blob: 065d7808df11803647d602b7c97aacb20260d2f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// UniformLinker.cpp: implements link-time checks for default block uniforms, and generates uniform
// locations. Populates data structures related to uniforms so that they can be stored in program
// state.
#include "libANGLE/UniformLinker.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "libANGLE/Caps.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/Shader.h"
#include "libANGLE/features.h"
namespace gl
LinkedUniform *FindUniform(std::vector<LinkedUniform> &list, const std::string &name)
for (LinkedUniform &uniform : list)
if ( == name)
return &uniform;
return nullptr;
} // anonymouse namespace
UniformLinker::UniformLinker(const ProgramState &state) : mState(state)
void UniformLinker::getResults(std::vector<LinkedUniform> *uniforms,
std::vector<VariableLocation> *uniformLocations)
bool UniformLinker::link(const Context *context,
InfoLog &infoLog,
const Program::Bindings &uniformLocationBindings)
if (mState.getAttachedVertexShader() && mState.getAttachedFragmentShader())
ASSERT(mState.getAttachedComputeShader() == nullptr);
if (!validateVertexAndFragmentUniforms(context, infoLog))
return false;
// Flatten the uniforms list (nested fields) into a simple list (no nesting).
// Also check the maximum uniform vector and sampler counts.
if (!flattenUniformsAndCheckCaps(context, infoLog))
return false;
if (!checkMaxCombinedAtomicCounters(context->getCaps(), infoLog))
return false;
if (!indexUniforms(infoLog, uniformLocationBindings))
return false;
return true;
bool UniformLinker::validateVertexAndFragmentUniforms(const Context *context,
InfoLog &infoLog) const
// Check that uniforms defined in the vertex and fragment shaders are identical
std::map<std::string, LinkedUniform> linkedUniforms;
const std::vector<sh::Uniform> &vertexUniforms =
const std::vector<sh::Uniform> &fragmentUniforms =
for (const sh::Uniform &vertexUniform : vertexUniforms)
linkedUniforms[] = LinkedUniform(vertexUniform);
for (const sh::Uniform &fragmentUniform : fragmentUniforms)
auto entry = linkedUniforms.find(;
if (entry != linkedUniforms.end())
LinkedUniform *linkedUniform = &entry->second;
const std::string &uniformName = "uniform '" + linkedUniform->name + "'";
if (!linkValidateUniforms(infoLog, uniformName, *linkedUniform, fragmentUniform))
return false;
return true;
// GLSL ES Spec 3.00.3, section 4.3.5.
bool UniformLinker::linkValidateUniforms(InfoLog &infoLog,
const std::string &uniformName,
const sh::Uniform &vertexUniform,
const sh::Uniform &fragmentUniform)
const bool validatePrecision = true;
const bool validatePrecision = false;
if (!Program::linkValidateVariablesBase(infoLog, uniformName, vertexUniform, fragmentUniform,
return false;
// GLSL ES Spec 3.10.4, section 4.4.5.
if (vertexUniform.binding != -1 && fragmentUniform.binding != -1 &&
vertexUniform.binding != fragmentUniform.binding)
infoLog << "Binding layout qualifiers for " << uniformName
<< " differ between vertex and fragment shaders.";
return false;
// GLSL ES Spec 3.10.4, section 9.2.1.
if (vertexUniform.location != -1 && fragmentUniform.location != -1 &&
vertexUniform.location != fragmentUniform.location)
infoLog << "Location layout qualifiers for " << uniformName
<< " differ between vertex and fragment shaders.";
return false;
if (vertexUniform.offset != fragmentUniform.offset)
infoLog << "Offset layout qualifiers for " << uniformName
<< " differ between vertex and fragment shaders.";
return false;
return true;
bool UniformLinker::indexUniforms(InfoLog &infoLog,
const Program::Bindings &uniformLocationBindings)
// All the locations where another uniform can't be located.
std::set<GLuint> reservedLocations;
// Locations which have been allocated for an unused uniform.
std::set<GLuint> ignoredLocations;
int maxUniformLocation = -1;
// Gather uniform locations that have been set either using the bindUniformLocation API or by
// using a location layout qualifier and check conflicts between them.
if (!gatherUniformLocationsAndCheckConflicts(infoLog, uniformLocationBindings,
&reservedLocations, &ignoredLocations,
return false;
// Conflicts have been checked, now we can prune non-statically used uniforms. Code further down
// the line relies on only having statically used uniforms in mUniforms.
// Gather uniforms that have their location pre-set and uniforms that don't yet have a location.
std::vector<VariableLocation> unlocatedUniforms;
std::map<GLuint, VariableLocation> preLocatedUniforms;
for (size_t uniformIndex = 0; uniformIndex < mUniforms.size(); uniformIndex++)
const LinkedUniform &uniform = mUniforms[uniformIndex];
if (uniform.isBuiltIn())
int preSetLocation = uniformLocationBindings.getBinding(;
int shaderLocation = uniform.location;
if (shaderLocation != -1)
preSetLocation = shaderLocation;
for (unsigned int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < uniform.elementCount(); arrayIndex++)
VariableLocation location(, arrayIndex,
static_cast<unsigned int>(uniformIndex));
if ((arrayIndex == 0 && preSetLocation != -1) || shaderLocation != -1)
int elementLocation = preSetLocation + arrayIndex;
preLocatedUniforms[elementLocation] = location;
// Make enough space for all uniforms, with pre-set locations or not.
std::max(unlocatedUniforms.size() + preLocatedUniforms.size() + ignoredLocations.size(),
static_cast<size_t>(maxUniformLocation + 1)));
// Assign uniforms with pre-set locations
for (const auto &uniform : preLocatedUniforms)
mUniformLocations[uniform.first] = uniform.second;
// Assign ignored uniforms
for (const auto &ignoredLocation : ignoredLocations)
mUniformLocations[ignoredLocation].ignored = true;
// Automatically assign locations for the rest of the uniforms
size_t nextUniformLocation = 0;
for (const auto &unlocatedUniform : unlocatedUniforms)
while (mUniformLocations[nextUniformLocation].used ||
ASSERT(nextUniformLocation < mUniformLocations.size());
mUniformLocations[nextUniformLocation] = unlocatedUniform;
return true;
bool UniformLinker::gatherUniformLocationsAndCheckConflicts(
InfoLog &infoLog,
const Program::Bindings &uniformLocationBindings,
std::set<GLuint> *reservedLocations,
std::set<GLuint> *ignoredLocations,
int *maxUniformLocation)
for (const LinkedUniform &uniform : mUniforms)
if (uniform.isBuiltIn())
int apiBoundLocation = uniformLocationBindings.getBinding(;
int shaderLocation = uniform.location;
if (shaderLocation != -1)
for (unsigned int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < uniform.elementCount(); arrayIndex++)
// GLSL ES 3.10 section 4.4.3
int elementLocation = shaderLocation + arrayIndex;
*maxUniformLocation = std::max(*maxUniformLocation, elementLocation);
if (reservedLocations->find(elementLocation) != reservedLocations->end())
infoLog << "Multiple uniforms bound to location " << elementLocation << ".";
return false;
if (!uniform.staticUse)
else if (apiBoundLocation != -1 && uniform.staticUse)
// Only the first location is reserved even if the uniform is an array.
*maxUniformLocation = std::max(*maxUniformLocation, apiBoundLocation);
if (reservedLocations->find(apiBoundLocation) != reservedLocations->end())
infoLog << "Multiple uniforms bound to location " << apiBoundLocation << ".";
return false;
// Record the uniform locations that were bound using the API for uniforms that were not found
// from the shader. Other uniforms should not be assigned to those locations.
for (const auto &locationBinding : uniformLocationBindings)
GLuint location = locationBinding.second;
if (reservedLocations->find(location) == reservedLocations->end())
*maxUniformLocation = std::max(*maxUniformLocation, static_cast<int>(location));
return true;
void UniformLinker::pruneUnusedUniforms()
auto uniformIter = mUniforms.begin();
while (uniformIter != mUniforms.end())
if (uniformIter->staticUse)
uniformIter = mUniforms.erase(uniformIter);
bool UniformLinker::flattenUniformsAndCheckCapsForShader(
const Context *context,
Shader *shader,
GLuint maxUniformComponents,
GLuint maxTextureImageUnits,
GLuint maxImageUnits,
GLuint maxAtomicCounters,
const std::string &componentsErrorMessage,
const std::string &samplerErrorMessage,
const std::string &imageErrorMessage,
const std::string &atomicCounterErrorMessage,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> &samplerUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> &imageUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> &atomicCounterUniforms,
InfoLog &infoLog)
ShaderUniformCount shaderUniformCount;
for (const sh::Uniform &uniform : shader->getUniforms(context))
shaderUniformCount +=
flattenUniform(uniform, &samplerUniforms, &imageUniforms, &atomicCounterUniforms);
if (shaderUniformCount.vectorCount > maxUniformComponents)
infoLog << componentsErrorMessage << maxUniformComponents << ").";
return false;
if (shaderUniformCount.samplerCount > maxTextureImageUnits)
infoLog << samplerErrorMessage << maxTextureImageUnits << ").";
return false;
if (shaderUniformCount.imageCount > maxImageUnits)
infoLog << imageErrorMessage << maxImageUnits << ").";
return false;
if (shaderUniformCount.atomicCounterCount > maxAtomicCounters)
infoLog << atomicCounterErrorMessage << maxAtomicCounters << ").";
return false;
return true;
bool UniformLinker::flattenUniformsAndCheckCaps(const Context *context, InfoLog &infoLog)
std::vector<LinkedUniform> samplerUniforms;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> imageUniforms;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> atomicCounterUniforms;
const Caps &caps = context->getCaps();
if (mState.getAttachedComputeShader())
Shader *computeShader = mState.getAttachedComputeShader();
// TODO (mradev): check whether we need finer-grained component counting
if (!flattenUniformsAndCheckCapsForShader(
context, computeShader, caps.maxComputeUniformComponents / 4,
caps.maxComputeTextureImageUnits, caps.maxComputeImageUniforms,
"Compute shader active uniforms exceed MAX_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS (",
"Compute shader sampler count exceeds MAX_COMPUTE_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (",
"Compute shader image count exceeds MAX_COMPUTE_IMAGE_UNIFORMS (",
"Compute shader atomic counter count exceeds MAX_COMPUTE_ATOMIC_COUNTERS (",
samplerUniforms, imageUniforms, atomicCounterUniforms, infoLog))
return false;
Shader *vertexShader = mState.getAttachedVertexShader();
if (!flattenUniformsAndCheckCapsForShader(
context, vertexShader, caps.maxVertexUniformVectors,
caps.maxVertexTextureImageUnits, caps.maxVertexImageUniforms,
"Vertex shader active uniforms exceed MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS (",
"Vertex shader sampler count exceeds MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (",
"Vertex shader image count exceeds MAX_VERTEX_IMAGE_UNIFORMS (",
"Vertex shader atomic counter count exceeds MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTERS (",
samplerUniforms, imageUniforms, atomicCounterUniforms, infoLog))
return false;
Shader *fragmentShader = mState.getAttachedFragmentShader();
if (!flattenUniformsAndCheckCapsForShader(
context, fragmentShader, caps.maxFragmentUniformVectors, caps.maxTextureImageUnits,
caps.maxFragmentImageUniforms, caps.maxFragmentAtomicCounters,
"Fragment shader active uniforms exceed MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS (",
"Fragment shader sampler count exceeds MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS (",
"Fragment shader image count exceeds MAX_FRAGMENT_IMAGE_UNIFORMS (",
"Fragment shader atomic counter count exceeds MAX_FRAGMENT_ATOMIC_COUNTERS (",
samplerUniforms, imageUniforms, atomicCounterUniforms, infoLog))
return false;
mUniforms.insert(mUniforms.end(), samplerUniforms.begin(), samplerUniforms.end());
mUniforms.insert(mUniforms.end(), imageUniforms.begin(), imageUniforms.end());
mUniforms.insert(mUniforms.end(), atomicCounterUniforms.begin(), atomicCounterUniforms.end());
return true;
UniformLinker::ShaderUniformCount UniformLinker::flattenUniform(
const sh::Uniform &uniform,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *samplerUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *imageUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *atomicCounterUniforms)
int location = uniform.location;
ShaderUniformCount shaderUniformCount = flattenUniformImpl(
uniform,, samplerUniforms, imageUniforms, atomicCounterUniforms,
uniform.staticUse, uniform.binding, uniform.offset, &location);
if (uniform.staticUse)
return shaderUniformCount;
return ShaderUniformCount();
UniformLinker::ShaderUniformCount UniformLinker::flattenUniformImpl(
const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform,
const std::string &fullName,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *samplerUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *imageUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *atomicCounterUniforms,
bool markStaticUse,
int binding,
int offset,
int *location)
ShaderUniformCount shaderUniformCount;
if (uniform.isStruct())
for (unsigned int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < uniform.elementCount(); elementIndex++)
const std::string &elementString = (uniform.isArray() ? ArrayString(elementIndex) : "");
for (size_t fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < uniform.fields.size(); fieldIndex++)
const sh::ShaderVariable &field = uniform.fields[fieldIndex];
const std::string &fieldFullName = (fullName + elementString + "." +;
shaderUniformCount +=
flattenUniformImpl(field, fieldFullName, samplerUniforms, imageUniforms,
atomicCounterUniforms, markStaticUse, -1, -1, location);
return shaderUniformCount;
// Not a struct
bool isSampler = IsSamplerType(uniform.type);
bool isImage = IsImageType(uniform.type);
bool isAtomicCounter = IsAtomicCounterType(uniform.type);
std::vector<gl::LinkedUniform> *uniformList = &mUniforms;
if (isSampler)
uniformList = samplerUniforms;
else if (isImage)
uniformList = imageUniforms;
else if (isAtomicCounter)
uniformList = atomicCounterUniforms;
LinkedUniform *existingUniform = FindUniform(*uniformList, fullName);
if (existingUniform)
if (binding != -1)
existingUniform->binding = binding;
if (offset != -1)
existingUniform->offset = offset;
if (*location != -1)
existingUniform->location = *location;
if (markStaticUse)
existingUniform->staticUse = true;
LinkedUniform linkedUniform(uniform.type, uniform.precision, fullName, uniform.arraySize,
binding, -1, *location, -1,
linkedUniform.staticUse = markStaticUse;
unsigned int elementCount = uniform.elementCount();
// Samplers and images aren't "real" uniforms, so they don't count towards register usage.
// Likewise, don't count "real" uniforms towards opaque count.
shaderUniformCount.vectorCount =
(IsOpaqueType(uniform.type) ? 0 : (VariableRegisterCount(uniform.type) * elementCount));
shaderUniformCount.samplerCount = (isSampler ? elementCount : 0);
shaderUniformCount.imageCount = (isImage ? elementCount : 0);
shaderUniformCount.atomicCounterCount = (isAtomicCounter ? elementCount : 0);
if (*location != -1)
*location += elementCount;
return shaderUniformCount;
bool UniformLinker::checkMaxCombinedAtomicCounters(const Caps &caps, InfoLog &infoLog)
unsigned int atomicCounterCount = 0;
for (const auto &uniform : mUniforms)
if (IsAtomicCounterType(uniform.type) && uniform.staticUse)
atomicCounterCount += uniform.elementCount();
if (atomicCounterCount > caps.maxCombinedAtomicCounters)
infoLog << "atomic counter count exceeds MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTERS"
<< caps.maxCombinedAtomicCounters << ").";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace gl