blob: 7516867d62a1cd74e07e7e74c68ace19748499fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#define HAVE_CONFIG_H "vpx_codecs_config.h"
#include "vpx/vpx_encoder.h"
#include "vpx/vpx_codec_impl_top.h"
#include "vpx/vpx_codec_impl_bottom.h"
#include "vpx/vp8cx.h"
#if __APPLE_CC__
#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
#include <ConditionalMacros.h>
#include <Endian.h>
#include <ImageCodec.h>
#include "keystone_util.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "Raw_debug.h"
#include "VP8CodecVersion.h"
#include "VP8Encoder.h"
#include "VP8EncoderEncode.h"
#include "VP8EncoderGui.h"
// Setup required for ComponentDispatchHelper.c
#define IMAGECODEC_BASENAME() VP8_Encoder_
#define IMAGECODEC_GLOBALS() VP8EncoderGlobals storage
#define COMPONENT_UPP_PREFIX() uppImageCodec
#define COMPONENT_DISPATCH_FILE "VP8EncoderDispatch.h"
#if __APPLE_CC__
#include <CoreServices/Components.k.h>
#include <QuickTime/ImageCodec.k.h>
#include <QuickTime/ImageCompression.k.h>
#include <QuickTime/ComponentDispatchHelper.c>
#include <Components.k.h>
#include <ImageCodec.k.h>
#include <ImageCompression.k.h>
#include <ComponentDispatchHelper.c>
// Open a new instance of the component.
// Allocate component instance storage ("globals") and associate it with the new instance so that other
// calls will receive it.
// Note that "one-shot" component calls like CallComponentVersion and ImageCodecGetCodecInfo work by opening
// an instance, making that call and then closing the instance, so you should avoid performing very expensive
// initialization operations in a component's Open function.
VP8EncoderGlobals glob,
ComponentInstance self)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] Open Called\n", (UInt32)glob);
glob = calloc(sizeof(VP8EncoderGlobalsRecord), 1);
if (! glob)
err = memFullErr;
goto bail;
SetComponentInstanceStorage(self, (Handle)glob);
glob->self = self;
glob->target = self;
glob->nextDecodeNumber = 1;
glob->frameCount = 0;
glob->raw = NULL;
glob->codec = NULL;
glob-> =0;
glob->stats.buf = NULL;
//default to one pass
glob->currentPass = VPX_RC_ONE_PASS;
glob->sourceQueue.size = 0;
glob->sourceQueue.max = 0;
glob->sourceQueue.queue = NULL;
glob->sourceQueue.frames_in =0;
glob->sourceQueue.frames_out =0;
glob->altRefFrame.buf =0;
glob->altRefFrame.size =0;
int i;
for (i=0;i<TOTAL_CUSTOM_VP8_SETTINGS; i++)
glob->settings[i]= UINT_MAX;
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] Open Called exit %d \n", (UInt32)glob, err);
return err;
// Closes the instance of the component.
// Release all storage associated with this instance.
// Note that if a component's Open function fails with an error, its Close function will still be called.
VP8EncoderGlobals glob,
ComponentInstance self)
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] Close Called\n", (UInt32)glob);
if (glob)
if (glob->stats.buf != NULL)
glob->stats.buf =NULL;
if (glob->codec) //see if i've initialized the vpx_codec
if (vpx_codec_destroy(glob->codec))
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] Failed to destroy codec\n", (UInt32)glob);
glob->sessionOptions = NULL;
if (glob->raw)
if (glob->sourceQueue.queue != NULL)
return noErr;
// Return the version of the component.
// This does not need to correspond in any way to the human-readable version numbers found in
// Get Info windows, etc.
// The principal use of component version numbers is to choose between multiple installed versions
// of the same component: if the component manager sees two components with the same type, subtype
// and manufacturer codes and either has the componentDoAutoVersion registration flag set,
// it will deregister the one with the older version. (If componentAutoVersionIncludeFlags is also
// set, it only does this when the component flags also match.)
// By convention, the high short of the component version is the interface version, which Apple
// bumps when there is a major change in the interface.
// We recommend bumping the low short of the component version every time you ship a release of a component.
// The version number in the 'thng' resource should be the same as the number returned by this function.
VP8_Encoder_Version(VP8EncoderGlobals glob)
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] returning version %d\n", (UInt32)glob, kVP8CompressorVersion);
return kVP8CompressorVersion;
// Sets the target for a component instance.
// When a component wants to make a component call on itself, it should make that call on its target.
// This allows other components to delegate to the component.
// By default, a component's target is itself -- see the Open function.
VP8_Encoder_Target(VP8EncoderGlobals glob, ComponentInstance target)
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] VP8_Encoder_Target\n", (UInt32)glob);
glob->target = target;
return noErr;
// Your component receives the ImageCodecGetCodecInfo request whenever an application calls the Image Compression Manager's GetCodecInfo function.
// Your component should return a formatted compressor information structure defining its capabilities.
// Both compressors and decompressors may receive this request.
VP8_Encoder_GetCodecInfo(VP8EncoderGlobals glob, CodecInfo *info)
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] GetCodecInfo called\n", (UInt32)glob);
OSErr err = noErr;
if (info == NULL)
err = paramErr;
CodecInfo **tempCodecInfo;
err = GetComponentResource((Component)glob->self, codecInfoResourceType, 255, (Handle *)&tempCodecInfo);
if (err == noErr)
*info = **tempCodecInfo;
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] GetCodecInfo exit %d\n", (UInt32)glob, err);
return err;
// Return the maximum size of compressed data for the image in bytes.
// Note that this function is only used when the ICM client is using a compression sequence
// (created with CompressSequenceBegin, not ICMCompressionSessionCreate).
// Nevertheless, it's important to implement it because such clients need to know how much
// memory to allocate for compressed frame buffers.
VP8EncoderGlobals glob,
PixMapHandle src,
const Rect *srcRect,
short depth,
CodecQ quality,
long *size)
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] VP8_Encoder_GetMaxCompressionSize\n", (UInt32)glob);
ComponentResult err = noErr;
size_t maxBytes = 0;
if (! size)
return paramErr;
//this is a very large guess... but they did ask for the max.
maxBytes = (srcRect->right - srcRect->left) * (srcRect->bottom - srcRect->top) / 4;
*size = maxBytes;
return err;
// Utility to add an SInt32 to a CFMutableDictionary.
static void
addNumberToDictionary(CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary, CFStringRef key, SInt32 numberSInt32)
CFNumberRef number = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &numberSInt32);
if (! number)
CFDictionaryAddValue(dictionary, key, number);
// Utility to add a double to a CFMutableDictionary.
static void
addDoubleToDictionary(CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary, CFStringRef key, double numberDouble)
CFNumberRef number = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberDoubleType, &numberDouble);
if (! number)
CFDictionaryAddValue(dictionary, key, number);
// Utility to round up to a multiple of 16.
static int
roundUpToMultipleOf16(int n)
if (0 != (n & 15))
n = (n + 15) & ~15;
return n;
// Create a dictionary that describes the kinds of pixel buffers that we want to receive.
// The important keys to add are kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey,
// kCVPixelBufferWidthKey and kCVPixelBufferHeightKey.
// Many compressors will also want to set kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixels,
// kCVPixelBufferBytesPerRowAlignmentKey, kCVImageBufferGammaLevelKey and kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrixKey.
static OSStatus
createPixelBufferAttributesDictionary(SInt32 width, SInt32 height,
const OSType *pixelFormatList, int pixelFormatCount,
CFMutableDictionaryRef *pixelBufferAttributesOut)
OSStatus err = memFullErr;
int i;
CFMutableDictionaryRef pixelBufferAttributes = NULL;
CFNumberRef number = NULL;
CFMutableArrayRef array = NULL;
SInt32 widthRoundedUp, heightRoundedUp, extendRight, extendBottom;
pixelBufferAttributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(
NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
if (! pixelBufferAttributes) goto bail;
array = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
if (! array) goto bail;
// Under kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey, add the list of source pixel formats.
// This can be a CFNumber or a CFArray of CFNumbers.
for (i = 0; i < pixelFormatCount; i++)
number = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &pixelFormatList[i]);
if (! number) goto bail;
CFArrayAppendValue(array, number);
number = NULL;
CFDictionaryAddValue(pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey, array);
array = NULL;
// Add kCVPixelBufferWidthKey and kCVPixelBufferHeightKey to specify the dimensions
// of the source pixel buffers. Normally this is the same as the compression target dimensions.
addNumberToDictionary(pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferWidthKey, width);
addNumberToDictionary(pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferHeightKey, height);
// If you want to require that extra scratch pixels be allocated on the edges of source pixel buffers,
// add the kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixels{Left,Top,Right,Bottom}Keys to indicate how much.
// Internally our encoded can only support multiples of 16x16 macroblocks;
// we will round the compression dimensions up to a multiple of 16x16 and encode that size.
// (Note that if your compressor needs to copy the pixels anyhow (eg, in order to convert to a different
// format) you may get better performance if your copy routine does not require extended pixels.)
widthRoundedUp = roundUpToMultipleOf16(width);
heightRoundedUp = roundUpToMultipleOf16(height);
extendRight = widthRoundedUp - width;
extendBottom = heightRoundedUp - height;
if (extendRight || extendBottom)
addNumberToDictionary(pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsRightKey, extendRight);
addNumberToDictionary(pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsBottomKey, extendBottom);
// Altivec code is most efficient reading data aligned at addresses that are multiples of 16.
// Pretending that we have some altivec code, we set kCVPixelBufferBytesPerRowAlignmentKey to
// ensure that each row of pixels starts at a 16-byte-aligned address.
addNumberToDictionary(pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferBytesPerRowAlignmentKey, 16);
// This codec accepts YCbCr input in the form of '2vuy' format pixel buffers.
// We recommend explicitly defining the gamma level and YCbCr matrix that should be used.
addDoubleToDictionary(pixelBufferAttributes, kCVImageBufferGammaLevelKey, 2.2);
CFDictionaryAddValue(pixelBufferAttributes, kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrixKey, kCVImageBufferYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4);
err = noErr;
*pixelBufferAttributesOut = pixelBufferAttributes;
pixelBufferAttributes = NULL;
if (pixelBufferAttributes) CFRelease(pixelBufferAttributes);
if (number) CFRelease(number);
if (array) CFRelease(array);
return err;
// Prepare to compress frames.
// Compressor should record session and sessionOptions for use in later calls.
// Compressor may modify imageDescription at this point.
// Compressor may create and return pixel buffer options.
VP8EncoderGlobals glob,
ICMCompressorSessionRef session,
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef sessionOptions,
ImageDescriptionHandle imageDescription,
void *reserved,
CFDictionaryRef *compressorPixelBufferAttributesOut)
dbg_printf("[vp8e] Prepare to Compress Frames\n", (UInt32)glob);
ComponentResult err = noErr;
CFMutableDictionaryRef compressorPixelBufferAttributes = NULL;
//This format later needs to be converted
OSType pixelFormatList[] = { k422YpCbCr8PixelFormat }; // also known as '2vuy'
Fixed gammaLevel;
int frameIndex;
SInt32 widthRoundedUp, heightRoundedUp;
// Record the compressor session for later calls to the ICM.
// Note: this is NOT a CF type and should NOT be CFRetained or CFReleased.
glob->session = session;
// Retain the session options for later use.
glob->sessionOptions = sessionOptions;
// Modify imageDescription here if needed.
// We'll set the image description gamma level to say "2.2".
gammaLevel = kQTCCIR601VideoGammaLevel;
err = ICMImageDescriptionSetProperty(imageDescription,
if (err)
goto bail;
// Record the dimensions from the image description.
glob->width = (*imageDescription)->width;
glob->height = (*imageDescription)->height;
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] Prepare to compress frame width %d height %d\n", (UInt32)glob, glob->width, glob->height);
if (glob->width < 16 || glob->width % 2 || glob->height < 16 || glob->height % 2)
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] Warning :: Invalid resolution: %ldx%ld", (UInt32)glob, glob->width, glob->height);
if (glob->raw == NULL)
glob->raw = calloc(1, sizeof(vpx_image_t));
//Right now I'm only using YV12, this is great for webm, as I control the spit component
if (!vpx_img_alloc(glob->raw, IMG_FMT_YV12, glob->width, glob->height, 1))
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] Error: Failed to allocate image %dx%d", (UInt32)glob, glob->width, glob->height);
err = paramErr;
goto bail;
glob->maxEncodedDataSize = glob->width * glob->height * 2;
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] currently allocating %d bytes as my max encoded size\n", (UInt32)glob, glob->maxEncodedDataSize);
// Create a pixel buffer attributes dictionary.
err = createPixelBufferAttributesDictionary(glob->width, glob->height,
pixelFormatList, sizeof(pixelFormatList) / sizeof(OSType),
if (err)
goto bail;
*compressorPixelBufferAttributesOut = compressorPixelBufferAttributes;
compressorPixelBufferAttributes = NULL;
/* Populate encoder configuration */
glob->res = vpx_codec_enc_config_default((&vpx_codec_vp8_cx_algo), &glob->cfg, 0);
if (glob->res)
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] Failed to get config: %s\n", (UInt32)glob, vpx_codec_err_to_string(glob->res));
err = paramErr; //this may be something different ....
goto bail;
glob->cfg.g_w = glob->width;
glob->cfg.g_h = glob->height;
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] resolution %dx%d\n", (UInt32)glob,
glob->cfg.g_w, glob->cfg.g_h);
if (err)
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] Error %d\n", (UInt32)glob, err);
if (compressorPixelBufferAttributes) CFRelease(compressorPixelBufferAttributes);
return err;
// Presents the compressor with a frame to encode.
// The compressor may encode the frame immediately or queue it for later encoding.
// If the compressor queues the frame for later decode, it must retain it (by calling ICMCompressorSourceFrameRetain)
// and release it when it is done with it (by calling ICMCompressorSourceFrameRelease).
// Pixel buffers are guaranteed to conform to the pixel buffer options returned by ImageCodecPrepareToCompressFrames.
VP8EncoderGlobals glob,
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame,
UInt32 flags)
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] VP8Encoder_EncodeFrame\n", (UInt32)glob);
ComponentResult err = noErr;
ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef frameOptions;
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] flags are %x\n", (UInt32)glob, flags);
err = encodeThisSourceFrame(glob, sourceFrame);
return err;
// Directs the compressor to finish with a queued source frame, either emitting or dropping it.
// This frame does not necessarily need to be the first or only source frame emitted or dropped
// during this call, but the compressor must call either ICMCompressorSessionDropFrame or
// ICMCompressorSessionEmitEncodedFrame with this frame before returning.
// The ICM will call this function to force frames to be encoded for the following reasons:
// - the maximum frame delay count or maximum frame delay time in the sessionOptions
// does not permit more frames to be queued
// - the client has called ICMCompressionSessionCompleteFrames.
VP8EncoderGlobals glob,
ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame,
UInt32 flags)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] VP8Encoder_CompleteFrame\n", (UInt32)glob);
ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef frameOptions;
dbg_printf("[vp8e - %08lx] flags are %x\n", (UInt32)glob, flags);
//todo, this should verify that the source frame is complete
completeThisSourceFrame(glob, sourceFrame);
return err;
static ICMFrameType
getRequestedFrameType(ICMCompressorSourceFrameRef sourceFrame)
ICMCompressionFrameOptionsRef frameOptions = ICMCompressorSourceFrameGetFrameOptions(sourceFrame);
ICMFrameType requestedFrameType = frameOptions ? ICMCompressionFrameOptionsGetFrameType(frameOptions) : kICMFrameType_Unknown;
return requestedFrameType;
//These DITL functions are based off of tech notes here
// Item numbers
#define kItemOnePass 1
#define kItemTwoPass 2
#define kItemAdvanced 3
pascal ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_GetDITLForSize(VP8EncoderGlobals store,
Handle *ditl,
Point *requestedSize)
Handle h = NULL;
ComponentResult err = noErr;
switch (requestedSize->h) {
case kSGSmallestDITLSize:
GetComponentResource((Component)(store->self), FOUR_CHAR_CODE('DITL'),
kVP8_EncoderDITLResID, &h);
if (NULL != h) *ditl = h;
else err = resNotFound;
err = badComponentSelector;
return err;
pascal ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_DITLInstall(VP8EncoderGlobals storage,
DialogRef d,
short itemOffset)
ControlRef cRef;
unsigned long onePassRadio = (*storage).settings[1] == 1;
unsigned long twoPassRadio = (*storage).settings[1] == 2;
GetDialogItemAsControl(d, kItemOnePass + itemOffset, &cRef);
SetControl32BitValue(cRef, onePassRadio);
GetDialogItemAsControl(d, kItemTwoPass + itemOffset, &cRef);
SetControl32BitValue(cRef, twoPassRadio);
return noErr;
pascal ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_DITLEvent(VP8EncoderGlobals storage,
DialogRef d,
short itemOffset,
const EventRecord *theEvent,
short *itemHit,
Boolean *handled)
*handled = false;
return noErr;
pascal ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_DITLItem(VP8EncoderGlobals storage,
DialogRef d,
short itemOffset,
short itemNum)
ControlRef onePassControlRef;
ControlRef twoPassControlRef;
GetDialogItemAsControl(d, itemOffset + kItemOnePass, &onePassControlRef);
GetDialogItemAsControl(d, itemOffset + kItemTwoPass, &twoPassControlRef);
switch (itemNum - itemOffset) {
case kItemOnePass:
SetControl32BitValue(onePassControlRef, 1);
SetControl32BitValue(twoPassControlRef, 0);
case kItemTwoPass:
SetControl32BitValue(onePassControlRef, 0);
SetControl32BitValue(twoPassControlRef, 1);
case kItemAdvanced:
return noErr;
pascal ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_DITLRemove(VP8EncoderGlobals storage,
DialogRef d,
short itemOffset)
ControlRef cRef;
UInt32 onePass;
GetDialogItemAsControl(d, kItemOnePass + itemOffset, &cRef);
onePass = GetControl32BitValue(cRef);
(*storage).settings[1] = onePass?1:2;
return noErr;
pascal ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_DITLValidateInput(VP8EncoderGlobals storage,
Boolean *ok)
if (ok)
*ok = true;
return noErr;
ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_GetSettings(VP8EncoderGlobals globals, Handle settings)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] GetSettings()\n", (UInt32) globals);
if (!settings) {
err = paramErr;
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] ParamErr\n", (UInt32) globals);
} else {
SetHandleSize(settings, TOTAL_CUSTOM_VP8_SETTINGS * 4);
((UInt32 *) *settings)[0] = 'VP80';
int i;
for (i=1;i < TOTAL_CUSTOM_VP8_SETTINGS; i++)
((UInt32 *) *settings)[i] = globals->settings[i];
//dbg_printf("[vp8e] get setting %d as %lu\n",i,((UInt32 *) *settings)[i]);
return err;
ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_SetSettings(VP8EncoderGlobals globals, Handle settings)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] SetSettings() %d\n", (UInt32) globals, GetHandleSize(settings));
int i;
if (!settings || GetHandleSize(settings) == 0) {
dbg_printf("[VP8e] no handle\n");
for (i=1;i< TOTAL_CUSTOM_VP8_SETTINGS; i++)
globals->settings[i] = UINT_MAX; //default
else if (GetHandleSize(settings) == TOTAL_CUSTOM_VP8_SETTINGS * 4 && ((UInt32 *) *settings)[0] == 'VP80') {
for (i=1;i< TOTAL_CUSTOM_VP8_SETTINGS; i++)
globals->settings[i] = ((UInt32 *) *settings)[i];
} else {
dbg_printf("[VP8e] ParamErr\n");
err = paramErr;
return err;
ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_RequestSettings(VP8EncoderGlobals globals, Handle settings,
Rect *rp, ModalFilterUPP filterProc)
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] RequestSettings()\n", (UInt32) globals);
return badComponentSelector;
pascal ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_BeginPass(VP8EncoderGlobals globals,ICMCompressionPassModeFlags passModeFlags,
UInt32 flags, ICMMultiPassStorageRef multiPassStorage )
ComponentResult err = noErr;
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] VP8_Encoder_BeginPass(%lu, %lu) \n", (UInt32) globals, passModeFlags,flags);
if ((passModeFlags &kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames)
&& !(passModeFlags & kICMCompressionPassMode_ReadFromMultiPassStorage))
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] default 1 pass \n", (UInt32) globals);
globals->currentPass = VPX_RC_ONE_PASS;
else if ((passModeFlags & kICMCompressionPassMode_WriteToMultiPassStorage) &&
!(passModeFlags & kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames))
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] First Pass \n", (UInt32) globals);
if (globals->stats.buf != NULL)
globals->stats.buf =NULL;
globals->currentPass = VPX_RC_FIRST_PASS;
else if ((passModeFlags & kICMCompressionPassMode_OutputEncodedFrames)
&& (passModeFlags & kICMCompressionPassMode_ReadFromMultiPassStorage))
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] Second Pass \n", (UInt32) globals);
globals->currentPass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS;
if (globals->codec == NULL) // this should be initialized if there was a first pass
return nilHandleErr;
globals->cfg.g_pass = VPX_RC_LAST_PASS;
globals-> = globals->;
globals->cfg.rc_twopass_stats_in.buf = globals->stats.buf;
globals->frameCount = 0;
if(vpx_codec_enc_init(globals->codec, &vpx_codec_vp8_cx_algo, &globals->cfg, 0))
const char *detail = vpx_codec_error_detail(globals->codec);
dbg_printf("[VP8e] Failed to initialize encoder second pass %s\n", detail);
return notOpenErr;
setCustomPostInit(globals); //not sure if I this is needed just following ivfenc example
return paramErr;///not sure what other type of pass there is
return err;
pascal ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_EndPass(VP8EncoderGlobals globals)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] VP8_Encoder_EndPass(%lu, %lu) \n", (UInt32) globals);
if (globals->currentPass == VPX_RC_FIRST_PASS)
unsigned int prevStatsSize = 0;
while (globals-> != prevStatsSize)
prevStatsSize = globals->;
//send a null frame to encode frame, this ends off the encoder stats
encodeThisSourceFrame(globals, NULL);
//reset all my stats
globals->frameCount =0;
//I don't need to do anything here currently for the second pass
return err;
pascal ComponentResult VP8_Encoder_ProcessBetweenPasses(VP8EncoderGlobals globals, ICMMultiPassStorageRef multiPassStorage,
Boolean * interpassProcessingDoneOut,
ICMCompressionPassModeFlags * requestedNextPassModeFlagsOut)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
dbg_printf("[VP8e -- %08lx] VP8_Encoder_ProcessBetweenPasses \n", (UInt32) globals);
//I don't need to do anything here currently
return err;