blob: 2cd8397c0ecb6ec85e1aad2b88fe61c875c75f98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// CommandProcessor.h:
// A class to process and submit Vulkan command buffers that can be
// used in an asynchronous worker thread.
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
#include "common/FixedQueue.h"
#include "common/vulkan/vk_headers.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/PersistentCommandPool.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h"
namespace rx
class RendererVk;
class CommandProcessor;
namespace vk
constexpr size_t kMaxCommandProcessorTasksLimit = 16u;
constexpr size_t kInFlightCommandsLimit = 50u;
enum class SubmitPolicy
class FenceRecycler;
// This is a RAII class manages refcounted vkfence object with auto-release and recycling.
class SharedFence final
SharedFence(const SharedFence &other);
SharedFence(SharedFence &&other);
// Copy assignment will add reference count to the underline object
SharedFence &operator=(const SharedFence &other);
// Move assignment will move reference count from other to this object
SharedFence &operator=(SharedFence &&other);
// Initialize it with a new vkFence either from recycler or create a new one.
VkResult init(VkDevice device, FenceRecycler *recycler);
// Destroy it immediately (will not recycle).
void destroy(VkDevice device);
// Release the vkFence (to recycler)
void release();
// Return true if underline VkFence is valid
operator bool() const;
const Fence &get() const
ASSERT(mRefCountedFence != nullptr && mRefCountedFence->isReferenced());
return mRefCountedFence->get();
// The following three APIs can call without lock. Since fence is refcounted and this object has
// a refcount to VkFence, No one is able to come in and destroy the VkFence.
VkResult getStatus(VkDevice device) const;
VkResult wait(VkDevice device, uint64_t timeout) const;
RefCounted<Fence> *mRefCountedFence;
FenceRecycler *mRecycler;
class FenceRecycler
FenceRecycler() {}
~FenceRecycler() {}
void destroy(Context *context);
void fetch(VkDevice device, Fence *fenceOut);
void recycle(Fence &&fence);
std::mutex mMutex;
Recycler<Fence> mRecyler;
enum class CustomTask
Invalid = 0,
// Process SecondaryCommandBuffer commands into the primary CommandBuffer.
// End the current command buffer and submit commands to the queue
// Submit custom command buffer, excludes some state management
// Execute QueuePresent
// CommandProcessorTask interface
class CommandProcessorTask
CommandProcessorTask() { initTask(); }
void initTask();
void initOutsideRenderPassProcessCommands(bool hasProtectedContent,
OutsideRenderPassCommandBufferHelper *commandBuffer);
void initRenderPassProcessCommands(bool hasProtectedContent,
RenderPassCommandBufferHelper *commandBuffer,
const RenderPass *renderPass);
void initPresent(egl::ContextPriority priority, const VkPresentInfoKHR &presentInfo);
void initFlushAndQueueSubmit(const std::vector<VkSemaphore> &waitSemaphores,
const std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> &waitSemaphoreStageMasks,
const VkSemaphore semaphore,
bool hasProtectedContent,
egl::ContextPriority priority,
SecondaryCommandPools *commandPools,
SecondaryCommandBufferList &&commandBuffersToReset,
const QueueSerial &submitQueueSerial);
void initOneOffQueueSubmit(VkCommandBuffer commandBufferHandle,
bool hasProtectedContent,
egl::ContextPriority priority,
const Semaphore *waitSemaphore,
VkPipelineStageFlags waitSemaphoreStageMask,
const Fence *fence,
const QueueSerial &submitQueueSerial);
CommandProcessorTask &operator=(CommandProcessorTask &&rhs);
CommandProcessorTask(CommandProcessorTask &&other) : CommandProcessorTask()
*this = std::move(other);
const QueueSerial &getSubmitQueueSerial() const { return mSubmitQueueSerial; }
CustomTask getTaskCommand() { return mTask; }
std::vector<VkSemaphore> &getWaitSemaphores() { return mWaitSemaphores; }
std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> &getWaitSemaphoreStageMasks()
return mWaitSemaphoreStageMasks;
VkSemaphore getSemaphore() { return mSemaphore; }
SecondaryCommandBufferList &&getCommandBuffersToReset()
return std::move(mCommandBuffersToReset);
egl::ContextPriority getPriority() const { return mPriority; }
bool hasProtectedContent() const { return mHasProtectedContent; }
VkCommandBuffer getOneOffCommandBufferVk() const { return mOneOffCommandBufferVk; }
const Semaphore *getOneOffWaitSemaphore() { return mOneOffWaitSemaphore; }
VkPipelineStageFlags getOneOffWaitSemaphoreStageMask() { return mOneOffWaitSemaphoreStageMask; }
const Fence *getOneOffFence() { return mOneOffFence; }
const VkPresentInfoKHR &getPresentInfo() const { return mPresentInfo; }
const RenderPass *getRenderPass() const { return mRenderPass; }
OutsideRenderPassCommandBufferHelper *getOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer() const
return mOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer;
RenderPassCommandBufferHelper *getRenderPassCommandBuffer() const
return mRenderPassCommandBuffer;
SecondaryCommandPools *getCommandPools() const { return mCommandPools; }
void copyPresentInfo(const VkPresentInfoKHR &other);
CustomTask mTask;
// ProcessCommands
OutsideRenderPassCommandBufferHelper *mOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer;
RenderPassCommandBufferHelper *mRenderPassCommandBuffer;
const RenderPass *mRenderPass;
// Flush data
std::vector<VkSemaphore> mWaitSemaphores;
std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> mWaitSemaphoreStageMasks;
VkSemaphore mSemaphore;
SecondaryCommandPools *mCommandPools;
SecondaryCommandBufferList mCommandBuffersToReset;
// Flush command data
QueueSerial mSubmitQueueSerial;
// Present command data
VkPresentInfoKHR mPresentInfo;
VkSwapchainKHR mSwapchain;
VkSemaphore mWaitSemaphore;
uint32_t mImageIndex;
// Used by Present if supportsIncrementalPresent is enabled
VkPresentRegionKHR mPresentRegion;
VkPresentRegionsKHR mPresentRegions;
std::vector<VkRectLayerKHR> mRects;
VkSwapchainPresentFenceInfoEXT mPresentFenceInfo;
VkFence mPresentFence;
// Used by OneOffQueueSubmit
VkCommandBuffer mOneOffCommandBufferVk;
const Semaphore *mOneOffWaitSemaphore;
VkPipelineStageFlags mOneOffWaitSemaphoreStageMask;
const Fence *mOneOffFence;
// Flush, Present & QueueWaitIdle data
egl::ContextPriority mPriority;
bool mHasProtectedContent;
using CommandProcessorTaskQueue =
angle::FixedQueue<CommandProcessorTask, kMaxCommandProcessorTasksLimit>;
struct CommandBatch final : angle::NonCopyable
CommandBatch(CommandBatch &&other);
CommandBatch &operator=(CommandBatch &&other);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
void resetSecondaryCommandBuffers(VkDevice device);
PrimaryCommandBuffer primaryCommands;
// commandPools is for secondary CommandBuffer allocation
SecondaryCommandPools *commandPools;
SecondaryCommandBufferList commandBuffersToReset;
SharedFence fence;
QueueSerial queueSerial;
bool hasProtectedContent;
using CommandBatchQueue = angle::FixedQueue<CommandBatch, kInFlightCommandsLimit>;
class DeviceQueueMap;
class QueueFamily final : angle::NonCopyable
static const uint32_t kInvalidIndex = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
static uint32_t FindIndex(const std::vector<VkQueueFamilyProperties> &queueFamilyProperties,
VkQueueFlags flags,
int32_t matchNumber, // 0 = first match, 1 = second match ...
uint32_t *matchCount);
static const uint32_t kQueueCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(egl::ContextPriority::EnumCount);
static const float kQueuePriorities[static_cast<uint32_t>(egl::ContextPriority::EnumCount)];
QueueFamily() : mProperties{}, mIndex(kInvalidIndex) {}
~QueueFamily() {}
void initialize(const VkQueueFamilyProperties &queueFamilyProperties, uint32_t index);
bool valid() const { return (mIndex != kInvalidIndex); }
uint32_t getIndex() const { return mIndex; }
const VkQueueFamilyProperties *getProperties() const { return &mProperties; }
bool isGraphics() const { return ((mProperties.queueFlags & VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT) > 0); }
bool isCompute() const { return ((mProperties.queueFlags & VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT) > 0); }
bool supportsProtected() const
return ((mProperties.queueFlags & VK_QUEUE_PROTECTED_BIT) > 0);
uint32_t getDeviceQueueCount() const { return mProperties.queueCount; }
DeviceQueueMap initializeQueueMap(VkDevice device,
bool makeProtected,
uint32_t queueIndex,
uint32_t queueCount);
VkQueueFamilyProperties mProperties;
uint32_t mIndex;
void getDeviceQueue(VkDevice device, bool makeProtected, uint32_t queueIndex, VkQueue *queue);
class DeviceQueueMap : public angle::PackedEnumMap<egl::ContextPriority, VkQueue>
friend QueueFamily;
DeviceQueueMap() : mIndex(QueueFamily::kInvalidIndex), mIsProtected(false) {}
DeviceQueueMap(uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, bool isProtected)
: mIndex(queueFamilyIndex), mIsProtected(isProtected)
DeviceQueueMap(const DeviceQueueMap &other) = default;
DeviceQueueMap &operator=(const DeviceQueueMap &other);
bool valid() const { return (mIndex != QueueFamily::kInvalidIndex); }
uint32_t getIndex() const { return mIndex; }
bool isProtected() const { return mIsProtected; }
egl::ContextPriority getDevicePriority(egl::ContextPriority priority) const;
uint32_t mIndex;
bool mIsProtected;
angle::PackedEnumMap<egl::ContextPriority, egl::ContextPriority> mPriorities;
// Note all public APIs of CommandQueue class must be thread safe.
class CommandQueue : angle::NonCopyable
angle::Result init(Context *context, const DeviceQueueMap &queueMap);
void destroy(Context *context);
void handleDeviceLost(RendererVk *renderer);
// These public APIs are inherently thread safe. Thread unsafe methods must be protected methods
// that are only accessed via ThreadSafeCommandQueue API.
egl::ContextPriority getDriverPriority(egl::ContextPriority priority) const
return mQueueMap.getDevicePriority(priority);
uint32_t getDeviceQueueIndex() const { return mQueueMap.getIndex(); }
VkQueue getQueue(egl::ContextPriority priority) const { return mQueueMap[priority]; }
// The ResourceUse still have unfinished queue serial by ANGLE or vulkan.
bool hasUnfinishedUse(const ResourceUse &use) const { return use > mLastCompletedSerials; }
// The ResourceUse still have queue serial not yet submitted to vulkan.
bool hasUnsubmittedUse(const ResourceUse &use) const { return use > mLastSubmittedSerials; }
Serial getLastSubmittedSerial(SerialIndex index) const { return mLastSubmittedSerials[index]; }
// Wait until the desired serial has been completed.
angle::Result finishResourceUse(Context *context, const ResourceUse &use, uint64_t timeout);
angle::Result finishQueueSerial(Context *context,
const QueueSerial &queueSerial,
uint64_t timeout);
angle::Result waitIdle(Context *context, uint64_t timeout);
angle::Result waitForResourceUseToFinishWithUserTimeout(Context *context,
const ResourceUse &use,
uint64_t timeout,
VkResult *result);
bool isBusy(RendererVk *renderer) const;
angle::Result submitCommands(Context *context,
bool hasProtectedContent,
egl::ContextPriority priority,
const std::vector<VkSemaphore> &waitSemaphores,
const std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> &waitSemaphoreStageMasks,
const VkSemaphore signalSemaphore,
SecondaryCommandBufferList &&commandBuffersToReset,
SecondaryCommandPools *commandPools,
const QueueSerial &submitQueueSerial);
angle::Result queueSubmitOneOff(Context *context,
bool hasProtectedContent,
egl::ContextPriority contextPriority,
VkCommandBuffer commandBufferHandle,
const Semaphore *waitSemaphore,
VkPipelineStageFlags waitSemaphoreStageMask,
const Fence *fence,
SubmitPolicy submitPolicy,
const QueueSerial &submitQueueSerial);
VkResult queuePresent(egl::ContextPriority contextPriority,
const VkPresentInfoKHR &presentInfo);
// Check to see which batches have finished completion (forward progress for
// the last completed serial, for example for when the application busy waits on a query
// result). It would be nice if we didn't have to expose this for QueryVk::getResult.
angle::Result checkCompletedCommands(Context *context);
angle::Result flushOutsideRPCommands(Context *context,
bool hasProtectedContent,
OutsideRenderPassCommandBufferHelper **outsideRPCommands);
angle::Result flushRenderPassCommands(Context *context,
bool hasProtectedContent,
const RenderPass &renderPass,
RenderPassCommandBufferHelper **renderPassCommands);
const angle::VulkanPerfCounters getPerfCounters() const;
void resetPerFramePerfCounters();
// All these private APIs are called with mutex locked, so we must not take lock again.
angle::Result checkCompletedCommandCount(Context *context, int *finishedCountOut);
angle::Result finishOneCommandBatch(Context *context, uint64_t timeout);
angle::Result queueSubmit(Context *context,
egl::ContextPriority contextPriority,
const VkSubmitInfo &submitInfo,
const Fence *fence,
const QueueSerial &submitQueueSerial);
angle::Result retireFinishedCommands(Context *context, size_t finishedCount);
angle::Result retireFinishedCommandsAndCleanupGarbage(Context *context, size_t finishedCount);
angle::Result ensurePrimaryCommandBufferValid(Context *context, bool hasProtectedContent);
// Returns number of CommandBatchs that are smaller than serials
size_t getBatchCountUpToSerials(RendererVk *renderer, const Serials &serials);
// Returns the last valid SharedFence of the first "count" CommandBatchs in mInflightCommands.
const SharedFence &getSharedFenceToWait(size_t count);
// For validation only. Should only be called with ASSERT macro.
bool allInFlightCommandsAreAfterSerials(const Serials &serials);
struct CommandsState
PrimaryCommandBuffer primaryCommands;
// Keeps a free list of reusable primary command buffers.
PersistentCommandPool primaryCommandPool;
CommandsState &getCommandsState(bool hasProtectedContent)
static_assert(static_cast<CommandContent>(false) == CommandContent::Unprotected, "");
static_assert(static_cast<CommandContent>(true) == CommandContent::Protected, "");
return mCommandsStateMap[static_cast<CommandContent>(hasProtectedContent)];
PrimaryCommandBuffer &getCommandBuffer(bool hasProtectedContent)
return getCommandsState(hasProtectedContent).primaryCommands;
PersistentCommandPool &getCommandPool(bool hasProtectedContent)
return getCommandsState(hasProtectedContent).primaryCommandPool;
// Protect multi-thread access to mInFlightCommands and other data memebers of this class.
mutable std::mutex mMutex;
CommandBatchQueue mInFlightCommands;
angle::PackedEnumMap<CommandContent, CommandsState> mCommandsStateMap;
// Queue serial management.
AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray mLastSubmittedSerials;
// This queue serial can be read/write from different threads, so we need to use atomic
// operations to access the underline value. Since we only do load/store on this value, it
// should be just a normal uint64_t load/store on most platforms.
AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray mLastCompletedSerials;
// QueueMap
DeviceQueueMap mQueueMap;
FenceRecycler mFenceRecycler;
angle::VulkanPerfCounters mPerfCounters;
// CommandProcessor is used to dispatch work to the GPU when the asyncCommandQueue feature is
// enabled. Issuing the |destroy| command will cause the worker thread to clean up it's resources
// and shut down. This command is sent when the renderer instance shuts down. Tasks are defined by
// the CommandQueue interface.
class CommandProcessor : public Context
CommandProcessor(RendererVk *renderer, CommandQueue *commandQueue);
~CommandProcessor() override;
VkResult getLastPresentResult(VkSwapchainKHR swapchain)
return getLastAndClearPresentResult(swapchain);
// Context
void handleError(VkResult result,
const char *file,
const char *function,
unsigned int line) override;
angle::Result init();
void destroy(Context *context);
void handleDeviceLost(RendererVk *renderer);
angle::Result submitCommands(Context *context,
bool hasProtectedContent,
egl::ContextPriority priority,
const std::vector<VkSemaphore> &waitSemaphores,
const std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> &waitSemaphoreStageMasks,
const VkSemaphore signalSemaphore,
SecondaryCommandBufferList &&commandBuffersToReset,
SecondaryCommandPools *commandPools,
const QueueSerial &submitQueueSerial);
angle::Result queueSubmitOneOff(Context *context,
bool hasProtectedContent,
egl::ContextPriority contextPriority,
VkCommandBuffer commandBufferHandle,
const Semaphore *waitSemaphore,
VkPipelineStageFlags waitSemaphoreStageMask,
const Fence *fence,
SubmitPolicy submitPolicy,
const QueueSerial &submitQueueSerial);
VkResult queuePresent(egl::ContextPriority contextPriority,
const VkPresentInfoKHR &presentInfo);
angle::Result flushOutsideRPCommands(Context *context,
bool hasProtectedContent,
OutsideRenderPassCommandBufferHelper **outsideRPCommands);
angle::Result flushRenderPassCommands(Context *context,
bool hasProtectedContent,
const RenderPass &renderPass,
RenderPassCommandBufferHelper **renderPassCommands);
// Wait until the desired serial has been submitted.
angle::Result waitForQueueSerialToBeSubmitted(vk::Context *context,
const QueueSerial &queueSerial)
const ResourceUse use(queueSerial);
return waitForResourceUseToBeSubmitted(context, use);
angle::Result waitForResourceUseToBeSubmitted(vk::Context *context, const ResourceUse &use);
// Wait for worker thread to submit all outstanding work.
angle::Result waitForAllWorkToBeSubmitted(Context *context);
bool isBusy(RendererVk *renderer) const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> workerLock(mWorkerMutex);
return !mTasks.empty() || mCommandQueue->isBusy(renderer);
bool hasUnsubmittedUse(const ResourceUse &use) const;
Serial getLastSubmittedSerial(SerialIndex index) const { return mLastSubmittedSerials[index]; }
bool hasPendingError() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> queueLock(mErrorMutex);
return !mErrors.empty();
angle::Result checkAndPopPendingError(Context *errorHandlingContext);
// Entry point for command processor thread, calls processTasksImpl to do the
// work. called by RendererVk::initializeDevice on main thread
void processTasks();
// Called asynchronously from main thread to queue work that is then processed by the worker
// thread
angle::Result queueCommand(CommandProcessorTask &&task);
// Command processor thread, called by processTasks. The loop waits for work to
// be submitted from a separate thread.
angle::Result processTasksImpl(bool *exitThread);
// Command processor thread, process a task
angle::Result processTask(CommandProcessorTask *task);
VkResult getLastAndClearPresentResult(VkSwapchainKHR swapchain);
VkResult present(egl::ContextPriority priority, const VkPresentInfoKHR &presentInfo);
// The mutex lock that serializes dequeue from mTask and submit to mCommandQueue so that only
// one mTasks consumer at a time
std::mutex mSubmissionMutex;
CommandProcessorTaskQueue mTasks;
mutable std::mutex mWorkerMutex;
// Signal worker thread when work is available
std::condition_variable mWorkAvailableCondition;
CommandQueue *const mCommandQueue;
// Tracks last serial that was submitted to command processor. Note: this maybe different from
// mLastSubmittedQueueSerial in CommandQueue since submission from CommandProcessor to
// CommandQueue occur in a separate thread.
AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray mLastSubmittedSerials;
mutable std::mutex mErrorMutex;
std::queue<Error> mErrors;
// Track present info
std::mutex mSwapchainStatusMutex;
std::condition_variable mSwapchainStatusCondition;
std::map<VkSwapchainKHR, VkResult> mSwapchainStatus;
// Command queue worker thread.
std::thread mTaskThread;
bool mTaskThreadShouldExit;
} // namespace vk
} // namespace rx