blob: 3a0d90bbfe605cb1048aff54a69adc4e6115766a [file] [log] [blame]
Quick Capture Sample Application
Author: (Stacey Gammon)
Captures streaming video and outputs to a sample webm file.
Building with Eclipse (Unix/Mac)
1) Open eclipse (must have c/c++ framework installed).
2) Select Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace
3) Browse to where you downloaded the quickcapturesample folder & select it as
the root.
4) (Mac Only) Copy maclibs/libvidcap.1.dylib into /usr/local/lib/
5) Build using configuration UnixDebug or MacDebug, depending on your OS.
Building with Visual Studio 2008 (Windows)
1) Open up Win/QuickCapture.sln
2) Must have DirectShow SDK Installed.
3) Build Solution.
The appropriate libraries for vpx and webmmux are included, but you can also
link to newer versions as they become available.
Windows: Win/Debug/quickcapture.exe
Linux: UnixDebug/QuickCaptureSample
Mac: MacDebug/QuickCaptureSample
Output file: sample.webm (in the same folder you ran the program in).
To play the output file, use Windows Media Player, or point to the file in a
Chrome of Firefox browser.
- You can adjust the width and height, but not all values will neccesarily work.
Default value of width at 640 and height at 480 works on all platforms.
- You can also adjust the video bitrate, and the capture frame rate.
- If you run into problems, try downloading and building the latest libraries
(libvpx, webmmux, etc) for your specific platform.
- Use gyp files to create .sln and eclipse project files.
- Take file output name as an input parameter.
- Create makefiles to allow building from command line