blob: 103f7127d16391cc7b1af50d40c80c0cd909146f [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<!-- Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. -->
<title> Browser Test Page </title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<script type="text/javascript">
// test_table descriptor consists of a number of rows.
// Each row contains a two element array.
// The first element is a "class" of test, which becomes a column heading.
// The second element is a list of test descriptors.
// Each test descriptor is a two element array containing a description and a
// link.
var test_table_descriptor = [
[ 'Examples',
[ [ 'SRPC hello world example', 'srpc_hw.html' ], ] ],
[ 'Functionality Tests',
[ [ 'SRPC parameter passing test', 'srpc_basic.html' ],
[ 'SRPC plugin properties test', 'srpc_plugin.html' ],
[ 'SRPC socket address API test', 'srpc_sockaddr.html' ],
[ 'SRPC shared memory API test', 'srpc_shm.html' ],
[ 'SRPC resource descriptor transfer test', 'srpc_nrd_xfer.html' ], ] ],
[ 'NPAPI examples',
[ [ 'Hello world example', 'npapi_hw.html' ], ], ],
var buildTable = function() {
var num_test_classes = test_table_descriptor.length;
var i;
var table = '<table border="10" cellpadding="5%" summary="Tests"><tr>';
// Build the table heading row.
for (i = 0; i < num_test_classes; ++i) {
var test_class_descriptor = test_table_descriptor[i];
var heading = test_class_descriptor[0];
table += '<th>' + heading + '</th>';
table += '</tr><tr>';
// Build the tests row as a set of nested tables.
for (i = 0; i < num_test_classes; ++i) {
var test_class_descriptor = test_table_descriptor[i];
var test_list = test_class_descriptor[1];
var num_tests = test_list.length;
var j;
table += '<td valign="top"><table summary="Individual tests">';
for (j = 0; j < num_tests; ++j) {
var test_descriptor = test_list[j];
var test_name = test_descriptor[0];
var test_link = test_descriptor[1];
table +=
'<tr><td>' +
'<button type="button" onclick="self.location=\'' + test_link +
'\'"> Go </button>&nbsp;' +
test_name +
table += '</table></td>';
table += '</tr></table>';
// Install the table in the div element.
var table_div_element = document.getElementById('table_div');
table_div_element.innerHTML = table;
<body onload="buildTable()">
<h1> Native Client Browser Examples and Tests </h1>
<div id="table_div"> </div>