blob: 172217bf6536509045593eb3a9ae9c0c2114d7dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "process_info.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "file_utils.h"
#include "logging.h"
ProcessInfo::ProcessInfo(int pid) : memory_(pid), pid_(pid) {}
bool ProcessInfo::IsProcess(int pid) {
char buf[256];
ssize_t rsize = file_utils::ReadProcFile(pid, "status", buf, sizeof(buf));
if (rsize <= 0)
return false;
const char kTgid[] = "\nTgid:";
const char* tgid_line = strstr(buf, kTgid);
int tgid = 0;
if (sscanf(tgid_line + strlen(kTgid), "%d", &tgid) != 1)
return tgid == pid;
bool ProcessInfo::ReadProcessName() {
if (!file_utils::ReadProcFileTrimmed(pid_, "cmdline", name_, sizeof(name_)))
return false;
// Fallback on "comm" for kernel threads.
if (strlen(name_) == 0) {
if (!file_utils::ReadProcFileTrimmed(pid_, "comm", name_, sizeof(name_)))
return false;
// Get also the exe path, to distinguish system vs java apps and bitness.
char exe_path[64];
sprintf(exe_path, "/proc/%d/exe", pid_);
exe_[0] = '\0';
ssize_t res = readlink(exe_path, exe_, sizeof(exe_) - 1);
if (res >= 0)
exe_[res] = '\0';
return true;
bool ProcessInfo::ReadThreadNames() {
char tasks_path[64];
sprintf(tasks_path, "/proc/%d/task", pid_);
ThreadInfoMap* threads = &threads_;
const int pid = pid_;
file_utils::ForEachPidInProcPath(tasks_path, [pid, threads](int tid) {
char comm[64];
std::unique_ptr<ThreadInfo> thread_info(new ThreadInfo());
sprintf(comm, "task/%d/comm", tid);
if (!file_utils::ReadProcFileTrimmed(pid, comm, thread_info->name,
sizeof(thread_info->name))) {
(*threads)[tid] = std::move(thread_info);
return true;
bool ProcessInfo::ReadOOMStats() {
char buf[512];
if (file_utils::ReadProcFileTrimmed(pid_, "oom_adj", buf, sizeof(buf)))
oom_adj_ = atoi(buf);
return false;
if (file_utils::ReadProcFileTrimmed(pid_, "oom_score", buf, sizeof(buf)))
oom_score_ = atoi(buf);
return false;
if (file_utils::ReadProcFileTrimmed(pid_, "oom_score_adj", buf, sizeof(buf)))
oom_score_adj_ = atoi(buf);
return false;
return true;
bool ProcessInfo::ReadPageFaultsAndCPUTimeStats() {
char buf[512];
if (!file_utils::ReadProcFileTrimmed(pid_, "stat", buf, sizeof(buf)))
return false;
int ret = sscanf(buf,
"%*d (%*[^)]) %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %lu %*lu "
"%lu %*lu %lu %lu %*ld %*ld %*ld %*ld %*ld %*ld %llu",
&minflt_, &majflt_, &utime_, &stime_, &start_time_);
CHECK(ret == 5);
return true;