blob: 2d3ffdb6c69755e8e59897e04931f61cdc9f13a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace chromeos {
// Signature of function invoked to handle brightness changes. Arguments are
// the object passed to MonitorBrightness(), the current brightness level
// (between 0 and 100, inclusive), and whether the change was user-initiated
// (i.e. caused by the brightness keys) or not.
typedef void (*BrightnessMonitorFunctionV2)(void*, int, bool);
typedef void (*BrightnessMonitorFunction)(void*, int); // DEPRECATED
class OpaqueBrightnessConnection;
typedef OpaqueBrightnessConnection* BrightnessConnection;
// Register a handler that will be called when the screen brightness changes.
extern BrightnessConnection (*MonitorBrightnessV2)(
BrightnessMonitorFunctionV2 monitor_function,
void* object);
extern BrightnessConnection (*MonitorBrightness)(
BrightnessMonitorFunction monitor_function,
void* object);
// Unregister the handler. Takes the BrightnessConnection returned by
// MonitorBrightnessV2().
extern void (*DisconnectBrightness)(BrightnessConnection connection);
} // namespace chromeos