blob: 5268e09cde8cdfcf062e3c85a8c4c81730d07d5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <asm/prctl.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "sandbox_impl.h"
#include "system_call_table.h"
// This file implements TLS initialisation system calls so that
// (the glibc dynamic linker) can start up inside the sandbox.
// This is not straightforward because the set_thread_area() and
// arch_prctl() syscalls modify a thread's state, so we cannot simply
// forward the syscall to the trusted thread, because that would
// modify the wrong thread's state.
// Instead, we use the trick of using clone() to create a new thread
// that picks up where the original thread left off, but with modified
// thread state. Furthermore, clone() provides a built-in way of
// setting up TLS. Hence this requires no special support in the
// trusted code.
// There is a potential gotcha: By replacing the thread, we are
// changing thread state, including:
// * the thread ID
// * the alternate signal stack, settable via sigaltstack()
// (although the sandbox does not allow sigaltstack() anyway)
// * child_tidptr, settable via set_tid_address()
// In practice, TLS initialisation is done only once, early on. The
// dynamic linker does not query the thread ID before setting up TLS.
namespace playground {
#if defined(__i386__)
// clone() does not support allocating a new segment index, so we
// preallocate one before the sandbox is enabled.
static int g_preallocated_segment_index;
// The sandbox currently requires that we pass CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID etc.,
// although we do not care about the value the kernel fills out, so we
// use this location and ignore the contents.
static int g_dummy_tid;
struct CloneRequest {
struct Sandbox::RequestHeader clone_header;
Sandbox::Clone clone_req;
struct Sandbox::RequestHeader exit_header;
} __attribute__((packed));
extern void __attribute__((noreturn))
WriteAndExit(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count)
static void SignalCallback(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *uc1) {
struct ucontext *uc = (struct ucontext *) uc1;
#if defined(__x86_64__)
long arg = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RCX];
// Skip over the "int $0" instruction.
uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP] += 2;
char *return_frame = (char *) uc;
#elif defined(__i386__)
long arg = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_ECX];
// Skip over the "int $0" instruction.
uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EIP] += 2;
// We need to convert to the old signal frame format, because the
// sandbox only allows sigreturn(), not rt_sigreturn().
struct sigcontext sc;
memset(&sc, 0, sizeof(sc)); = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_GS];
sc.fs = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_FS]; = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_ES];
sc.ds = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_DS];
sc.edi = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EDI];
sc.esi = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_ESI];
sc.ebp = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EBP];
sc.esp = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_ESP];
sc.ebx = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EBX];
sc.edx = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EDX];
sc.ecx = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_ECX];
sc.eax = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EAX];
sc.trapno = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_TRAPNO];
sc.err = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_ERR];
sc.eip = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EIP];
sc.cs = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_CS];
sc.eflags = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EFL];
sc.esp_at_signal = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_UESP]; = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_SS];
sc.oldmask = uc->uc_mcontext.oldmask;
sc.cr2 = uc->uc_mcontext.cr2;
char *return_frame = (char *) &sc;
#error Unsupported target platform
CloneRequest *request = (CloneRequest *) arg;
request->clone_req.stack = return_frame;
WriteAndExit(Sandbox::processFdPub(), request, sizeof(*request));
// This is like a CallWithEscapingContinuation() function, where the
// escaping continuation is a signal frame.
static void CallWithSignalFrame(void (*func)(int sig, siginfo_t *info,
void *ucontext),
void *arg) {
asm volatile("int $0\n"
: : "a"(__NR_clone + 0xF001), "d"(func), "c"(arg));
static void SetTls(void *tls_info) {
CloneRequest request;
request.clone_header.sysnum = __NR_clone;
request.clone_header.cookie = Sandbox::cookie();
// request.clone_req.stack is filled out later.
request.clone_req.flags = CLONE_VM|CLONE_FS|CLONE_FILES|
#if defined(__x86_64__)
request.clone_req.arg4 = &g_dummy_tid; // ctid argument
request.clone_req.arg5 = tls_info; // tls argument
#elif defined(__i386__)
request.clone_req.arg5 = &g_dummy_tid; // ctid argument
request.clone_req.arg4 = tls_info; // tls argument
#error Unsupported target platform
request.exit_header.sysnum = __NR_exit;
request.exit_header.cookie = Sandbox::cookie();
CallWithSignalFrame(SignalCallback, &request);
#if defined(__x86_64__)
static long sandbox_arch_prctl(int code, unsigned long addr) {
long long tm;
long rc;
Debug::syscall(&tm, __NR_arch_prctl, "Executing handler");
if (code == ARCH_SET_FS) {
SetTls((void *) addr);
rc = 0;
} else {
rc = -ENOSYS;
Debug::elapsed(tm, __NR_arch_prctl);
return rc;
#if defined(__i386__)
static long sandbox_set_thread_area(struct user_desc *tls_desc) {
long long tm;
Debug::syscall(&tm, __NR_set_thread_area, "Executing handler");
// clone() does not support allocating a new segment index: it does
// not accept entry_number == -1, so we have to use one we have
// allocated earlier.
if (tls_desc->entry_number == (unsigned) -1) {
tls_desc->entry_number = g_preallocated_segment_index;
g_preallocated_segment_index = -1;
Debug::elapsed(tm, __NR_set_thread_area);
return 0;
static void PreallocateSegmentIndex() {
struct user_desc tls_desc;
tls_desc.entry_number = -1; // Allocate new segment selector
tls_desc.base_addr = 0;
tls_desc.limit = 0xfffff;
tls_desc.seg_32bit = 1;
tls_desc.contents = 0;
tls_desc.read_exec_only = 0;
tls_desc.limit_in_pages = 1;
tls_desc.seg_not_present = 0;
tls_desc.useable = 1;
if (syscall(__NR_set_thread_area, &tls_desc) != 0) {
Sandbox::die("set_thread_area() failed");
g_preallocated_segment_index = tls_desc.entry_number;
void AddTlsSetupSyscall() {
#if defined(__x86_64__)
SyscallTable::syscallTable[__NR_arch_prctl].handler =
reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(sandbox_arch_prctl);
#if defined(__i386__)
SyscallTable::syscallTable[__NR_set_thread_area].handler =
reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(sandbox_set_thread_area);