blob: 10b45a1897ec29408d2176c47a8d85eae1024ec7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a "No Compile Test" suite.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
namespace {
class Parent {
class Child : public Parent {
class RefCountedClass : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<RefCountedClass> {
} // namespace
#if defined(NCTEST_NO_PASS_DOWNCAST) // [r"fatal error: no viable conversion from returned value of type 'scoped_ptr<\(anonymous namespace\)::Parent>' to function return type 'scoped_ptr<\(anonymous namespace\)::Child>'"]
scoped_ptr<Child> DowncastUsingPassAs(scoped_ptr<Parent> object) {
return object;
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_REF_COUNTED_SCOPED_PTR) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed \"T is a refcounted type and needs a scoped_refptr\""]
// scoped_ptr<> should not work for ref-counted objects.
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<RefCountedClass> x;
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_ARRAY_WITH_SIZE) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed \"scoped_ptr doesn't support array with size\""]
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<int[10]> x;
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_PASS_FROM_ARRAY) // [r"fatal error: no viable overloaded '='"]
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<int[]> a;
scoped_ptr<int*> b;
b = std::move(a);
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_PASS_TO_ARRAY) // [r"fatal error: no viable overloaded '='"]
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<int*> a;
scoped_ptr<int[]> b;
b = std::move(a);
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_CONSTRUCT_FROM_ARRAY) // [r"fatal error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'scoped_ptr<int \*>'"]
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<int[]> a;
scoped_ptr<int*> b(std::move(a));
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_CONSTRUCT_TO_ARRAY) // [r"fatal error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'scoped_ptr<int \[\]>'"]
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<int*> a;
scoped_ptr<int[]> b(std::move(a));
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_CONSTRUCT_SCOPED_PTR_ARRAY_FROM_NULL) // [r"is ambiguous"]
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<int[]> x(NULL);
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_CONSTRUCT_SCOPED_PTR_ARRAY_FROM_DERIVED) // [r"fatal error: calling a private constructor of class 'scoped_ptr<\(anonymous namespace\)::Parent \[\], std::default_delete<\(anonymous namespace\)::Parent \[\]> >'"]
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<Parent[]> x(new Child[1]);
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_RESET_SCOPED_PTR_ARRAY_FROM_NULL) // [r"is ambiguous"]
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<int[]> x;
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_RESET_SCOPED_PTR_ARRAY_FROM_DERIVED) // [r"fatal error: 'reset' is a private member of 'scoped_ptr<\(anonymous namespace\)::Parent \[\], std::default_delete<\(anonymous namespace\)::Parent \[\]> >'"]
void WontCompile() {
scoped_ptr<Parent[]> x;
x.reset(new Child[1]);
#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_DELETER_REFERENCE) // [r"fatal error: base specifier must name a class"]
struct Deleter {
void operator()(int*) {}
// Current implementation doesn't support Deleter Reference types. Enabling
// support would require changes to the behavior of the constructors to match
// including the use of SFINAE to discard the type-converting constructor
// as per C++11
void WontCompile() {
Deleter d;
int n;
scoped_ptr<int*, Deleter&> a(&n, d);