blob: 8544c78eb2cd34c3f7693fa4063ccdcf85f837a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
// When heap profiling is enabled, tracing keeps track of the allocation
// context for each allocation intercepted. It is generated by the
// |AllocationContextTracker| which keeps stacks of context in TLS.
// The tracker is initialized lazily.
// The backtrace in the allocation context is a snapshot of the stack. For now,
// this is the pseudo stack where frames are created by trace event macros. In
// the future, we might add the option to use the native call stack. In that
// case, |Backtrace| and |AllocationContextTracker::GetContextSnapshot| might
// have different implementations that can be selected by a compile time flag.
// The number of stack frames stored in the backtrace is a trade off between
// memory used for tracing and accuracy. Measurements done on a prototype
// revealed that:
// - In 60 percent of the cases, stack depth <= 7.
// - In 87 percent of the cases, stack depth <= 9.
// - In 95 percent of the cases, stack depth <= 11.
// See the design doc ( for more details.
using StackFrame = const char*;
struct BASE_EXPORT Backtrace {
// Unused backtrace frames are filled with nullptr frames. If the stack is
// higher than what can be stored here, the bottom frames are stored. Based
// on the data above, a depth of 12 captures the full stack in the vast
// majority of the cases.
StackFrame frames[12];
bool BASE_EXPORT operator==(const Backtrace& lhs, const Backtrace& rhs);
// The |AllocationContext| is context metadata that is kept for every allocation
// when heap profiling is enabled. To simplify memory management for book-
// keeping, this struct has a fixed size. All |const char*|s here must have
// static lifetime.
struct BASE_EXPORT AllocationContext {
// An allocation context with empty backtrace and unknown type.
static AllocationContext Empty();
Backtrace backtrace;
// Type name of the type stored in the allocated memory. A null pointer
// indicates "unknown type". Grouping is done by comparing pointers, not by
// deep string comparison. In a component build, where a type name can have a
// string literal in several dynamic libraries, this may distort grouping.
const char* type_name;
friend class AllocationContextTracker;
// Don't allow uninitialized instances except inside the allocation context
// tracker. Except in tests, an |AllocationContext| should only be obtained
// from the tracker. In tests, paying the overhead of initializing the struct
// to |Empty| and then overwriting the members is not such a big deal.
bool BASE_EXPORT operator==(const AllocationContext& lhs,
const AllocationContext& rhs);
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base
template <>
struct BASE_EXPORT hash<base::trace_event::Backtrace> {
size_t operator()(const base::trace_event::Backtrace& backtrace) const;
template <>
struct BASE_EXPORT hash<base::trace_event::AllocationContext> {
size_t operator()(const base::trace_event::AllocationContext& context) const;