blob: 48e88366e1e163a1c6e5cbe22f83271a1efcc2f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// VertexArrayVk.h:
// Defines the class interface for VertexArrayVk, implementing VertexArrayImpl.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/VertexArrayImpl.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_cache_utils.h"
namespace rx
class BufferVk;
class StreamingBuffer;
class VertexArrayVk : public VertexArrayImpl
VertexArrayVk(const gl::VertexArrayState &state);
~VertexArrayVk() override;
void destroy(const gl::Context *context) override;
gl::AttributesMask attribsToStream(ContextVk *context) const;
gl::Error streamVertexData(ContextVk *context,
StreamingBuffer *stream,
size_t firstVertex,
size_t lastVertex);
void syncState(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::VertexArray::DirtyBits &dirtyBits,
const gl::VertexArray::DirtyAttribBitsArray &attribBits,
const gl::VertexArray::DirtyBindingBitsArray &bindingBits) override;
const gl::AttribArray<VkBuffer> &getCurrentArrayBufferHandles() const;
const gl::AttribArray<VkDeviceSize> &getCurrentArrayBufferOffsets() const;
void updateDrawDependencies(vk::CommandGraphNode *readNode,
const gl::AttributesMask &activeAttribsMask,
ResourceVk *elementArrayBufferOverride,
Serial serial,
DrawType drawType);
void getPackedInputDescriptions(vk::PipelineDesc *pipelineDesc);
// This will update any dirty packed input descriptions, regardless if they're used by the
// active program. This could lead to slight inefficiencies when the app would repeatedly
// update vertex info for attributes the program doesn't use, (very silly edge case). The
// advantage is the cached state then doesn't depend on the Program, so doesn't have to be
// updated when the active Program changes.
void updatePackedInputDescriptions();
void updatePackedInputInfo(uint32_t attribIndex,
const gl::VertexBinding &binding,
const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib);
gl::AttribArray<VkBuffer> mCurrentArrayBufferHandles;
gl::AttribArray<VkDeviceSize> mCurrentArrayBufferOffsets;
gl::AttribArray<ResourceVk *> mCurrentArrayBufferResources;
ResourceVk *mCurrentElementArrayBufferResource;
// Keep a cache of binding and attribute descriptions for easy pipeline updates.
// This is copied out of here into the pipeline description on a Context state change.
gl::AttributesMask mDirtyPackedInputs;
vk::VertexInputBindings mPackedInputBindings;
vk::VertexInputAttributes mPackedInputAttributes;
// Which attributes need to be copied from client memory.
// TODO(jmadill): Move this to VertexArrayState.
gl::AttributesMask mClientMemoryAttribs;
} // namespace rx