blob: 289564c8729371551b9c43a32bf149eda5a43ef6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Generated by using data from gl.xml.
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// entry_points_gl_4_autogen.h:
// Defines the Desktop GL 4.x entry points.
#include <export.h>
#include "angle_gl.h"
extern "C" {
// GL 4.0
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BeginQueryIndexed(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint id);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawTransformFeedback(GLenum mode, GLuint id);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawTransformFeedbackStream(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EndQueryIndexed(GLenum target, GLuint index);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetActiveSubroutineName(GLuint program,
GLenum shadertype,
GLuint index,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLsizei *length,
GLchar *name);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(GLuint program,
GLenum shadertype,
GLuint index,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLsizei *length,
GLchar *name);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetActiveSubroutineUniformiv(GLuint program,
GLenum shadertype,
GLuint index,
GLenum pname,
GLint *values);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetProgramStageiv(GLuint program,
GLenum shadertype,
GLenum pname,
GLint *values);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryIndexediv(GLenum target,
GLuint index,
GLenum pname,
GLint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT GLuint GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSubroutineIndex(GLuint program,
GLenum shadertype,
const GLchar *name);
ANGLE_EXPORT GLint GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSubroutineUniformLocation(GLuint program,
GLenum shadertype,
const GLchar *name);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetUniformSubroutineuiv(GLenum shadertype,
GLint location,
GLuint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetUniformdv(GLuint program, GLint location, GLdouble *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_PatchParameterfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *values);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_Uniform1d(GLint location, GLdouble x);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_Uniform1dv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_Uniform2d(GLint location, GLdouble x, GLdouble y);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_Uniform2dv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_Uniform3d(GLint location, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_Uniform3dv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLdouble *value);
GL_Uniform4d(GLint location, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_Uniform4dv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformMatrix2dv(GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformMatrix2x3dv(GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformMatrix2x4dv(GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformMatrix3dv(GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformMatrix3x2dv(GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformMatrix3x4dv(GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformMatrix4dv(GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformMatrix4x2dv(GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformMatrix4x3dv(GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UniformSubroutinesuiv(GLenum shadertype,
GLsizei count,
const GLuint *indices);
// GL 4.1
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DepthRangeArrayv(GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLdouble *v);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DepthRangeIndexed(GLuint index, GLdouble n, GLdouble f);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetDoublei_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetFloati_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetVertexAttribLdv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform1d(GLuint program, GLint location, GLdouble v0);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform1dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform2d(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLdouble v0,
GLdouble v1);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform2dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
const GLdouble *value);
GL_ProgramUniform3d(GLuint program, GLint location, GLdouble v0, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform3dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform4d(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLdouble v0,
GLdouble v1,
GLdouble v2,
GLdouble v3);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform4dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix2dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix3dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix4dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei count,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLdouble *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ScissorArrayv(GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLint *v);
GL_ScissorIndexed(GLuint index, GLint left, GLint bottom, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ScissorIndexedv(GLuint index, const GLint *v);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribL1d(GLuint index, GLdouble x);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribL1dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribL2d(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribL2dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribL3d(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribL3dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v);
GL_VertexAttribL4d(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribL4dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v);
GL_VertexAttribLPointer(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void *pointer);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ViewportArrayv(GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *v);
GL_ViewportIndexedf(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat w, GLfloat h);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ViewportIndexedfv(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v);
// GL 4.2
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(GLenum mode,
GLint first,
GLsizei count,
GLsizei instancecount,
GLuint baseinstance);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(GLenum mode,
GLsizei count,
GLenum type,
const void *indices,
GLsizei instancecount,
GLuint baseinstance);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(GLenum mode,
GLsizei count,
GLenum type,
const void *indices,
GLsizei instancecount,
GLint basevertex,
GLuint baseinstance);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(GLenum mode,
GLuint id,
GLsizei instancecount);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(GLenum mode,
GLuint id,
GLuint stream,
GLsizei instancecount);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv(GLuint program,
GLuint bufferIndex,
GLenum pname,
GLint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorage1D(GLenum target,
GLsizei levels,
GLenum internalformat,
GLsizei width);
// GL 4.3
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClearBufferData(GLenum target,
GLenum internalformat,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClearBufferSubData(GLenum target,
GLenum internalformat,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetInternalformati64v(GLenum target,
GLenum internalformat,
GLenum pname,
GLsizei count,
GLint64 *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT GLint GL_APIENTRY GL_GetProgramResourceLocationIndex(GLuint program,
GLenum programInterface,
const GLchar *name);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_InvalidateBufferData(GLuint buffer);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_InvalidateBufferSubData(GLuint buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr length);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_InvalidateTexImage(GLuint texture, GLint level);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_InvalidateTexSubImage(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawArraysIndirect(GLenum mode,
const void *indirect,
GLsizei drawcount,
GLsizei stride);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawElementsIndirect(GLenum mode,
GLenum type,
const void *indirect,
GLsizei drawcount,
GLsizei stride);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ShaderStorageBlockBinding(GLuint program,
GLuint storageBlockIndex,
GLuint storageBlockBinding);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureView(GLuint texture,
GLenum target,
GLuint origtexture,
GLenum internalformat,
GLuint minlevel,
GLuint numlevels,
GLuint minlayer,
GLuint numlayers);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribLFormat(GLuint attribindex,
GLint size,
GLenum type,
GLuint relativeoffset);
// GL 4.4
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindBuffersBase(GLenum target,
GLuint first,
GLsizei count,
const GLuint *buffers);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindBuffersRange(GLenum target,
GLuint first,
GLsizei count,
const GLuint *buffers,
const GLintptr *offsets,
const GLsizeiptr *sizes);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindImageTextures(GLuint first,
GLsizei count,
const GLuint *textures);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindSamplers(GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLuint *samplers);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindTextures(GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLuint *textures);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindVertexBuffers(GLuint first,
GLsizei count,
const GLuint *buffers,
const GLintptr *offsets,
const GLsizei *strides);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BufferStorage(GLenum target,
GLsizeiptr size,
const void *data,
GLbitfield flags);
GL_ClearTexImage(GLuint texture, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClearTexSubImage(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const void *data);
// GL 4.5
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindTextureUnit(GLuint unit, GLuint texture);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlitNamedFramebuffer(GLuint readFramebuffer,
GLuint drawFramebuffer,
GLint srcX0,
GLint srcY0,
GLint srcX1,
GLint srcY1,
GLint dstX0,
GLint dstY0,
GLint dstX1,
GLint dstY1,
GLbitfield mask,
GLenum filter);
ANGLE_EXPORT GLenum GL_APIENTRY GL_CheckNamedFramebufferStatus(GLuint framebuffer, GLenum target);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClearNamedBufferData(GLuint buffer,
GLenum internalformat,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClearNamedBufferSubData(GLuint buffer,
GLenum internalformat,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClearNamedFramebufferfi(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum buffer,
GLint drawbuffer,
GLfloat depth,
GLint stencil);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClearNamedFramebufferfv(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum buffer,
GLint drawbuffer,
const GLfloat *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClearNamedFramebufferiv(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum buffer,
GLint drawbuffer,
const GLint *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClearNamedFramebufferuiv(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum buffer,
GLint drawbuffer,
const GLuint *value);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClipControl(GLenum origin, GLenum depth);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedTextureSubImage1D(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLenum format,
GLsizei imageSize,
const void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedTextureSubImage2D(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLenum format,
GLsizei imageSize,
const void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedTextureSubImage3D(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLenum format,
GLsizei imageSize,
const void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopyNamedBufferSubData(GLuint readBuffer,
GLuint writeBuffer,
GLintptr readOffset,
GLintptr writeOffset,
GLsizeiptr size);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopyTextureSubImage1D(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint x,
GLint y,
GLsizei width);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopyTextureSubImage2D(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint x,
GLint y,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopyTextureSubImage3D(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint zoffset,
GLint x,
GLint y,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateBuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffers);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateFramebuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateProgramPipelines(GLsizei n, GLuint *pipelines);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateQueries(GLenum target, GLsizei n, GLuint *ids);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateRenderbuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateSamplers(GLsizei n, GLuint *samplers);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateTextures(GLenum target, GLsizei n, GLuint *textures);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateTransformFeedbacks(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateVertexArrays(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DisableVertexArrayAttrib(GLuint vaobj, GLuint index);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EnableVertexArrayAttrib(GLuint vaobj, GLuint index);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FlushMappedNamedBufferRange(GLuint buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr length);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenerateTextureMipmap(GLuint texture);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetCompressedTextureImage(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLsizei bufSize,
void *pixels);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetCompressedTextureSubImage(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLsizei bufSize,
void *pixels);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetNamedBufferParameteri64v(GLuint buffer,
GLenum pname,
GLint64 *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetNamedBufferParameteriv(GLuint buffer,
GLenum pname,
GLint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetNamedBufferPointerv(GLuint buffer, GLenum pname, void **params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetNamedBufferSubData(GLuint buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum attachment,
GLenum pname,
GLint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum pname,
GLint *param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv(GLuint renderbuffer,
GLenum pname,
GLint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryBufferObjecti64v(GLuint id,
GLuint buffer,
GLenum pname,
GLintptr offset);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryBufferObjectiv(GLuint id,
GLuint buffer,
GLenum pname,
GLintptr offset);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryBufferObjectui64v(GLuint id,
GLuint buffer,
GLenum pname,
GLintptr offset);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryBufferObjectuiv(GLuint id,
GLuint buffer,
GLenum pname,
GLintptr offset);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTextureImage(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
GLsizei bufSize,
void *pixels);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTextureLevelParameterfv(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLenum pname,
GLfloat *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTextureLevelParameteriv(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLenum pname,
GLint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTextureParameterIiv(GLuint texture,
GLenum pname,
GLint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTextureParameterIuiv(GLuint texture,
GLenum pname,
GLuint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTextureParameterfv(GLuint texture,
GLenum pname,
GLfloat *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTextureParameteriv(GLuint texture, GLenum pname, GLint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTextureSubImage(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
GLsizei bufSize,
void *pixels);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTransformFeedbacki64_v(GLuint xfb,
GLenum pname,
GLuint index,
GLint64 *param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTransformFeedbacki_v(GLuint xfb,
GLenum pname,
GLuint index,
GLint *param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTransformFeedbackiv(GLuint xfb, GLenum pname, GLint *param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetVertexArrayIndexed64iv(GLuint vaobj,
GLuint index,
GLenum pname,
GLint64 *param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetVertexArrayIndexediv(GLuint vaobj,
GLuint index,
GLenum pname,
GLint *param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetVertexArrayiv(GLuint vaobj, GLenum pname, GLint *param);
GL_GetnColorTable(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, void *table);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnCompressedTexImage(GLenum target,
GLint lod,
GLsizei bufSize,
void *pixels);
GL_GetnConvolutionFilter(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, void *image);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnHistogram(GLenum target,
GLboolean reset,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
GLsizei bufSize,
void *values);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnMapdv(GLenum target,
GLenum query,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLdouble *v);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnMapfv(GLenum target,
GLenum query,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLfloat *v);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnMapiv(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLint *v);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnMinmax(GLenum target,
GLboolean reset,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
GLsizei bufSize,
void *values);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnPixelMapfv(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *values);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnPixelMapuiv(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint *values);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnPixelMapusv(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLushort *values);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnPolygonStipple(GLsizei bufSize, GLubyte *pattern);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnSeparableFilter(GLenum target,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
GLsizei rowBufSize,
void *row,
GLsizei columnBufSize,
void *column,
void *span);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnTexImage(GLenum target,
GLint level,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
GLsizei bufSize,
void *pixels);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnUniformdv(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLsizei bufSize,
GLdouble *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_InvalidateNamedFramebufferData(GLuint framebuffer,
GLsizei numAttachments,
const GLenum *attachments);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_InvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData(GLuint framebuffer,
GLsizei numAttachments,
const GLenum *attachments,
GLint x,
GLint y,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height);
ANGLE_EXPORT void *GL_APIENTRY GL_MapNamedBuffer(GLuint buffer, GLenum access);
ANGLE_EXPORT void *GL_APIENTRY GL_MapNamedBufferRange(GLuint buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr length,
GLbitfield access);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedBufferData(GLuint buffer,
GLsizeiptr size,
const void *data,
GLenum usage);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedBufferStorage(GLuint buffer,
GLsizeiptr size,
const void *data,
GLbitfield flags);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedBufferSubData(GLuint buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
const void *data);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedFramebufferDrawBuffer(GLuint framebuffer, GLenum buf);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedFramebufferDrawBuffers(GLuint framebuffer,
GLsizei n,
const GLenum *bufs);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedFramebufferParameteri(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum pname,
GLint param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedFramebufferReadBuffer(GLuint framebuffer, GLenum src);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedFramebufferRenderbuffer(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum attachment,
GLenum renderbuffertarget,
GLuint renderbuffer);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedFramebufferTexture(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum attachment,
GLuint texture,
GLint level);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedFramebufferTextureLayer(GLuint framebuffer,
GLenum attachment,
GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint layer);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedRenderbufferStorage(GLuint renderbuffer,
GLenum internalformat,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GLuint renderbuffer,
GLsizei samples,
GLenum internalformat,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureBarrier();
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureBuffer(GLuint texture,
GLenum internalformat,
GLuint buffer);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureBufferRange(GLuint texture,
GLenum internalformat,
GLuint buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureParameterIiv(GLuint texture,
GLenum pname,
const GLint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureParameterIuiv(GLuint texture,
GLenum pname,
const GLuint *params);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureParameterf(GLuint texture, GLenum pname, GLfloat param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureParameterfv(GLuint texture,
GLenum pname,
const GLfloat *param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureParameteri(GLuint texture, GLenum pname, GLint param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureParameteriv(GLuint texture,
GLenum pname,
const GLint *param);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureStorage1D(GLuint texture,
GLsizei levels,
GLenum internalformat,
GLsizei width);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureStorage2D(GLuint texture,
GLsizei levels,
GLenum internalformat,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureStorage2DMultisample(GLuint texture,
GLsizei samples,
GLenum internalformat,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLboolean fixedsamplelocations);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureStorage3D(GLuint texture,
GLsizei levels,
GLenum internalformat,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureStorage3DMultisample(GLuint texture,
GLsizei samples,
GLenum internalformat,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLboolean fixedsamplelocations);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureSubImage1D(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const void *pixels);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureSubImage2D(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const void *pixels);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TextureSubImage3D(GLuint texture,
GLint level,
GLint xoffset,
GLint yoffset,
GLint zoffset,
GLsizei width,
GLsizei height,
GLsizei depth,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const void *pixels);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TransformFeedbackBufferBase(GLuint xfb,
GLuint index,
GLuint buffer);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TransformFeedbackBufferRange(GLuint xfb,
GLuint index,
GLuint buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size);
ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_UnmapNamedBuffer(GLuint buffer);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexArrayAttribBinding(GLuint vaobj,
GLuint attribindex,
GLuint bindingindex);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexArrayAttribFormat(GLuint vaobj,
GLuint attribindex,
GLint size,
GLenum type,
GLboolean normalized,
GLuint relativeoffset);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexArrayAttribIFormat(GLuint vaobj,
GLuint attribindex,
GLint size,
GLenum type,
GLuint relativeoffset);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexArrayAttribLFormat(GLuint vaobj,
GLuint attribindex,
GLint size,
GLenum type,
GLuint relativeoffset);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexArrayBindingDivisor(GLuint vaobj,
GLuint bindingindex,
GLuint divisor);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexArrayElementBuffer(GLuint vaobj, GLuint buffer);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexArrayVertexBuffer(GLuint vaobj,
GLuint bindingindex,
GLuint buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizei stride);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexArrayVertexBuffers(GLuint vaobj,
GLuint first,
GLsizei count,
const GLuint *buffers,
const GLintptr *offsets,
const GLsizei *strides);
// GL 4.6
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawArraysIndirectCount(GLenum mode,
const void *indirect,
GLintptr drawcount,
GLsizei maxdrawcount,
GLsizei stride);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawElementsIndirectCount(GLenum mode,
GLenum type,
const void *indirect,
GLintptr drawcount,
GLsizei maxdrawcount,
GLsizei stride);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_PolygonOffsetClamp(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units, GLfloat clamp);
ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SpecializeShader(GLuint shader,
const GLchar *pEntryPoint,
GLuint numSpecializationConstants,
const GLuint *pConstantIndex,
const GLuint *pConstantValue);
} // extern "C"