebSvc =
const TCHAR* const kProgIDGoogleUpdateCoreService =
const TCHAR* const kProgIDGoogleUpdateCoreMachine =
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".CoreMachineClass");
const TCHAR* const kProgIDProcessLauncher =
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".ProcessLauncher");
const TCHAR* const kProgIDOneClickProcessLauncherUser =
_T(SHORT_COMPANY_NAME_ANSI) _T(".OneClickProcessLauncherUser");
const TCHAR* const kProgIDOneClickProcessLauncherMachine =
_T(SHORT_COMPANY_NAME_ANSI) _T(".OneClickProcessLauncherMachine");
const TCHAR* const kProgIDCoCreateAsync =
const TCHAR* const kProgIDCredentialDialogUser =
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".CredentialDialogUser");
const TCHAR* const kProgIDCredentialDialogMachine =
APP_NAME_IDENTIFIER _T(".CredentialDialogMachine");
// Offline v3 manifest name.
const TCHAR* const kOfflineManifestFileName = _T("OfflineManifest.gup");
} // namespace omaha