blob: 66e44599db04f65c43380fcc0ab6bf88bb377be8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// BlitResolve.frag: Blit color or depth/stencil images, or resolve multisampled ones.
#version 450 core
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : require
#define MAKE_SRC_RESOURCE(prefix, type) prefix ## type
#if BlitColorFloat
#define IsBlitColor 1
#define COLOR_SRC_RESOURCE(type) type
#define ColorType vec4
#elif BlitColorInt
#define IsBlitColor 1
#define ColorType ivec4
#elif BlitColorUint
#define IsBlitColor 1
#define ColorType uvec4
#elif BlitDepth
#define IsBlitDepth 1
#elif BlitStencil
#define IsBlitStencil 1
#elif BlitDepthStencil
#define IsBlitDepth 1
#define IsBlitStencil 1
#error "Not all resolve targets are accounted for"
#if IsBlitColor && (IsBlitDepth || IsBlitStencil)
#error "The shader doesn't blit color and depth/stencil at the same time."
#if IsResolve
#extension GL_EXT_samplerless_texture_functions : require
#if IsBlitStencil
#extension GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export : require
#define DEPTH_SRC_RESOURCE(type) type
#if IsResolve
#define CoordType ivec2
#if SrcIsArray
#define SRC_RESOURCE_NAME texture2DMSArray
#define TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) texelFetch(src, ivec3(coord, params.srcLayer), sample)
#define SRC_RESOURCE_NAME texture2DMS
#define TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) texelFetch(src, coord, sample)
#define COLOR_TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample)
#define DEPTH_TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample)
#define STENCIL_TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample)
#define CoordType vec2
#if SrcIsArray
#define SRC_RESOURCE_NAME texture2DArray
#define SRC_SAMPLER_NAME sampler2DArray
#define TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) texture(src, vec3(coord * params.invSrcExtent, params.srcLayer))
#define SRC_RESOURCE_NAME texture2D
#define SRC_SAMPLER_NAME sampler2D
#define TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) texture(src, coord * params.invSrcExtent)
#define COLOR_TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) TEXEL_FETCH(COLOR_SRC_RESOURCE(SRC_SAMPLER_NAME)(src, blitSampler), coord, sample)
#define DEPTH_TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) TEXEL_FETCH(DEPTH_SRC_RESOURCE(SRC_SAMPLER_NAME)(src, blitSampler), coord, sample)
#define STENCIL_TEXEL_FETCH(src, coord, sample) TEXEL_FETCH(STENCIL_SRC_RESOURCE(SRC_SAMPLER_NAME)(src, blitSampler), coord, sample)
#endif // IsResolve
#if IsBlitColor
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform COLOR_SRC_RESOURCE(SRC_RESOURCE_NAME) color;
layout(location = 0) out ColorType colorOut0;
layout(location = 1) out ColorType colorOut1;
layout(location = 2) out ColorType colorOut2;
layout(location = 3) out ColorType colorOut3;
layout(location = 4) out ColorType colorOut4;
layout(location = 5) out ColorType colorOut5;
layout(location = 6) out ColorType colorOut6;
layout(location = 7) out ColorType colorOut7;
#if IsBlitDepth
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform DEPTH_SRC_RESOURCE(SRC_RESOURCE_NAME) depth;
#if IsBlitStencil
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform STENCIL_SRC_RESOURCE(SRC_RESOURCE_NAME) stencil;
#if !IsResolve
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler blitSampler;
#include ""
void main()
CoordType srcImageCoords = getSrcImageCoords();
#if IsBlitColor
#if IsResolve
ColorType colorValue = ColorType(0, 0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < params.samples; ++i)
colorValue += COLOR_TEXEL_FETCH(color, srcImageCoords, i);
#if BlitColorFloat
colorValue *= params.invSamples;
colorValue = ColorType(round(colorValue * params.invSamples));
ColorType colorValue = COLOR_TEXEL_FETCH(color, srcImageCoords, 0);
#endif // IsBlitColor
// Note: always resolve depth/stencil using sample 0. GLES3 gives us freedom in choosing how
// to resolve depth/stencil images.
#if IsBlitDepth
gl_FragDepth = DEPTH_TEXEL_FETCH(depth, srcImageCoords, 0).x;
#endif // IsBlitDepth
#if IsBlitStencil
gl_FragStencilRefARB = int(STENCIL_TEXEL_FETCH(stencil, srcImageCoords, 0).x);
#endif // IsBlitStencil