blob: d737f33900930323ebf9ba51b449ac5dd6f83e51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos_system.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/string_tokenizer.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "chromeos/string.h"
namespace chromeos { // NOLINT
namespace { // NOLINT
// The filepath to the timezone file that symlinks to the actual timezone file.
static const char kTimezoneSymlink[] = "/var/lib/timezone/localtime";
static const char kTimezoneSymlink2[] = "/var/lib/timezone/localtime2";
// The directory that contains all the timezone files. So for timezone
// "US/Pacific", the actual timezone file is: "/usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Pacific"
static const char kTimezoneFilesDir[] = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/";
// The system command that returns the hardware class.
static const char kHardwareClassKey[] = "hardware_class";
static const char kHardwareClassTool[] = "/usr/bin/hardware_class";
static const char kUnknownHardwareClass[] = "unknown";
// Command to get machine hardware info and key/value delimiters.
// /tmp/machine-info is generated by platform/init/chromeos_startup.
static const char kMachineHardwareInfoTool[] = "cat /tmp/machine-info";
static const char kMachineHardwareInfoEq[] = "=";
static const char kMachineHardwareInfoDelim[] = " \n";
// Command to get machine OS info and key/value delimiters.
static const char kMachineOSInfoTool[] = "cat /etc/lsb-release";
static const char kMachineOSInfoEq[] = "=";
static const char kMachineOSInfoDelim[] = "\n";
} // namespace
extern "C"
std::string ChromeOSGetTimezoneID() {
// Look at kTimezoneSymlink, see which timezone we are symlinked to.
char buf[256];
const ssize_t len = readlink(kTimezoneSymlink, buf,
if (len == -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GetTimezoneID: Cannot read timezone symlink "
<< kTimezoneSymlink;
return std::string();
std::string timezone(buf, len);
// Remove kTimezoneFilesDir from the beginning.
if (timezone.find(kTimezoneFilesDir) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GetTimezoneID: Timezone symlink is wrong "
<< timezone;
return std::string();
return timezone.substr(strlen(kTimezoneFilesDir));
extern "C"
void ChromeOSSetTimezoneID(const std::string& id) {
// Change the kTimezoneSymlink symlink to the path for this timezone.
// We want to do this in an atomic way. So we are going to create the symlink
// at kTimezoneSymlink2 and then move it to kTimezoneSymlink
FilePath timezone_symlink(kTimezoneSymlink);
FilePath timezone_symlink2(kTimezoneSymlink2);
FilePath timezone_file(kTimezoneFilesDir + id);
// Make sure timezone_file exists.
if (!file_util::PathExists(timezone_file)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "SetTimezoneID: Cannot find timezone file "
<< timezone_file.value();
// Delete old symlink2 if it exists.
file_util::Delete(timezone_symlink2, false);
// Create new symlink2.
if (symlink(timezone_file.value().c_str(),
timezone_symlink2.value().c_str()) == -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "SetTimezoneID: Unable to create symlink "
<< timezone_symlink2.value() << " to " << timezone_file.value();
// Move symlink2 to symlink.
if (!file_util::ReplaceFile(timezone_symlink2, timezone_symlink)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "SetTimezoneID: Unable to move symlink "
<< timezone_symlink2.value() << " to "
<< timezone_symlink.value();
void ChromeOSSystem::AddNVPair(const std::string& key,
const std::string& value) {
bool ChromeOSSystem::ParseNVPairs(const std::string& in_string,
const std::string& eq,
const std::string& delim) {
// Set up the pair tokenizer.
StringTokenizer pair_toks(in_string, delim);
// Process token pairs.
NameValuePairs new_pairs;
while (pair_toks.GetNext()) {
std::string pair(pair_toks.token());
if (pair.find(eq) == 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Empty key: '" << pair << "'. Aborting.";
return false;
StringTokenizer keyvalue(pair, eq);
std::string key,value;
if (keyvalue.GetNext()) {
key = keyvalue.token();
if (keyvalue.GetNext()) {
value = keyvalue.token();
if (keyvalue.GetNext()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Multiple key tokens: '" << pair << "'. Aborting.";
return false;
if (key.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid token pair: '" << pair << "'. Aborting.";
return false;
new_pairs.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value));
nv_pairs_.insert(nv_pairs_.end(), new_pairs.begin(), new_pairs.end());
return true;
bool ChromeOSSystem::ExecCmdToString(const std::string& command,
std::string* contents) {
FILE* fp = popen(command.c_str(), "r");
if (!fp) {
return false;
char buf[1 << 16];
size_t len;
while ((len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp)) > 0) {
contents->append(buf, len);
return true;
bool ChromeOSSystem::GetSingleValueFromTool(const std::string& tool,
const std::string& key) {
std::string output_string;
if (tool.empty() || !ExecCmdToString(tool, &output_string)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Error excuting: " << tool;
return false;
TrimWhitespaceASCII(output_string, TRIM_ALL, &output_string);
nv_pairs_.push_back(std::make_pair(key, output_string));
return true;
bool ChromeOSSystem::ParseNVPairsFromTool(const std::string& tool,
const std::string& eq,
const std::string& delim) {
std::string output_string;
if (tool.empty() || !ExecCmdToString(tool, &output_string)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Error excuting: " << tool;
return false;
if (!ParseNVPairs(output_string, eq, delim)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Error parsing values while excuting: " << tool;
return false;
return true;
void ChromeOSSystem::SetMachineInfo(MachineInfo* machine_info) {
// Set the MachineInfo struct.
machine_info->name_value_size = nv_pairs_.size();
machine_info->name_values = new MachineInfo::NVPair[nv_pairs_.size()];
int idx = 0;
for (NameValuePairs::iterator iter = nv_pairs_.begin();
iter != nv_pairs_.end(); ++iter) {
machine_info->name_values[idx].name = NewStringCopy(iter->first.c_str());
machine_info->name_values[idx].value = NewStringCopy(iter->second.c_str());
extern "C"
MachineInfo* ChromeOSGetMachineInfo() {
MachineInfo* machine_info = new MachineInfo();
if (!machine_info)
return NULL;
ChromeOSSystem system;
if (!system.GetSingleValueFromTool(kHardwareClassTool, kHardwareClassKey)) {
// Use kUnknownHardwareClass if the hardware class command fails.
system.AddNVPair(kHardwareClassKey, kUnknownHardwareClass);
return machine_info;
extern "C"
void ChromeOSFreeMachineInfo(MachineInfo* info) {
if (info) {
for (int i=0; i<info->name_value_size; ++i) {
delete info->name_values[i].name;
delete info->name_values[i].value;
delete info->name_values;
delete info;
} // namespace chromeos