blob: 5354aed6bf97da53ee33d00d40095f41a7778d66 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates integration code for the restricted trace tests.
import fnmatch
import json
import os
import sys
gni_template = """# GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
# Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}
# Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# A list of all restricted trace tests, paired with their context.
# Can be consumed by tests/
angle_restricted_traces = [
header_template = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Types and enumerations for trace tests.
namespace angle
enum class RestrictedTraceID
{trace_ids}, InvalidEnum, EnumCount = InvalidEnum
using ReplayFunc = void (*)(uint32_t);
using ResetFunc = void (*)();
using SetupFunc = void (*)();
using DecompressFunc = uint8_t *(*)(const std::vector<uint8_t> &);
using SetBinaryDataDirFunc = void (*)(const char *);
static constexpr size_t kTraceInfoMaxNameLen = 32;
struct TraceInfo
uint32_t startFrame;
uint32_t endFrame;
char name[kTraceInfoMaxNameLen];
constexpr angle::PackedEnumMap<RestrictedTraceID, TraceInfo> kTraceInfos = {{
using DecompressCallback = uint8_t *(*)(const std::vector<uint8_t> &);
using FramebufferChangeCallback = void(*)(void *userData, GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer);
inline void ReplayFrame(RestrictedTraceID traceID, uint32_t frameIndex)
switch (traceID)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in switch.\\n");
inline void ResetReplay(RestrictedTraceID traceID)
switch (traceID)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in switch.\\n");
inline void SetupReplay(RestrictedTraceID traceID)
switch (traceID)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in switch.\\n");
inline void SetBinaryDataDir(RestrictedTraceID traceID, const char *dataDir)
switch (traceID)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in switch.\\n");
inline void SetBinaryDataDecompressCallback(RestrictedTraceID traceID, DecompressCallback callback)
switch (traceID)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in switch.\\n");
inline void SetFramebufferChangeCallback(RestrictedTraceID traceID, void *userData, FramebufferChangeCallback callback)
switch (traceID)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in switch.\\n");
}} // namespace angle
def reject_duplicate_keys(pairs):
found_keys = {}
for key, value in pairs:
if key in found_keys:
raise ValueError("duplicate key: %r" % (key,))
found_keys[key] = value
return found_keys
def gen_gni(traces, gni_file, format_args):
format_args["test_list"] = ",\n".join(
['"%s %s"' % (trace, get_context(trace)) for trace in traces])
gni_data = gni_template.format(**format_args)
with open(gni_file, "w") as out_file:
return True
def get_trace_info(trace):
info = ["%s::kReplayFrameStart", "%s::kReplayFrameEnd", "\"%s\""]
return ", ".join([element % trace for element in info])
def get_context(trace):
"Returns the context number used by trace header file"
for file in os.listdir(trace):
# Load up the only header present for each trace
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.h'):
# Strip the extension to isolate the context
context = file[len(file) - 3]
assert context.isdigit() == True, "Failed to find trace context number"
assert file[len(file) - 4].isdigit() == False, "Context number is higher than 9"
return context
def get_cases(traces, function, args):
funcs = [
"case RestrictedTraceID::%s: %s::%s(%s); break;" % (trace, trace, function, args)
for trace in traces
return "\n".join(funcs)
def get_header_name(trace):
return "%s/%s_capture_context%s.h" % (trace, trace, get_context(trace))
def get_sha1_name(trace):
return "%s.tar.gz.sha1" % trace
def get_cases_with_context(traces, function_start, function_end, args):
funcs = [
"case RestrictedTraceID::%s: %s::%s%s%s(%s); break;" %
(trace, trace, function_start, get_context(trace), function_end, args) for trace in traces
return "\n".join(funcs)
def gen_header(traces, header_file, format_args):
includes = ["#include \"%s\"" % get_header_name(trace) for trace in traces]
trace_infos = [
"{RestrictedTraceID::%s, {%s}}" % (trace, get_trace_info(trace)) for trace in traces
format_args["includes"] = "\n".join(includes)
format_args["trace_ids"] = ",\n".join(traces)
format_args["trace_infos"] = ",\n".join(trace_infos)
format_args["replay_func_cases"] = get_cases_with_context(traces, "ReplayContext", "Frame",
format_args["reset_func_cases"] = get_cases_with_context(traces, "ResetContext", "Replay", "")
format_args["setup_func_cases"] = get_cases_with_context(traces, "SetupContext", "Replay", "")
format_args["set_binary_data_dir_cases"] = get_cases(traces, "SetBinaryDataDir", "dataDir")
format_args["decompress_callback_cases"] = get_cases(traces, "SetBinaryDataDecompressCallback",
format_args["on_fb_change_callback_cases"] = get_cases(traces, "SetFramebufferChangeCallback",
"userData, callback")
header_data = header_template.format(**format_args)
with open(header_file, "w") as out_file:
return True
def read_json(json_file):
with open(json_file) as map_file:
return json.loads(, object_pairs_hook=reject_duplicate_keys)
def main():
json_file = 'restricted_traces.json'
gni_file = 'restricted_traces_autogen.gni'
header_file = 'restricted_traces_autogen.h'
json_data = read_json(json_file)
if 'traces' not in json_data:
print('Trace data missing traces key.')
return 1
traces = json_data['traces']
# auto_script parameters.
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
inputs = [json_file] + [get_sha1_name(trace) for trace in traces]
outputs = [gni_file, header_file]
if sys.argv[1] == 'inputs':
print ','.join(inputs)
elif sys.argv[1] == 'outputs':
print ','.join(outputs)
print('Invalid script parameters.')
return 1
return 0
format_args = {
"script_name": __file__,
"data_source_name": json_file,
if not gen_gni(traces, gni_file, format_args):
print('.gni file generation failed.')
return 1
if not gen_header(traces, header_file, format_args):
print('.h file generation failed.')
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':