blob: 9f7c76be15a472fa03dbe005a39f5d398793aa76 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: Khronos OpenCL API, OpenCL C, Extensions, SPIR-V Environment Specs, Ref page, and C++ for OpenCL doc sources.
Short Name: OpenCL-Docs
Version: N/A
SOURCE CODE: git clone -b OpenCL-Docs
Date: N/A
Revision: N/A
Security Critical: no
License: Apache 2.0
License File: Not Included
This repository contains the source and tool chain used to generate the formal
OpenCL API, OpenCL C, OpenCL Extensions, OpenCL SPIR-V Environment, OpenCL C
Specifications, as well as the OpenCL Reference Pages and documentation for
the C for OpenCL kernel language.