blob: 0eeb7be62be3ac328abe4e440cf96b476ecb816f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test ostream formatted output.
Copyright 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with the GNU MP Library. If not, see */
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "gmp.h"
#include "gmp-impl.h"
#include "tests.h"
using namespace std;
int option_check_standard = 0;
#define CALL(expr) \
do { \
got.flags (data[i].flags); \
got.width (data[i].width); \
got.precision (data[i].precision); \
if (data[i].fill == '\0') \
got.fill (' '); \
else \
got.fill (data[i].fill); \
if (! (expr)) \
{ \
cout << "\"got\" output error\n"; \
abort (); \
} \
if (got.width() != 0) \
{ \
cout << "\"got\" width not reset to 0\n"; \
abort (); \
} \
} while (0)
#define DUMP() \
do { \
cout << " want: |" << data[i].want << "|\n"; \
cout << " got: |" << got.str() << "|\n"; \
cout << " width: " << data[i].width << "\n"; \
cout << " prec: " << got.precision() << "\n"; \
cout << " flags: " << hex << (unsigned long) got.flags() << "\n"; \
} while (0)
#define ABORT() \
do { \
DUMP (); \
abort (); \
} while (0)
check_mpz (void)
static const struct {
const char *z;
const char *want;
ios::fmtflags flags;
int width;
int precision;
char fill;
} data[] = {
{ "0", "0", ios::dec },
{ "0", "0", ios::oct },
{ "0", "0", ios::oct | ios::showbase },
{ "0", "0", ios::hex },
{ "0", "0x0", ios::hex | ios::showbase },
{ "0", "0X0", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
{ "1", "****1", ios::dec, 5, 0, '*' },
{ "-1", " -1", ios::dec | ios::right, 5 },
{ "-1", "- 1", ios::dec | ios::internal, 5 },
{ "-1", "-1 ", ios::dec | ios::left, 5 },
{ "1", " 0x1", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::right, 6 },
{ "1", "0x 1", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::internal, 6 },
{ "1", "0x1 ", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::left, 6 },
{ "1", " +0x1", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::showpos | ios::right,
7 },
{ "1", "+0x 1", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::showpos | ios::internal,
7 },
{ "1", "+0x1 ", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::showpos | ios::left,
7 },
{ "123", "7b", ios::hex },
{ "123", "7B", ios::hex | ios::uppercase },
{ "123", "0x7b", ios::hex | ios::showbase },
{ "123", "0X7B", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
{ "-123", "-0x7b", ios::hex | ios::showbase },
{ "-123", "-0X7B", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
{ "123", "173", ios::oct },
{ "123", "173", ios::oct | ios::uppercase },
{ "123", "0173", ios::oct | ios::showbase },
{ "123", "0173", ios::oct | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
{ "-123", "-0173", ios::oct | ios::showbase },
{ "-123", "-0173", ios::oct | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
size_t i;
mpz_t z;
mpz_init (z);
for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
mpz_set_str_or_abort (z, data[i].z, 0);
if (option_check_standard
&& mpz_fits_slong_p (z)
// no negatives or showpos in hex or oct
&& (((data[i].flags & ios::basefield) == ios::hex
|| (data[i].flags & ios::basefield) == ios::oct)
? (mpz_sgn (z) >= 0
&& ! (data[i].flags & ios::showpos))
: 1)
ostringstream got;
long n = mpz_get_si (z);
CALL (got << n);
if (got.str().compare (data[i].want) != 0)
cout << "check_mpz data[" << i
<< "] doesn't match standard ostream output\n";
cout << " z: " << data[i].z << "\n";
cout << " n: " << n << "\n";
DUMP ();
ostringstream got;
CALL (got << z);
if (got.str().compare (data[i].want) != 0)
cout << "mpz operator<< wrong, data[" << i << "]\n";
cout << " z: " << data[i].z << "\n";
mpz_clear (z);
check_mpq (void)
static const struct {
const char *q;
const char *want;
ios::fmtflags flags;
int width;
int precision;
char fill;
} data[] = {
{ "0", "0", ios::dec },
{ "0", "0", ios::hex },
{ "0", "0x0", ios::hex | ios::showbase },
{ "0", "0X0", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
{ "5/8", "5/8", ios::dec },
{ "5/8", "0X5/0X8", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
// zero denominator with showbase
{ "0/0", " 0/0", ios::oct | ios::showbase, 10 },
{ "0/0", " 0/0", ios::dec | ios::showbase, 10 },
{ "0/0", " 0x0/0x0", ios::hex | ios::showbase, 10 },
{ "123/0", " 0173/0", ios::oct | ios::showbase, 10 },
{ "123/0", " 123/0", ios::dec | ios::showbase, 10 },
{ "123/0", " 0x7b/0x0", ios::hex | ios::showbase, 10 },
{ "123/0", " 0X7B/0X0", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase, 10 },
{ "0/123", " 0/0173", ios::oct | ios::showbase, 10 },
{ "0/123", " 0/123", ios::dec | ios::showbase, 10 },
{ "0/123", " 0x0/0x7b", ios::hex | ios::showbase, 10 },
{ "0/123", " 0X0/0X7B", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase, 10 },
size_t i;
mpq_t q;
mpq_init (q);
#define mpq_integer_p(q) (mpz_cmp_ui (mpq_denref(q), 1L) == 0)
for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
mpq_set_str_or_abort (q, data[i].q, 0);
MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (mpq_numref (q));
MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (mpq_denref (q));
if (option_check_standard
&& mpz_fits_slong_p (mpq_numref(q))
&& mpq_integer_p (q))
ostringstream got;
long n = mpz_get_si (mpq_numref(q));
CALL (got << n);
if (got.str().compare (data[i].want) != 0)
cout << "check_mpq data[" << i
<< "] doesn't match standard ostream output\n";
cout << " q: " << data[i].q << "\n";
cout << " n: " << n << "\n";
DUMP ();
ostringstream got;
CALL (got << q);
if (got.str().compare (data[i].want) != 0)
cout << "mpq operator<< wrong, data[" << i << "]\n";
cout << " q: " << data[i].q << "\n";
mpq_clear (q);
check_mpf (void)
static const struct {
const char *f;
const char *want;
ios::fmtflags flags;
int width;
int precision;
char fill;
} data[] = {
{ "0", "0", ios::dec },
{ "0", "+0", ios::dec | ios::showpos },
{ "0", "0.00000", ios::dec | ios::showpoint },
{ "0", "0", ios::dec | ios::fixed },
{ "0", "0.", ios::dec | ios::fixed | ios::showpoint },
{ "0", "0.000000e+00", ios::dec | ios::scientific },
{ "0", "0.000000e+00", ios::dec | ios::scientific | ios::showpoint },
{ "0", "0", ios::dec, 0, 4 },
{ "0", "0.000", ios::dec | ios::showpoint, 0, 4 },
{ "0", "0.0000", ios::dec | ios::fixed, 0, 4 },
{ "0", "0.0000", ios::dec | ios::fixed | ios::showpoint, 0, 4 },
{ "0", "0.0000e+00", ios::dec | ios::scientific, 0, 4 },
{ "0", "0.0000e+00", ios::dec | ios::scientific | ios::showpoint, 0, 4 },
{ "1", "1", ios::dec },
{ "1", "+1", ios::dec | ios::showpos },
{ "1", "1.00000", ios::dec | ios::showpoint },
{ "1", "1", ios::dec | ios::fixed },
{ "1", "1.", ios::dec | ios::fixed | ios::showpoint },
{ "1", "1.000000e+00", ios::dec | ios::scientific },
{ "1", "1.000000e+00", ios::dec | ios::scientific | ios::showpoint },
{ "1", "1", ios::dec, 0, 4 },
{ "1", "1.000", ios::dec | ios::showpoint, 0, 4 },
{ "1", "1.0000", ios::dec | ios::fixed, 0, 4 },
{ "1", "1.0000", ios::dec | ios::fixed | ios::showpoint, 0, 4 },
{ "1", "1.0000e+00", ios::dec | ios::scientific, 0, 4 },
{ "1", "1.0000e+00", ios::dec | ios::scientific | ios::showpoint, 0, 4 },
{ "-1", "-1", ios::dec | ios::showpos },
{ "-1", " -1", ios::dec, 4 },
{ "-1", "- 1", ios::dec | ios::internal, 4 },
{ "-1", "-1 ", ios::dec | ios::left, 4 },
{ "-1", " -0x1", ios::hex | ios::showbase, 6 },
{ "-1", "-0x 1", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::internal, 6 },
{ "-1", "-0x1 ", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::left, 6 },
{ "1", "*********1", ios::dec, 10, 4, '*' },
{ "1234", "******1234", ios::dec, 10, 4, '*' },
{ "1234", "*****1234.", ios::dec | ios::showpoint, 10, 4, '*' },
{ "12345", "1.23e+04", ios::dec, 0, 3 },
{ "12345", "12345.", ios::dec | ios::fixed | ios::showpoint },
{ "1.9999999", "2", ios::dec, 0, 1 },
{ "1.0009999999", "1.001", ios::dec, 0, 4 },
{ "1.0001", "1", ios::dec, 0, 4 },
{ "1.0004", "1", ios::dec, 0, 4 },
{ "1.000555", "1.001", ios::dec, 0, 4 },
{ "1.0002", "1.000", ios::dec | ios::fixed, 0, 3 },
{ "1.0008", "1.001", ios::dec | ios::fixed, 0, 3 },
{ "0", "0", ios::hex },
{ "0", "0x0", ios::hex | ios::showbase },
{ "0", "0X0", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
{ "123", "7b", ios::hex },
{ "123", "0x7b", ios::hex | ios::showbase },
{ "123", "0X7B", ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
{ "0", "0.000@+00", ios::hex | ios::scientific, 0, 3 },
{ "256", "1.000@+02", ios::hex | ios::scientific, 0, 3 },
{ "123", "7.b@+01", ios::hex | ios::scientific, 0, 1 },
{ "123", "7.B@+01", ios::hex | ios::scientific | ios::uppercase, 0, 1 },
{ "123", "0x7.b@+01", ios::hex | ios::scientific | ios::showbase, 0, 1 },
{ "123", "0X7.B@+01",
ios::hex | ios::scientific | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase, 0, 1 },
{ "1099511627776", "1.0@+10", ios::hex | ios::scientific, 0, 1 },
{ "1099511627776", "1.0@+10",
ios::hex | ios::scientific | ios::uppercase, 0, 1 },
{ "0.0625", "1.00@-01", ios::hex | ios::scientific, 0, 2 },
{ "0", "0", ios::oct },
{ "123", "173", ios::oct },
{ "123", "0173", ios::oct | ios::showbase },
// octal showbase suppressed for 0
{ "0", "0", ios::oct | ios::showbase },
{ ".125", "00.1", ios::oct | ios::showbase, 0, 1 },
{ ".015625", "00.01", ios::oct | ios::showbase, 0, 2 },
{ ".125", "00.1", ios::fixed | ios::oct | ios::showbase, 0, 1 },
{ ".015625", "0.0", ios::fixed | ios::oct | ios::showbase, 0, 1 },
{ ".015625", "00.01", ios::fixed | ios::oct | ios::showbase, 0, 2 },
{ "0.125", "1.000000e-01", ios::oct | ios::scientific },
{ "0.125", "+1.000000e-01", ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::showpos },
{ "-0.125", "-1.000000e-01", ios::oct | ios::scientific },
{ "-0.125", "-1.000000e-01", ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::showpos },
{ "0", "0.000e+00", ios::oct | ios::scientific, 0, 3 },
{ "256", "4.000e+02", ios::oct | ios::scientific, 0, 3 },
{ "256", "04.000e+02", ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::showbase, 0, 3 },
{ "256", "4.000E+02", ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::uppercase, 0, 3 },
{ "256", "04.000E+02",
ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase, 0, 3 },
{ "16777216", "1.000000e+08", ios::oct | ios::scientific },
{ "16777216", "1.000000E+08",
ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::uppercase },
{ "16777216", "01.000000e+08",
ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::showbase },
{ "16777216", "01.000000E+08",
ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::showbase | ios::uppercase },
{ "16777216", "+01.000000e+08",
ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::showbase | ios::showpos },
{ "16777216", "+01.000000E+08", ios::oct | ios::scientific
| ios::showbase | ios::showpos | ios::uppercase },
{ "-16777216", "-01.000000e+08",
ios::oct | ios::scientific | ios::showbase | ios::showpos },
{ "-16777216", "-01.000000E+08", ios::oct | ios::scientific
| ios::showbase | ios::showpos | ios::uppercase },
size_t i;
mpf_t f, f2;
double d;
mpf_init (f);
mpf_init (f2);
for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
mpf_set_str_or_abort (f, data[i].f, 0);
d = mpf_get_d (f);
mpf_set_d (f2, d);
if (option_check_standard && mpf_cmp (f, f2) == 0
&& ! (data[i].flags & (ios::hex | ios::oct | ios::showbase)))
ostringstream got;
CALL (got << d);
if (got.str().compare (data[i].want) != 0)
cout << "check_mpf data[" << i
<< "] doesn't match standard ostream output\n";
cout << " f: " << data[i].f << "\n";
cout << " d: " << d << "\n";
DUMP ();
ostringstream got;
CALL (got << f);
if (got.str().compare (data[i].want) != 0)
cout << "mpf operator<< wrong, data[" << i << "]\n";
cout << " f: " << data[i].f << "\n";
mpf_clear (f);
mpf_clear (f2);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc > 1 && strcmp (argv[1], "-s") == 0)
option_check_standard = 1;
tests_start ();
check_mpz ();
check_mpq ();
check_mpf ();
tests_end ();
return 0;