blob: 9d99cca2e1dbdf01fd001c5124dd3ee8122061d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
namespace chromeos { //NOLINT
enum DeviceType {
class DiskInfo {
// DBus service path.
virtual const char* path() const = 0;
// Disk mount path.
virtual const char* mount_path() const = 0;
// Disk system path.
virtual const char* system_path() const = 0;
// Is disk into a drive (i.e. /dev/sdb vs, /dev/sdb1).
virtual bool is_drive() const = 0;
// Does the disk have media content.
virtual bool has_media() const = 0;
// Is the disk on deveice we booted the machien from.
virtual bool on_boot_device() const = 0;
// TODO(tbarzic): merge DiskInfoAdvanced with DinskInfo.
class DiskInfoAdvanced : public DiskInfo {
// Disk file path (e.g /dev/sdb).
virtual const char* file_path() const = 0;
// Disk label.
virtual const char* label() const = 0;
// Disk model
virtual const char* drive_label() const = 0;
// Partition table path of the device, if device is partition.
virtual const char* partition_slave() const = 0;
// Device type. Not working well, yet.
virtual DeviceType device_type() const = 0;
// Total size of the disk.
virtual uint64 size() const = 0;
// Is the device read-only.
virtual bool is_read_only() const = 0;
enum MountEventType {
// Describes whether there is an error and whether the error came from
// the local system or from the server implementing the connect
// method.
enum MountMethodErrorType {
// An internal listener to a d-bus signal. When notifications are received
// they are rebroadcasted in non-glib form.
class OpaqueMountEventConnection;
typedef OpaqueMountEventConnection* MountEventConnection;
// The expected callback signature that will be provided by the client who
// calls MonitorMountEvents.
typedef void(*MountEventMonitor)(void*,
const char*);
// Processes a callback from a d-bus signal by finding the path of the
// DeviceKit Disks service that changed and sending the details along to the
// next handler in the chain as an instance of MountStatus.
extern MountEventConnection (*MonitorMountEvents)(MountEventMonitor monitor,
// Disconnects a listener from the mounting events.
extern void (*DisconnectMountEventMonitor)(MountEventConnection connection);
// Callback for asynchronous mount/unmount requests.
typedef void (*MountRequestCallback)(void* object,
const char* path,
const char* mount_path,
MountMethodErrorType error,
const char* error_message);
// Callback for disk information retreival calls.
typedef void (*GetDiskPropertiesCallback)(void* object,
const char* service_path,
const DiskInfo* disk,
MountMethodErrorType error,
const char* error_message);
// Callback for disk information retreival calls.
typedef void (*RequestMountInfoCallback)(void* object,
const char** devices,
size_t devices_len,
MountMethodErrorType error,
const char* error_message);
// Initiates mount operation for a given |device_path|. When the operation
// completes, the callback will be invoked with appropriate |error| parameter
// indicating operation's outcome.
extern void (*MountRemovableDevice)(const char* device_path,
MountRequestCallback callback,
void* object);
// Initiates unmount operation for a given |device_path|. When the operation
// completes, the callback will be invoked with appropriate |error| parameter
// indicating operation's outcome.
extern void (*UnmountRemovableDevice)(const char* device_path,
MountRequestCallback callback,
void* object);
// Initiates retrieval of information about given |service_path| representing
// disk drive.
extern void (*GetDiskProperties)(const char* service_path,
GetDiskPropertiesCallback callback,
void* object);
// Initiates retrieval of information about all mounted disks. Please note that
// |callback| will be called once for each disk found on the system.
// This routine will skip all drives that are mounted form the device that
// system was booted from.
extern void (*RequestMountInfo)(RequestMountInfoCallback callback,
void* object);
// Mounts a given device path. If successful, a DISK_CHANGED event will fire
// after the call. Returns false on failure.
extern bool (*MountDevicePath)(const char* device_path);
// Unmounts a given device path. If successful, a DISK_CHANGED event will fire
// after the call. Returns false on failure.
extern bool (*UnmountDevicePath)(const char* device_path);
// Obsolete methods, kept here just as sacrifice to ChromeOS build gods.
// This block will be removed in the next iteration.
struct DiskStatus {
const char* path;
const char* mountpath;
const char* systempath;
bool isparent;
bool hasmedia;
struct MountStatus {
DiskStatus *disks;
int size;
class OpaqueMountStatusConnection;
typedef OpaqueMountStatusConnection* MountStatusConnection;
extern MountStatus* (*RetrieveMountInformation)();
extern void (*FreeMountStatus)(MountStatus* status);
extern bool (*IsBootDevicePath)(const char* device_path);
typedef void(*MountMonitor)(void*,
const MountStatus&,
const char*);
extern MountStatusConnection (*MonitorMountStatus)(MountMonitor monitor, void*);
extern void (*DisconnectMountStatus)(MountStatusConnection connection);
} // namespace chromeos