blob: da4ff42e1e2fab614c277a55eb856ebfa0c9051b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// CommandBufferNode:
// Deferred work constructed by GL calls, that will later be flushed to Vulkan.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_cache_utils.h"
namespace rx
namespace vk
enum class VisitedState
class CommandBufferNode final : angle::NonCopyable
// Immutable queries for when we're walking the commands tree.
CommandBuffer *getOutsideRenderPassCommands();
CommandBuffer *getInsideRenderPassCommands();
// For outside the render pass (copies, transitions, etc).
Error startRecording(VkDevice device,
const CommandPool &commandPool,
CommandBuffer **commandsOut);
// For rendering commands (draws).
Error startRenderPassRecording(RendererVk *renderer, CommandBuffer **commandsOut);
// Commands for storing info relevant to the RenderPass.
// RenderTargets must be added in order, with the depth/stencil being added last.
void storeRenderPassInfo(const Framebuffer &framebuffer,
const gl::Rectangle renderArea,
const std::vector<VkClearValue> &clearValues);
void appendColorRenderTarget(Serial serial, RenderTargetVk *colorRenderTarget);
void appendDepthStencilRenderTarget(Serial serial, RenderTargetVk *depthStencilRenderTarget);
// Commands for linking nodes in the dependency graph.
void addDependency(CommandBufferNode *node);
void addDependencies(const std::vector<CommandBufferNode *> &nodes);
bool hasDependencies() const;
bool isDependency() const;
// Used for testing only.
bool hasDependency(CommandBufferNode *searchNode);
// Commands for traversing the node on a flush operation.
VisitedState visitedState() const;
void visitDependencies(std::vector<CommandBufferNode *> *stack);
Error visitAndExecute(RendererVk *renderer, CommandBuffer *primaryCommandBuffer);
void initAttachmentDesc(VkAttachmentDescription *desc);
void markAsDependency();
// Only used if we need a RenderPass for these commands.
RenderPassDesc mRenderPassDesc;
Framebuffer mRenderPassFramebuffer;
gl::Rectangle mRenderPassRenderArea;
gl::AttachmentArray<VkClearValue> mRenderPassClearValues;
// Keep a separate buffers for commands inside and outside a RenderPass.
// TODO(jmadill): We might not need inside and outside RenderPass commands separate.
CommandBuffer mOutsideRenderPassCommands;
CommandBuffer mInsideRenderPassCommands;
// Dependency commands must finish before these command can execute.
std::vector<CommandBufferNode *> mDependencies;
bool mIsDependency;
// Used when traversing the dependency graph.
VisitedState mVisitedState;
} // namespace vk
} // namespace rx