blob: d2f5bc3b80482a095d657431a4c495d5f39167e5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/v8-platform.h"
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
#include "src/base/region-allocator.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace base {
// Defines the page initialization mode of a BoundedPageAllocator.
enum class PageInitializationMode {
// The contents of allocated pages must be zero initialized. This causes any
// committed pages to be decommitted during FreePages and ReleasePages.
// Allocated pages do not have to be be zero initialized and can contain old
// data. This is slightly faster as comitted pages are not decommitted
// during FreePages and ReleasePages, but only made inaccessible.
// Assume pages are in discarded state and already have the right page
// permissions. Using this mode requires PageFreeingMode::kDiscard.
// Defines how BoundedPageAllocator frees pages when FreePages or ReleasePages
// is requested.
enum class PageFreeingMode {
// Pages are freed/released by setting permissions to kNoAccess. This is the
// preferred mode when current platform/configuration allows any page
// permissions reconfiguration.
// Pages are freed/released by using DiscardSystemPages of the underlying
// page allocator. This mode should be used for the cases when page permission
// reconfiguration is not allowed. In particular, on MacOS on ARM64 ("Apple
// M1"/Apple Silicon) it's not allowed to reconfigure RWX pages to anything
// else.
// This mode is not compatible with kAllocatedPagesMustBeZeroInitialized
// page initialization mode.
// This is a v8::PageAllocator implementation that allocates pages within the
// pre-reserved region of virtual space. This class requires the virtual space
// to be kept reserved during the lifetime of this object.
// The main application of bounded page allocator are
// - V8 heap pointer compression which requires the whole V8 heap to be
// allocated within a contiguous range of virtual address space,
// - executable page allocation, which allows to use PC-relative 32-bit code
// displacement on certain 64-bit platforms.
// Bounded page allocator uses other page allocator instance for doing actual
// page allocations.
// The implementation is thread-safe.
class V8_BASE_EXPORT BoundedPageAllocator : public v8::PageAllocator {
enum class AllocationStatus {
using Address = uintptr_t;
static const char* AllocationStatusToString(AllocationStatus);
BoundedPageAllocator(v8::PageAllocator* page_allocator, Address start,
size_t size, size_t allocate_page_size,
PageInitializationMode page_initialization_mode,
PageFreeingMode page_freeing_mode);
BoundedPageAllocator(const BoundedPageAllocator&) = delete;
BoundedPageAllocator& operator=(const BoundedPageAllocator&) = delete;
~BoundedPageAllocator() override = default;
// These functions are not inlined to avoid
Address begin() const;
size_t size() const;
// Returns true if given address is in the range controlled by the bounded
// page allocator instance.
bool contains(Address address) const {
return region_allocator_.contains(address);
size_t AllocatePageSize() override { return allocate_page_size_; }
size_t CommitPageSize() override { return commit_page_size_; }
void SetRandomMmapSeed(int64_t seed) override {
void* GetRandomMmapAddr() override {
return page_allocator_->GetRandomMmapAddr();
void* AllocatePages(void* hint, size_t size, size_t alignment,
Permission access) override;
bool ReserveForSharedMemoryMapping(void* address, size_t size) override;
// Allocates pages at given address, returns true on success.
bool AllocatePagesAt(Address address, size_t size, Permission access);
bool FreePages(void* address, size_t size) override;
bool ReleasePages(void* address, size_t size, size_t new_size) override;
bool SetPermissions(void* address, size_t size, Permission access) override;
bool RecommitPages(void* address, size_t size,
PageAllocator::Permission access) override;
bool DiscardSystemPages(void* address, size_t size) override;
bool DecommitPages(void* address, size_t size) override;
bool SealPages(void* address, size_t size) override;
AllocationStatus get_last_allocation_status() const {
return allocation_status_;
v8::base::Mutex mutex_;
const size_t allocate_page_size_;
const size_t commit_page_size_;
v8::PageAllocator* const page_allocator_;
v8::base::RegionAllocator region_allocator_;
const PageInitializationMode page_initialization_mode_;
const PageFreeingMode page_freeing_mode_;
AllocationStatus allocation_status_ = AllocationStatus::kSuccess;
} // namespace base
} // namespace v8