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<title>Multiple Local Preview (Audio Only)</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function requestAudio() {
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({video: false, audio: true},
function getUserMediaFailedCallback(error) {
alert("User media request denied with error code " + error.code);
function getUserMediaOkCallback(stream) {
var streamUrl = webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
document.getElementById("audio" + i).src = streamUrl;
<body onload="requestAudio();">
<table border="0">
<td>Sound test</td>
<td><audio id="audio1" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>
<td><audio id="audio2" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>
<td><audio id="audio3" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>
<td><audio id="audio4" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>
<td><audio id="audio5" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>
<td><audio id="audio6" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>
<td><audio id="audio7" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>
<td><audio id="audio8" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>
<td><audio id="audio9" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>
<td><audio id="audio10" autoplay="autoplay"></audio></td>