blob: da0ae5c185d9029d3a62716c63a43970bf749fc8 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run { target fd_truncate } }
! PR 27575 and PR 30009: This test checks the error checking for end
! of file condition.
! Derived from test case in PR.
! Submitted by Jerry DeLisle <>, modified by
! Thomas Koenig <>
program test
integer i1,i2,i3
write (11) 1, 2
write (11) 3, 4
read(11, ERR=100) i1, i2, i3
call abort()
100 continue
if (i1 /= 1 .or. i2 /= 2) call abort
read(11, ERR=110) i1, i2, i3
call abort()
110 continue
if (i1 /= 3 .or. i2 /= 4) call abort
read(11, end=120) i3
call abort()
120 close(11,status='delete')