blob: ce0b7ddfffbf2a0d01aa1c01b5254196b32a4065 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ShaderExtensionTest.cpp:
// Utilities for testing that GLSL extension pragma and changing the extension flag in compiler
// resources has the correct effect.
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using testing::Combine;
using testing::make_tuple;
using testing::Values;
namespace sh
const char ESSLVersion100[] = "#version 100\n";
const char ESSLVersion300[] = "#version 300 es\n";
const char ESSLVersion310[] = "#version 310 es\n";
class ShaderExtensionTest
: public testing::TestWithParam<testing::tuple<ShShaderSpec, const char *, const char *>>
void SetUp() override
mCompiler = nullptr;
void TearDown() override { DestroyCompiler(); }
void DestroyCompiler()
if (mCompiler)
mCompiler = nullptr;
void InitializeCompiler()
mCompiler = sh::ConstructCompiler(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, testing::get<0>(GetParam()),
ASSERT_TRUE(mCompiler != nullptr) << "Compiler could not be constructed.";
testing::AssertionResult TestShaderCompile(const char *pragma)
return TestShaderCompile(testing::get<1>(GetParam()), // Version.
testing::get<2>(GetParam()) // Shader.
testing::AssertionResult TestShaderCompile(const char *version,
const char *pragma,
const char *shader)
const char *shaderStrings[] = {version, pragma, shader};
bool success = sh::Compile(mCompiler, shaderStrings, 3, 0);
if (success)
return ::testing::AssertionSuccess() << "Compilation success";
return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << sh::GetInfoLog(mCompiler);
ShBuiltInResources mResources;
ShHandle mCompiler;
} // namespace sh