blob: 1c5a6fe5f7dad38554bc1eb12e9efac7b9afefa4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "policy/device_policy_impl.h"
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ptr_util.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "bindings/chrome_device_policy.pb.h"
#include "bindings/device_management_backend.pb.h"
namespace em = enterprise_management;
namespace policy {
namespace {
const char kPolicyPath[] = "/var/lib/whitelist/policy";
const char kPublicKeyPath[] = "/var/lib/whitelist/owner.key";
// Reads the public key used to sign the policy from |key_file| and stores it
// in |public_key|. Returns true on success.
bool ReadPublicKeyFromFile(const base::FilePath& key_file,
std::string* public_key) {
if (!base::PathExists(key_file))
return false;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(key_file, public_key) || public_key->empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read public key off disk";
return false;
return true;
// Verifies that the |signed_data| has correct |signature| with |public_key|.
bool VerifySignature(const std::string& signed_data,
const std::string& signature,
const std::string& public_key) {
const EVP_MD* digest = EVP_sha1();
char* key = const_cast<char*>(;
BIO* bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(key, public_key.length());
if (!bio) {
return false;
EVP_PKEY* public_key_ssl = d2i_PUBKEY_bio(bio, nullptr);
if (!public_key_ssl) {
return false;
const unsigned char* sig =
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(;
int rv = EVP_VerifyInit_ex(&ctx, digest, nullptr);
if (rv == 1) {
EVP_VerifyUpdate(&ctx,, signed_data.length());
rv = EVP_VerifyFinal(&ctx,
sig, signature.length(),
return rv == 1;
// Decodes the connection type enum from the device settings protobuf to string
// representations. The strings must match the connection manager definitions.
std::string DecodeConnectionType(int type) {
static const char* const kConnectionTypes[] = {
if (type < 0 || type >= static_cast<int>(arraysize(kConnectionTypes)))
return std::string();
return kConnectionTypes[type];
} // namespace
: policy_path_(kPolicyPath),
keyfile_path_(kPublicKeyPath) {
DevicePolicyImpl::~DevicePolicyImpl() {
bool DevicePolicyImpl::LoadPolicy() {
bool verify_policy = true;
if (!install_attributes_reader_) {
install_attributes_reader_ = base::MakeUnique<InstallAttributesReader>();
const std::string& mode =
if (mode == InstallAttributesReader::kDeviceModeEnterpriseAD) {
verify_policy = false;
if (verify_policy && !VerifyPolicyFiles()) {
return false;
std::string polstr;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(policy_path_, &polstr) || polstr.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read policy off disk";
return false;
if (!policy_.ParseFromString(polstr) || !policy_.has_policy_data()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Policy on disk could not be parsed!";
return false;
if (!policy_data_.has_policy_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Policy on disk could not be parsed!";
return false;
// Make sure the signature is still valid.
if (verify_policy && !VerifyPolicySignature()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Policy signature verification failed!";
return false;
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetPolicyRefreshRate(int* rate) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_device_policy_refresh_rate())
return false;
*rate = static_cast<int>(
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetUserWhitelist(
std::vector<std::string>* user_whitelist) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_user_whitelist())
return false;
const em::UserWhitelistProto& proto = device_policy_.user_whitelist();
for (int i = 0; i < proto.user_whitelist_size(); i++)
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetGuestModeEnabled(bool* guest_mode_enabled) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_guest_mode_enabled())
return false;
*guest_mode_enabled =
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetCameraEnabled(bool* camera_enabled) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_camera_enabled())
return false;
*camera_enabled = device_policy_.camera_enabled().camera_enabled();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetShowUserNames(bool* show_user_names) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_show_user_names())
return false;
*show_user_names = device_policy_.show_user_names().show_user_names();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetDataRoamingEnabled(bool* data_roaming_enabled) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_data_roaming_enabled())
return false;
*data_roaming_enabled =
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetAllowNewUsers(bool* allow_new_users) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_allow_new_users())
return false;
*allow_new_users = device_policy_.allow_new_users().allow_new_users();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetMetricsEnabled(bool* metrics_enabled) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_metrics_enabled())
return false;
*metrics_enabled = device_policy_.metrics_enabled().metrics_enabled();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetReportVersionInfo(bool* report_version_info) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_device_reporting())
return false;
const em::DeviceReportingProto& proto = device_policy_.device_reporting();
if (!proto.has_report_version_info())
return false;
*report_version_info = proto.report_version_info();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetReportActivityTimes(
bool* report_activity_times) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_device_reporting())
return false;
const em::DeviceReportingProto& proto = device_policy_.device_reporting();
if (!proto.has_report_activity_times())
return false;
*report_activity_times = proto.report_activity_times();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetReportBootMode(bool* report_boot_mode) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_device_reporting())
return false;
const em::DeviceReportingProto& proto = device_policy_.device_reporting();
if (!proto.has_report_boot_mode())
return false;
*report_boot_mode = proto.report_boot_mode();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetEphemeralUsersEnabled(
bool* ephemeral_users_enabled) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_ephemeral_users_enabled())
return false;
*ephemeral_users_enabled =
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetReleaseChannel(
std::string* release_channel) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_release_channel())
return false;
const em::ReleaseChannelProto& proto = device_policy_.release_channel();
if (!proto.has_release_channel())
return false;
*release_channel = proto.release_channel();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetReleaseChannelDelegated(
bool* release_channel_delegated) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_release_channel())
return false;
const em::ReleaseChannelProto& proto = device_policy_.release_channel();
if (!proto.has_release_channel_delegated())
return false;
*release_channel_delegated = proto.release_channel_delegated();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetUpdateDisabled(
bool* update_disabled) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_auto_update_settings())
return false;
const em::AutoUpdateSettingsProto& proto =
if (!proto.has_update_disabled())
return false;
*update_disabled = proto.update_disabled();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetTargetVersionPrefix(
std::string* target_version_prefix) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_auto_update_settings())
return false;
const em::AutoUpdateSettingsProto& proto =
if (!proto.has_target_version_prefix())
return false;
*target_version_prefix = proto.target_version_prefix();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetScatterFactorInSeconds(
int64_t* scatter_factor_in_seconds) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_auto_update_settings())
return false;
const em::AutoUpdateSettingsProto& proto =
if (!proto.has_scatter_factor_in_seconds())
return false;
*scatter_factor_in_seconds = proto.scatter_factor_in_seconds();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetAllowedConnectionTypesForUpdate(
std::set<std::string>* connection_types) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_auto_update_settings())
return false;
const em::AutoUpdateSettingsProto& proto =
if (proto.allowed_connection_types_size() <= 0)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < proto.allowed_connection_types_size(); i++) {
std::string type = DecodeConnectionType(proto.allowed_connection_types(i));
if (!type.empty())
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetOpenNetworkConfiguration(
std::string* open_network_configuration) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_open_network_configuration())
return false;
const em::DeviceOpenNetworkConfigurationProto& proto =
if (!proto.has_open_network_configuration())
return false;
*open_network_configuration = proto.open_network_configuration();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetOwner(std::string* owner) const {
if (IsEnterpriseManaged()) {
*owner = "";
return true;
if (!policy_data_.has_username())
return false;
*owner = policy_data_.username();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetHttpDownloadsEnabled(
bool* http_downloads_enabled) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_auto_update_settings())
return false;
const em::AutoUpdateSettingsProto& proto =
if (!proto.has_http_downloads_enabled())
return false;
*http_downloads_enabled = proto.http_downloads_enabled();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetAuP2PEnabled(bool* au_p2p_enabled) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_auto_update_settings())
return false;
const em::AutoUpdateSettingsProto& proto =
if (!proto.has_p2p_enabled())
return false;
*au_p2p_enabled = proto.p2p_enabled();
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetAllowKioskAppControlChromeVersion(
bool* allow_kiosk_app_control_chrome_version) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_allow_kiosk_app_control_chrome_version())
return false;
const em::AllowKioskAppControlChromeVersionProto& proto =
if (!proto.has_allow_kiosk_app_control_chrome_version())
return false;
*allow_kiosk_app_control_chrome_version =
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetUsbDetachableWhitelist(
std::vector<UsbDeviceId>* usb_whitelist) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_usb_detachable_whitelist())
return false;
const em::UsbDetachableWhitelistProto& proto =
for (int i = 0; i < proto.id_size(); i++) {
const em::UsbDeviceIdProto& id =;
UsbDeviceId dev_id;
dev_id.vendor_id = id.has_vendor_id() ? id.vendor_id() : 0;
dev_id.product_id = id.has_product_id() ? id.product_id() : 0;
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::GetAutoLaunchedKioskAppId(
std::string* app_id_out) const {
if (!device_policy_.has_device_local_accounts())
return false;
const em::DeviceLocalAccountsProto& local_accounts =
// For auto-launched kiosk apps, the delay needs to be 0.
if (local_accounts.has_auto_login_delay() &&
local_accounts.auto_login_delay() != 0)
return false;
for (const em::DeviceLocalAccountInfoProto& account :
local_accounts.account()) {
// If this isn't an auto-login account, move to the next one.
if (account.account_id() != local_accounts.auto_login_id())
// If the auto-launched account is not a kiosk app, bail out, we aren't
// running in auto-launched kiosk mode.
if (account.type() !=
em::DeviceLocalAccountInfoProto::ACCOUNT_TYPE_KIOSK_APP) {
return false;
*app_id_out = account.kiosk_app().app_id();
return true;
// No auto-launched account found.
return false;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::IsEnterpriseManaged() const {
if (policy_data_.has_management_mode())
return policy_data_.management_mode() == em::PolicyData::ENTERPRISE_MANAGED;
// Fall back to checking the request token, see management_mode documentation
// in device_management_backend.proto.
return policy_data_.has_request_token();
bool DevicePolicyImpl::VerifyPolicyFiles() {
// Both the policy and its signature have to exist.
if (!base::PathExists(policy_path_) || !base::PathExists(keyfile_path_)) {
return false;
// Check if the policy and signature file is owned by root.
struct stat file_stat;
stat(policy_path_.value().c_str(), &file_stat);
if (file_stat.st_uid != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Policy file is not owned by root!";
return false;
stat(keyfile_path_.value().c_str(), &file_stat);
if (file_stat.st_uid != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Policy signature file is not owned by root!";
return false;
return true;
bool DevicePolicyImpl::VerifyPolicySignature() {
if (policy_.has_policy_data_signature()) {
std::string policy_data = policy_.policy_data();
std::string policy_data_signature = policy_.policy_data_signature();
std::string public_key;
if (!ReadPublicKeyFromFile(base::FilePath(keyfile_path_), &public_key)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read owner key off disk";
return false;
if (!VerifySignature(policy_data, policy_data_signature, public_key)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Signature does not match the data or can not be verified!";
return false;
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "The policy blob is not signed!";
return false;
} // namespace policy