blob: 31f7cb2f29db626b68b15e118472cc8ae067605a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// WorkerThread:
// Asychronous tasks/threads for ANGLE, similar to a TaskRunner in Chromium.
// Can be implemented as different targets, depending on platform.
#include <array>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "platform/PlatformMethods.h"
namespace angle
class WorkerThreadPool;
// A callback function with no return value and no arguments.
class Closure
virtual ~Closure() = default;
virtual void operator()() = 0;
// An event that we can wait on, useful for joining worker threads.
class WaitableEvent : angle::NonCopyable
virtual ~WaitableEvent();
// Waits indefinitely for the event to be signaled.
virtual void wait() = 0;
// Peeks whether the event is ready. If ready, wait() will not block.
virtual bool isReady() = 0;
template <class T>
// Waits on multiple events. T should be some container of std::shared_ptr<WaitableEvent>.
static void WaitMany(T *waitables)
for (auto &waitable : *waitables)
template <class T>
// Checks if all events are ready. T should be some container of std::shared_ptr<WaitableEvent>.
static bool AllReady(T *waitables)
for (auto &waitable : *waitables)
if (!waitable->isReady())
return false;
return true;
// A waitable event that is always ready.
class WaitableEventDone final : public WaitableEvent
void wait() override;
bool isReady() override;
// A waitable event that can be completed asynchronously
class AsyncWaitableEvent final : public WaitableEvent
AsyncWaitableEvent() = default;
~AsyncWaitableEvent() override = default;
void wait() override;
bool isReady() override;
void markAsReady();
// To protect the concurrent accesses from both main thread and background
// threads to the member fields.
std::mutex mMutex;
bool mIsReady = false;
std::condition_variable mCondition;
// Request WorkerThreads from the WorkerThreadPool. Each pool can keep worker threads around so
// we avoid the costly spin up and spin down time.
class WorkerThreadPool : angle::NonCopyable
virtual ~WorkerThreadPool();
// Creates a new thread pool.
// If numThreads is 0, the pool will choose the best number of threads to run.
// If numThreads is 1, the pool will be single-threaded. Tasks will run on the calling thread.
// Other numbers indicate how many threads the pool should spawn.
// Note that based on build options, this class may not actually run tasks in threads, or it may
// hook into the provided PlatformMethods::postWorkerTask, in which case numThreads is ignored.
static std::shared_ptr<WorkerThreadPool> Create(size_t numThreads, PlatformMethods *platform);
// Returns an event to wait on for the task to finish. If the pool fails to create the task,
// returns null. This function is thread-safe.
virtual std::shared_ptr<WaitableEvent> postWorkerTask(const std::shared_ptr<Closure> &task) = 0;
virtual bool isAsync() = 0;
} // namespace angle