blob: 37096e3d7be1d39e88b9c7f69706837ba46cdd91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <limits>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/base/platform/platform.h"
namespace v8::base {
// Implementation detail, do not use outside this header. The public interface
// is below.
namespace impl {
template <const std::string_view&... strs>
struct JoinedStringViews {
static constexpr auto JoinIntoNullTerminatedArray() noexcept {
constexpr size_t kArraySize = (1 + ... + strs.size());
std::array<char, kArraySize> arr{};
char* ptr =;
for (auto str : std::initializer_list<std::string_view>{strs...}) {
for (auto c : str) *ptr++ = c;
*ptr++ = '\0';
DCHECK_EQ( + arr.size(), ptr);
return arr;
// Store in an array with static linkage, so we can reference it from the
// {std::string_view} below.
static constexpr auto array = JoinIntoNullTerminatedArray();
// Create a string view to the null-terminated array. The null byte is not
// included.
static constexpr std::string_view string_view = {,
array.size() - 1};
template <typename T>
struct FormattedStringPart {
static_assert(sizeof(T) < 0,
"unimplemented type, add specialization below if needed");
template <>
struct FormattedStringPart<int> {
// Integer range: [-2147483647, 2147483647]. Representable in 11 characters.
static constexpr int kMaxLen = 11;
static constexpr std::string_view kFormatPart = "%d";
int value;
template <>
struct FormattedStringPart<size_t> {
// size_t range: [0, 4294967295] on 32-bit, [0, +18446744073709551615] on
// 64-bit. Needs 10 or 20 characters.
static constexpr int kMaxLen = sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(uint32_t) ? 10 : 20;
static constexpr std::string_view kFormatPart = "%zu";
size_t value;
template <size_t N>
struct FormattedStringPart<char[N]> {
static_assert(N >= 1, "Do not print (static) empty strings");
static_assert(N <= 128, "Do not include huge strings");
static constexpr int kMaxLen = N - 1;
static constexpr std::string_view kFormatPart = "%s";
const char* value;
template <const std::string_view& kFormat, int kMaxLen, typename... Parts>
std::array<char, kMaxLen> PrintFormattedStringToArray(Parts... parts) {
std::array<char, kMaxLen> message;
static_assert(kMaxLen > 0);
kMaxLen < 128,
"Don't generate overly large strings; this limit can be increased, but "
"consider that the array lives on the stack of the caller.");
// Add a special case for empty strings, because compilers complain about
// empty format strings.
static_assert((kFormat.size() == 0) == (sizeof...(Parts) == 0));
if constexpr (kFormat.size() == 0) {
message[0] = '\0';
} else {
int characters = base::OS::SNPrintF(, kMaxLen,,
CHECK(characters >= 0 && characters < kMaxLen);
DCHECK_EQ('\0', message[characters]);
return message;
} // namespace impl
// `FormattedString` allows to format strings with statically known number and
// type of constituents.
// The class stores all values that should be printed, and generates the final
// string via `SNPrintF` into a `std::array`, without any dynamic memory
// allocation. The format string is computed statically.
// This makes this class not only very performant, but also suitable for
// situations where we do not want to perform any memory allocation (like for
// reporting OOM or fatal errors).
// Use like this:
// auto message = FormattedString{} << "Cannot allocate " << size << " bytes";
// V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(nullptr, message.PrintToArray().data());
// This code is compiled into the equivalent of
// std::array<char, 34> message_arr;
// int chars = SNPrintF(, 34, "%s%d%s", "Cannot allocate ",
// size, " bytes");
// CHECK(chars >= 0 && chars < 34);
// V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(nullptr,;
template <typename... Ts>
class FormattedString {
template <typename T>
using Part = impl::FormattedStringPart<T>;
"All parts needs to be trivial to guarantee optimal code");
static constexpr int kMaxLen = (1 + ... + Part<Ts>::kMaxLen);
static constexpr std::string_view kFormat =
FormattedString() {
static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) == 0,
"Only explicitly construct empty FormattedString, use "
"operator<< to appending");
// Add one more part to the FormattedString. Only allowed on r-value ref (i.e.
// temporary object) to avoid misuse like `FormattedString<> str; str << 3;`
// instead of `auto str = FormattedString{} << 3;`.
template <typename T>
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT auto operator<<(T&& t) const&& {
using PlainT = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;
return FormattedString<Ts..., PlainT>{
std::tuple_cat(parts_, std::make_tuple(Part<PlainT>{t}))};
// Print this FormattedString into an array. Does not allocate any dynamic
// memory. The result lives on the stack of the caller.
V8_INLINE V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT std::array<char, kMaxLen> PrintToArray()
const {
return std::apply(
impl::PrintFormattedStringToArray<kFormat, kMaxLen, Part<Ts>...>,
template <typename... Us>
friend class FormattedString;
explicit FormattedString(std::tuple<Part<Ts>...> parts) : parts_(parts) {}
std::tuple<Part<Ts>...> parts_;
// Add an explicit deduction guide for empty template parameters (fixes
// clang's -Wctad-maybe-unsupported warning). Non-empty formatted strings
// explicitly declare template parameters anyway.
} // namespace v8::base