blob: 57c68d7be705ceb4cb2e951bdcc4fff8c8d6d812 [file] [log] [blame]
1.2.2 (2016-05-06):
- Avoid traceback when exception is del-ed in except
1.2.1 (2015-05-05):
- Fix false RedefinedWhileUnesed for submodule imports
1.2.0 (2016-05-03):
- Warn against reusing exception names after the except: block on Python 3
- Improve the error messages for imports
1.1.0 (2016-03-01):
- Allow main() to accept arguments.
- Support @ matrix-multiplication operator
- Validate __future__ imports
- Fix doctest scope testing
- Warn for tuple assertions which are always true
- Warn for "import *" not at module level on Python 3
- Catch many more kinds of SyntaxErrors
- Check PEP 498 f-strings
- (and a few more sundry bugfixes)
1.0.0 (2015-09-20):
- Python 3.5 support. async/await statements in particular.
- Fix on Windows.
- Eliminate a false UnusedImport warning when the name has been
declared "global"
0.9.2 (2015-06-17):
- Fix a traceback when a global is defined in one scope, and used in another.
0.9.1 (2015-06-09):
- Update NEWS.txt to include 0.9.0, which had been forgotten.
0.9.0 (2015-05-31):
- Exit gracefully, not with a traceback, on SIGINT and SIGPIPE.
- Fix incorrect report of undefined name when using lambda expressions in
generator expressions.
- Don't crash on DOS line endings on Windows and Python 2.6.
- Don't report an undefined name if the 'del' which caused a name to become
undefined is only conditionally executed.
- Properly handle differences in list comprehension scope in Python 3.
- Improve handling of edge cases around 'global' defined variables.
- Report an error for 'return' outside a function.
0.8.1 (2014-03-30):
- Detect the declared encoding in Python 3.
- Do not report redefinition of import in a local scope, if the
global name is used elsewhere in the module.
- Catch undefined variable in loop generator when it is also used as
loop variable.
- Report undefined name for `(a, b) = (1, 2)` but not for the general
unpacking `(a, b) = func()`.
- Correctly detect when an imported module is used in default arguments
of a method, when the method and the module use the same name.
- Distribute a universal wheel file.
0.8.0 (2014-03-22):
- Adapt for the AST in Python 3.4.
- Fix caret position on SyntaxError.
- Fix crash on Python 2.x with some doctest SyntaxError.
- Add tox.ini.
- The `PYFLAKES_NODOCTEST` environment variable has been replaced with the
`PYFLAKES_DOCTEST` environment variable (with the opposite meaning).
Doctest checking is now disabled by default; set the environment variable
to enable it.
- Correctly parse incremental `__all__ += [...]`.
- Catch return with arguments inside a generator (Python <= 3.2).
- Do not complain about `_` in doctests.
- Drop deprecated methods `pushFunctionScope` and `pushClassScope`.
0.7.3 (2013-07-02):
- Do not report undefined name for generator expression and dict or
set comprehension at class level.
- Deprecate `Checker.pushFunctionScope` and `Checker.pushClassScope`:
use `Checker.pushScope` instead.
- Remove dependency on Unittest2 for the tests.
0.7.2 (2013-04-24):
- Fix computation of `DoctestSyntaxError.lineno` and `col`.
- Add boolean attribute `Checker.withDoctest` to ignore doctests.
- If environment variable `PYFLAKES_NODOCTEST` is set, skip doctests.
- Environment variable `PYFLAKES_BUILTINS` accepts a comma-separated
list of additional built-in names.
0.7.1 (2013-04-23):
- File `bin/pyflakes` was missing in tarball generated with distribute.
- Fix reporting errors in non-ASCII filenames (Python 2.x).
0.7.0 (2013-04-17):
- Add --version and --help options.
- Support `python -m pyflakes` (Python 2.7 and Python 3.x).
- Add attribute `Message.col` to report column offset.
- Do not report redefinition of variable for a variable used in a list
comprehension in a conditional.
- Do not report redefinition of variable for generator expressions and
set or dict comprehensions.
- Do not report undefined name when the code is protected with a
`NameError` exception handler.
- Do not report redefinition of variable when unassigning a module imported
for its side-effect.
- Support special locals like `__tracebackhide__` for py.test.
- Support checking doctests.
- Fix issue with Turkish locale where `'i'.upper() == 'i'` in Python 2.
0.6.1 (2013-01-29):
- Fix detection of variables in augmented assignments.
0.6.0 (2013-01-29):
- Support Python 3 up to 3.3, based on the pyflakes3k project.
- Preserve compatibility with Python 2.5 and all recent versions of Python.
- Support custom reporters in addition to the default Reporter.
- Allow function redefinition for modern property construction via
- Fix spurious redefinition warnings in conditionals.
- Do not report undefined name in __all__ if import * is used.
- Add WindowsError as a known built-in name on all platforms.
- Support specifying additional built-ins in the `Checker` constructor.
- Don't issue Unused Variable warning when using locals() in current scope.
- Handle problems with the encoding of source files.
- Remove dependency on Twisted for the tests.
- Support `python test` and `python develop`.
- Create script using setuptools `entry_points` to support all platforms,
including Windows.
0.5.0 (2011-09-02):
- Convert pyflakes to use newer _ast infrastructure rather than compiler.
- Support for new syntax in 2.7 (including set literals, set comprehensions,
and dictionary comprehensions).
- Make sure class names don't get bound until after class definition.
0.4.0 (2009-11-25):
- Fix reporting for certain SyntaxErrors which lack line number
- Check for syntax errors more rigorously.
- Support checking names used with the class decorator syntax in versions
of Python which have it.
- Detect local variables which are bound but never used.
- Handle permission errors when trying to read source files.
- Handle problems with the encoding of source files.
- Support importing dotted names so as not to incorrectly report them as
redefined unused names.
- Support all forms of the with statement.
- Consider static `__all__` definitions and avoid reporting unused names
if the names are listed there.
- Fix incorrect checking of class names with respect to the names of their
bases in the class statement.
- Support the `__path__` global in ``.
0.3.0 (2009-01-30):
- Display more informative SyntaxError messages.
- Don't hang flymake with unmatched triple quotes (only report a single
line of source for a multiline syntax error).
- Recognize __builtins__ as a defined name.
- Improve pyflakes support for python versions 2.3-2.5
- Support for if-else expressions and with statements.
- Warn instead of error on non-existent file paths.
- Check for __future__ imports after other statements.
- Add reporting for some types of import shadowing.
- Improve reporting of unbound locals