blob: 29933111941d5d95be9f89fbb6e35d32c754726b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webm_tools_types.h"
namespace mkvparser {
class AudioTrack;
class Block;
class Cluster;
class CuePoint;
class Cues;
class IMkvReader;
class MkvReader;
class Segment;
class SegmentInfo;
class Track;
class VideoTrack;
struct Colour;
} // namespace mkvparser
namespace webm_tools {
class WebmIncrementalReader;
struct CueDesc {
int64 start_time_ns;
int64 end_time_ns;
int64 start_offset;
int64 end_offset;
// This class is used to load a WebM file using libwebm. The class adds
// convenience functions to gather information about WebM files. The class is
// dependent on libwebm.
// WebMFile can be used to parse a WebM file incrementally or to parse the
// entire file. To parse the entire file call ParseFile() after the class is
// created. To parse a WebM file incrementally call ParseNextChunk with
// sequential chunks. If a level 1 WebM element is parsed the size of the
// element is passed back. The calling code is responsible for removing the
// data of the element that was just parsed. Once the end of the file is known
// a call to SetEndOfFilePosition should be made.
// The code using WebMFile must pay attention to the state of WebMFile as the
// values returned may change over time if parsing incrementally. The state
// starts in kParsingHeaders. After the parser has parsed all of the header
// data the state will transition to kParsingClusters. After the parser has
// finished parsing all of the cluster the state will transition to
// kParsingDone. Check the function comments as to what state the parser needs
// to be in to output valid values.
class WebMFile {
enum TrackTypes {
kUnknown = 0,
kVideo = 1,
kAudio = 2,
enum Status {
kInvalidWebM = -2,
kParsingError = -1,
kParsingHeader = 1,
kParsingClusters = 2,
kParsingFinalElements = 3,
kParsingDone = 4,
// Loads and parses the webm file. Returns false if the DocType is not "webm"
// Returns true if the file has been loaded and verified.
bool ParseFile(const std::string& filename);
// Loads and parses the webm file. |reader| is an object that implements the
// mkvparser::IMkvReader interface. Returns false if the DocType is not
// "webm". Returns true if the file has been loaded and verified.
bool ParseFile(mkvparser::IMkvReader* reader);
// Returns true if the file contains at least one audio track. Parser
// state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
bool HasAudio() const;
// Returns the number of channels of the first audio track. Returns 0 if
// there is no audio track. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for
// output to be valid.
int AudioChannels() const;
// Returns the sample rate of the first audio track. Returns 0 if there is
// no audio track. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to be
// valid.
int AudioSampleRate() const;
// Returns the audio sample size in bits per sample of the first audio track.
// Returns 0 if there no audio track. Parser state must be >=
// kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
int AudioSampleSize() const;
// Returns how many seconds are in |buffer| after |search_sec| has passed.
// |time| is the start time in seconds. |search_sec| is the number of
// seconds to emulate downloading data. |kbps| is the current download
// datarate. |buffer| is an input/output parameter. The amount of time in
// seconds will be added to the value passed into |buffer|. |sec_counted|
// is the time in seconds used to perform the calculation. |sec_counted|
// may be different than |search_sec| is it is near the end of the clip.
// Return values < 0 are errors. Return value of 0 is success. Parser state
// must equal kParsingDone for output to be valid.
int BufferSizeAfterTime(double time,
double search_sec,
int64 kbps,
double* buffer,
double* sec_counted) const;
// Returns how many seconds are in |buffer| and how many seconds it took to
// download |search_sec| seconds. |time_ns| is the start time in nanoseconds.
// |search_sec| is the time in seconds to emulate downloading. |bps| is
// the current download datarate in bits per second. |min_buffer| is the
// amount of time in seconds that buffer must stay above or return a buffer
// underrun condition. |buffer| is an input/output parameter. The amount of
// time in seconds will be added to the value passed into |buffer|.
// |sec_to_download| is the time in seconds that it took to download the
// data. Return values < 0 are errors. Return value of 0 is success.
// Return value of 1 is the function encountered a buffer underrun. Parser
// state must equal kParsingDone for output to be valid.
int BufferSizeAfterTimeDownloaded(int64 time_ns,
double search_sec,
int64 bps,
double min_buffer,
double* buffer,
double* sec_to_download) const;
// Returns the average framerate of the first video track. Returns 0.0 if
// there is no video track or we cannot calculate an average framerate.
// Parser state must equal kParsingDone for output to be valid.
double CalculateVideoFrameRate() const;
// Returns true if the TrackNumber, CodecID and CodecPrivate in the webm
// file are equal to the values in |webm_file|. Parser states must be >=
// kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
bool CheckBitstreamSwitching(const WebMFile& webm_file) const;
// Returns true if the start time and the block number of all the cue
// points in the webm file are equal to all of the cue points in
// |webm_file|. Parser states must equal kParsingDone for output to be valid.
bool CheckCuesAlignment(const WebMFile& webm_file) const;
// Returns true if the CuePoints across |webm_list| are aligned with respect
// to time. |seconds| is the range in seconds that the function is allowed to
// search for alignment. I.e. If file A had a CuePoint every 5 seconds and
// file B had a CuePoint every 15 seconds then the files would be aligned
// if |seconds| >= 15.0. |check_for_sap| if true checks if potentially aligned
// CuePoints start with a key frame. I.e. The first frame in the Custer is a
// key frame. |check_for_audio_match| if true checks that the first audio
// block in potentially aligned CuePoints are the same. |verbose| if true
// outputs more information to stdout. |output_alignment_times| if true will
// append the aligned CuePoint times in seconds to |output_string|.
// |output_alignment_stats| if true will append the aligned CuePoint times in
// seconds and the reason why potentially aligned CuePoints were rejected.
// |output_alignment_stats| supersedes |output_alignment_times|.
// |output_string| is an output parameter with information on why the function
// returned false and/or the output from |output_alignment_stats| or
// |output_alignment_times|. |output_string| may be NULL. Parser states must
// equal kParsingDone for output to be valid.
static bool CheckCuesAlignmentList(
const std::vector<const WebMFile*>& webm_list,
double seconds,
bool check_for_sap,
bool check_for_audio_match,
bool verbose,
bool output_alignment_times,
bool output_alignment_stats,
std::string* output_string);
// Returns true if the file has a Cues element. Parser state must equal
// kParsingDone for output to be valid.
bool CheckForCues() const;
// Returns true if the first Block of every CuePoint is the first Block in
// the Cluster for that track. Parser state must equal kParsingDone for
// output to be valid.
bool CuesFirstInCluster(TrackTypes type) const;
// Returns true if the file has accurate cluster duration for all the
// Clusters. The last Cluster is not checked. By convention it is still
// considered to have accurate cluster duration irrespective of the last
// Cluster.
bool HasAccurateClusterDuration() const;
// Returns the display width of the first video track. Returns 0 if there
// is no video track. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to
// be valid.
int DisplayWidth() const;
// Returns the display height of the first video track. Returns 0 if there
// is no video track. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to
// be valid.
int DisplayHeight() const;
// Returns the display unit of the first video track. Returns -1 if there
// is no video track. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to
// be valid.
int DisplayUnit() const;
// Calculate and returns average bits per second for the WebM file. Parser
// state must be >= kParsingClusters and the end position must be set for
// output to be valid.
int64 FileAverageBitsPerSecond() const;
// Returns the length of the file in bytes. Parser state must be >=
// kParsingClusters and the end position must be set for output to be valid.
int64 FileLength() const;
// Calculates and returns maximum bits per second for the WebM file. Parser
// state must equal kParsingDone for output to be valid.
int64 FileMaximumBitsPerSecond() const;
// Returns the codec string associated with the file. If the CodecID
// CodecID | string
// ------------------
// V_VP8 | vp8
// V_VP9 | vp9
// A_VORBIS | vorbis
// A_OPUS | opus
// If there is more than one track in the file the codecs will be in a comma
// separated list like "vp8, vorbis". If the CodecID is anything else then
// the string returned will be empty. Parser state must be >=
// kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
std::string GetCodec() const;
// Returns the Cues from the webm file. Parser state must equal kParsingDone
// for output to be valid.
const mkvparser::Cues* GetCues() const;
// Returns the duration of the file in nanoseconds. Parser state must be >=
// kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
int64 GetDurationNanoseconds() const;
// Returns the byte offset in the file for the start of the Segment Info and
// Tracks element starting with the EBML element ID to the end offset of the
// element. A return value of -1 for either value indicates an error.
void GetHeaderRange(int64* start, int64* end) const;
// Returns the mimetype string associated with the file. Returns
// "video/webm" if the file is a valid WebM file. Returns the empty string
// if not a valid WebM file. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for
// output to be valid.
std::string GetMimeType() const;
// Returns the mimetype with the codec parameter for the first two tracks
// in the file. The format is defined by the WebM specification. Returns the
// empty string if not a valid WebM file. Parser state must be >=
// kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
std::string GetMimeTypeWithCodec() const;
// Returns the Segment element. Returns NULL if the segment has not been
// created.
const mkvparser::Segment* GetSegment() const;
// Returns the SegmentInfo element. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters
// for output to be valid.
const mkvparser::SegmentInfo* GetSegmentInfo() const;
// Returns the starting byte offset for the Segment element. Parser state must
// be >= kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
int64 GetSegmentStartOffset() const;
// Returns true if the first video track equals V_VP8 / V_VP9 or the first
// audio track equals A_OPUS / A_VORBIS. Returns false if there are no audio
// or video tracks. Returns false if there is both a video tack and an audio
// track. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
bool OnlyOneStream() const;
// Parses the next WebM chunk in |data|. The application owns |data|. If one
// or more level 1 WebM elements are parsed the amount of bytes read is
// passed back in |bytes_read| and the application must adjust |data| by
// |bytes_read| on the next call to ParseNextChunk. If |bytes_read| is -1 the
// application should append more to |data|, but where |data| points to must
// not be changed on subsequent calls to ParseNextChunk. Returns the current
// state of the parser or returns kParsingError if the parser encountered an
// error.
Status ParseNextChunk(const uint8* data, int32 size, int32* bytes_read);
// Returns the peak bits per second over the entire file taking into account a
// prebuffer of |prebuffer_ns|. This function will iterate over all the Cue
// points to get the maximum bits per second from all Cue points. Return
// values < 0 are errors. Parser state must equal kParsingDone for output to
// be valid.
int64 PeakBitsPerSecondOverFile(int64 prebuffer_ns) const;
// Sets the reader end of file offset.
bool SetEndOfFilePosition(int64 offset);
// Returns the stereo mode (3d) of the first video track. Returns -1 if there
// is no video track. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to
// be valid.
int StereoMode() const;
// Returns average bits per second for the first track of track |type|.
// Parser state must equal kParsingDone for output to be valid.
int64 TrackAverageBitsPerSecond(TrackTypes type) const;
// Returns number of tracks for track of |type|. Parser state must be >=
// kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
int64 TrackCount(TrackTypes type) const;
// Returns number of frames for the first track of |type|. Parser state must
// equal kParsingDone for output to be valid.
int64 TrackFrameCount(TrackTypes type) const;
// Returns size in bytes for the first track of |type|. Parser state must
// equal kParsingDone for output to be valid.
int64 TrackSize(TrackTypes type) const;
// Returns start time in nanoseconds for the first track of |type|. Parser
// state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
int64 TrackStartNanoseconds(TrackTypes type) const;
// Returns true if the file contains at least one video track. Parser state
// must be >= kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
bool HasVideo() const;
// Returns the Colour information of the first video track. Returns 0 if there
// is no video track or if the video track has no colour element. Parser state
// must be >= kParsingClusters for output to be valid.
const mkvparser::Colour* VideoColour() const;
// Returns the average framerate of the first video track. Returns 0.0 if
// there is no video track or there is no FrameRate element.
double VideoFramerate() const;
// Returns the height in pixels of the first video track. Returns 0 if there
// is no video track. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to
// be valid.
int VideoHeight() const;
// Returns the width in pixels of the first video track. Returns 0 if there
// is no video track. Parser state must be >= kParsingClusters for output to
// be valid.
int VideoWidth() const;
const std::string& filename() const { return filename_; }
Status state() const { return state_; }
mkvparser::IMkvReader* reader() { return reader_; }
// Parse function pointer type.
typedef Status (WebMFile::*ParseFunc)(int32* bytes_read);
// Calculate and returns average bits per second for the WebM file starting
// from |cp|. If |cp| is NULL calculate the bits per second over the entire
// file. Returns 0 on error.
int64 CalculateBitsPerSecond(const mkvparser::CuePoint* cp) const;
// Returns the frame rate for |track_number|. The frame rate is calculated
// from all the frames in the Clusters. Returns 0.0 if it cannot calculate
// the frame rate.
double CalculateFrameRate(int track_number) const;
// Returns average bits per second for |track_number| starting from |cp|. If
// |cp| is NULL calculate the bits per second over the entire file.
// Returns 0 on error.
int64 CalculateTrackBitsPerSecond(int track_number,
const mkvparser::CuePoint* cp) const;
// Returns the number of frames for |track_number| starting from |cp|. If
// |cp| is NULL calculate the number of frames over the entire file. Returns
// 0 on error.
int64 CalculateTrackFrameCount(int track_number,
const mkvparser::CuePoint* cp) const;
// Returns size in bytes for |track_number| starting from |cp|. If |cp| is
// NULL calculate the size over the entire file. Returns 0 on error.
int64 CalculateTrackSize(int track_number,
const mkvparser::CuePoint* cp) const;
// Returns true if the first four bytes of |doc_type| match "webm".
bool CheckDocType(const std::string& doc_type) const;
// Returns the |start| and |end| byte offsets and the start and end times
// of the requested chunk. |start_time_nano| is the time in nano seconds
// inclusive to start searching for in the Cues element. |end_time_nano| is
// the time in nano seconds exclusive to end searching for in the Cues
// element. If you want to get the entries Cues element set |end_time_nano|
// to max of webm_tools::int64.
void FindCuesChunk(int64 start_time_nano,
int64 end_time_nano,
int64* start,
int64* end,
int64* cue_start_time,
int64* cue_end_time) const;
// Calculates private per Track statistics on the WebM file. This function
// parses all of the Blocks within the file and stores per Track information
// to query later. This is an optimization as parsing every Block in a WebM
// file can take a long time. Returns true on success.
bool GenerateStats();
// Return the first audio track. Returns NULL if there are no audio tracks.
const mkvparser::AudioTrack* GetAudioTrack() const;
// Returns the byte offset in the file for the start of the first Cluster
// element starting with the EBML element ID. A value of -1 indicates there
// was an error.
int64 GetClusterRangeStart() const;
// Returns the CueDesc associated with |time|. |time| is the time in
// nanoseconds. Returns NULL if it cannot find a CueDesc.
const CueDesc* GetCueDescFromTime(int64 time) const;
// Returns the time in nanoseconds of the first Block in the Cluster
// referenced by |cp|. |cp| is the CuePoint that references the Cluster to
// search. |track_num| is the number of the Track to look for the first
// Block. |nanoseconds| is the output time in nanoseconds. |nanoseconds| is
// set only if the function returns true. Returns false if it could not
// find a Block of |track_num| within the Cluster. Returns false if
// nanoseconds is NULL.
bool GetFirstBlockTime(const mkvparser::CuePoint& cp,
int track_num,
int64* nanoseconds) const;
// Returns true if the Block of |track| within the Cluster represented by
// index is valid. |cp| is the CuePoint that references the Cluster to
// search. |track| the Track to look for. |index| is the index of the Block.
// |block| is the output variable to get the Block. Returns false if the
// function cannot find the Block referenced by |track| and |index|. Returns
// false if |cluster| or |block| is NULL.
bool GetIndexedBlock(const mkvparser::CuePoint& cp,
const mkvparser::Track& track,
int index,
const mkvparser::Cluster** cluster,
const mkvparser::Block** block) const;
// Returns the byte offset in the file for the start of the SegmentInfo
// element starting with the EBML element ID to the end offset of the
// element.
void GetSegmentInfoRange(int64* start, int64* end) const;
// Returns the Track by an index. Returns NULL if it cannot find the track
// represented by |index|.
const mkvparser::Track* GetTrack(uint32 index) const;
// Returns the byte offset in the file for the start of the Tracks element
// starting with the EBML element ID to the end offset of the element.
void GetTracksRange(int64* start, int64* end) const;
// Return the first video track. Returns NULL if there are no video tracks.
const mkvparser::VideoTrack* GetVideoTrack() const;
// Tries to parse a cluster. Returns |kParsingClusters| and sets
// |bytes_read| to -1 if more data is needed. Returns |kParsingClusters| and
// sets |bytes_read| to the amount of bytes read when a Cluster has been
// parsed. Returns |kParsingError| on error.
Status ParseCluster(int32* bytes_read);
// Tries to parse all of the elements until the first Cluster. Returns
// |kParsingHeader| and sets |bytes_read| to -1 if more data is needed.
// Returns |kParsingClusters| and sets |bytes_read| to the amount of bytes
// read when successful. Returns |kParsingError| on error.
Status ParseSegmentHeaders(int32* bytes_read);
// Populates |cue_desc_list_| from the Cues element. Returns true on success.
bool LoadCueDescList();
// Returns true if |block| is an altref frame.
bool IsFrameAltref(const mkvparser::Block& block) const;
// Returns the peak bits per second starting at |time_ns| taking into
// account a prebuffer of |prebuffer_ns|. The peak bits per second is
// returned in the out parameter |bits_per_second|. Return values < 0 are
// errors. Return value of 0 is success.
int PeakBitsPerSecond(int64 time_ns,
int64 prebuffer_ns,
double* bits_per_second) const;
// Returns true if |block| is a key frame. |cp| is the CuePoint that
// references the Cluster to search. |cluster| is the Cluster that contains
// |block|. |block| is the Block to check.
bool StartsWithKey(const mkvparser::CuePoint& cp,
const mkvparser::Cluster& cluster,
const mkvparser::Block& block) const;
// Flag telling if the internal per Track statistics have been calculated.
bool calculated_file_stats_;
// Bytes read in partially parsed cluster.
int64 cluster_parse_offset_;
// Time in nano seconds to split up the Cues element into the chunkindexlist.
int64 cue_chunk_time_nano_;
// CueDesc list.
std::vector<CueDesc> cue_desc_list_;
// Variable to hold end of file position until reader is created. -1
// indicates the file position has not been set.
int64 end_of_file_position_;
// Calculated file duration in nanoseconds.
int64 file_duration_nano_;
// Path to WebM file.
std::string filename_;
// Parsing function-- either |ParseSegmentHeaders| or |ParseCluster|.
ParseFunc parse_func_;
// Pointer to current cluster when |ParseCluster| only partially parses
// cluster data. NULL otherwise. Note that |ptr_cluster_| is memory owned by
// libwebm's mkvparser.
const mkvparser::Cluster* ptr_cluster_;
// Base IMkvReader interface that gets set to |file_reader_| if ParseFile is
// called or |incremental_reader_| if parsing a WebM file incrementally.
mkvparser::IMkvReader* reader_;
// libwebm file reader that implements the IMkvReader interface required by
// libwebm's mkvparser.
std::unique_ptr<mkvparser::MkvReader> file_reader_;
// Buffer object that implements the IMkvReader interface required by
// libwebm's mkvparser using a window into the |buf| argument passed to
// |Parse|.
std::unique_ptr<WebmIncrementalReader> incremental_reader_;
// Pointer to libwebm segment.
std::unique_ptr<mkvparser::Segment> segment_;
// The current state of the parser. The state starts in kParsingHeaders.
// After the parser has parsed all of the header data the state will
// transition to kParsingClusters. After the parser has finished parsing all
// of the cluster the state will transition to kParsingDone.
Status state_;
// Sum of parsed element lengths. Used to update |parser_| window.
int64 total_bytes_parsed_;
// Member variables used to calculate information about the WebM file which
// only need to be parsed once. Key is the Track number.
// |tracks_size_| Size in bytes of all Blocks per Track.
std::map<int, int64> tracks_size_;
// Count of all Blocks per Track.
std::map<int, int64> tracks_frame_count_;
// Start time in milliseconds per Track.
std::map<int, int64> tracks_start_milli_;
} // namespace webm_tools