blob: c1c80cd3bfb5574f321d1786d89178b329735221 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file contains functions for the Bluetooth Security Manager
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include "stack/btm/security_device_record.h"
#include "stack/include/bt_device_type.h"
#include "stack/include/btm_api_types.h"
#include "stack/include/hci_error_code.h"
#include "stack/include/security_client_callbacks.h"
#include "types/hci_role.h"
#include "types/raw_address.h"
* L O C A L F U N C T I O N P R O T O T Y P E S *
tBTM_SEC_SERV_REC* btm_sec_find_first_serv(bool is_originator, uint16_t psm);
tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC* btm_sec_find_dev_by_sec_state(uint8_t state);
* Function BTM_SecRegister
* Description Application manager calls this function to register for
* security services. There can be one and only one
* application saving link keys. BTM allows only first
* registration.
* Returns true if registered OK, else false
bool BTM_SecRegister(const tBTM_APPL_INFO* p_cb_info);
* Function BTM_SecAddRmtNameNotifyCallback
* Description Any profile can register to be notified when name of the
* remote device is resolved.
* Returns true if registered OK, else false
bool BTM_SecAddRmtNameNotifyCallback(tBTM_RMT_NAME_CALLBACK* p_callback);
* Function BTM_SecDeleteRmtNameNotifyCallback
* Description Any profile can deregister notification when a new Link Key
* is generated per connection.
* Returns true if OK, else false
bool BTM_SecDeleteRmtNameNotifyCallback(tBTM_RMT_NAME_CALLBACK* p_callback);
* Function BTM_GetSecurityFlagsByTransport
* Description Get security flags for the device on a particular transport
* Returns bool true or false is device found
bool BTM_GetSecurityFlagsByTransport(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
uint8_t* p_sec_flags,
tBT_TRANSPORT transport);
bool BTM_IsEncrypted(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBT_TRANSPORT transport);
bool BTM_IsLinkKeyAuthed(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBT_TRANSPORT transport);
bool BTM_IsLinkKeyKnown(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBT_TRANSPORT transport);
bool BTM_IsAuthenticated(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBT_TRANSPORT transport);
bool BTM_CanReadDiscoverableCharacteristics(const RawAddress& bd_addr);
* Function BTM_SetPinType
* Description Set PIN type for the device.
* Returns void
void BTM_SetPinType(uint8_t pin_type, PIN_CODE pin_code, uint8_t pin_code_len);
* Function BTM_SetSecurityLevel
* Description Register service security level with Security Manager
* Parameters: is_originator - true if originating the connection
* p_name - Name of the service relevant only if
* authorization will show this name to user.
* Ignored if BT_MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN is 0.
* service_id - service ID for the service passed to
* authorization callback
* sec_level - bit mask of the security features
* psm - L2CAP PSM
* mx_proto_id - protocol ID of multiplexing proto below
* mx_chan_id - channel ID of multiplexing proto below
* Returns true if registered OK, else false
bool BTM_SetSecurityLevel(bool is_originator, const char* p_name,
uint8_t service_id, uint16_t sec_level, uint16_t psm,
uint32_t mx_proto_id, uint32_t mx_chan_id);
* Function BTM_SecClrService
* Description Removes specified service record(s) from the security
* database. All service records with the specified name are
* removed. Typically used only by devices with limited RAM so
* that it can reuse an old security service record.
* Note: Unpredictable results may occur if a service is
* cleared that is still in use by an application/profile.
* Parameters Service ID - Id of the service to remove. '0' removes all
* service records (except SDP).
* Returns Number of records that were freed.
uint8_t BTM_SecClrService(uint8_t service_id);
* Function BTM_SecClrServiceByPsm
* Description Removes specified service record from the security database.
* All service records with the specified psm are removed.
* Typically used by L2CAP to free up the service record used
* by dynamic PSM clients when the channel is closed.
* The given psm must be a virtual psm.
* Parameters Service ID - Id of the service to remove. '0' removes all
* service records (except SDP).
* Returns Number of records that were freed.
uint8_t BTM_SecClrServiceByPsm(uint16_t psm);
* Function BTM_PINCodeReply
* Description This function is called after Security Manager submitted
* PIN code request to the UI.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the device for which PIN was
* requested
* res - result of the operation BTM_SUCCESS
* if success
* pin_len - length in bytes of the PIN Code
* p_pin - pointer to array with the PIN Code
void BTM_PINCodeReply(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBTM_STATUS res,
uint8_t pin_len, uint8_t* p_pin);
* Function btm_sec_bond_by_transport
* Description this is the bond function that will start either SSP or SMP.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the device to bond
* pin_len - length in bytes of the PIN Code
* p_pin - pointer to array with the PIN Code
* Note: After 2.1 parameters are not used and preserved here not to change API
tBTM_STATUS btm_sec_bond_by_transport(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
tBLE_ADDR_TYPE addr_type,
tBT_TRANSPORT transport, uint8_t pin_len,
uint8_t* p_pin);
* Function BTM_SecBond
* Description This function is called to perform bonding with peer device.
* If the connection is already up, but not secure, pairing
* is attempted. If already paired BTM_SUCCESS is returned.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the device to bond
* transport - doing SSP over BR/EDR or SMP over LE
* pin_len - length in bytes of the PIN Code
* p_pin - pointer to array with the PIN Code
* Note: After 2.1 parameters are not used and preserved here not to change API
tBTM_STATUS BTM_SecBond(const RawAddress& bd_addr, tBLE_ADDR_TYPE addr_type,
tBT_TRANSPORT transport, tBT_DEVICE_TYPE device_type,
uint8_t pin_len, uint8_t* p_pin);
* Function BTM_SecBondCancel
* Description This function is called to cancel ongoing bonding process
* with peer device.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the peer device
* transport - false for BR/EDR link; true for LE link
tBTM_STATUS BTM_SecBondCancel(const RawAddress& bd_addr);
* Function BTM_SecGetDeviceLinkKeyType
* Description This function is called to obtain link key type for the
* device.
* it returns BTM_SUCCESS if link key is available, or
* BTM_UNKNOWN_ADDR if Security Manager does not know about
* the device or device record does not contain link key info
* Returns BTM_LKEY_TYPE_IGNORE if link key is unknown, link type
* otherwise.
tBTM_LINK_KEY_TYPE BTM_SecGetDeviceLinkKeyType(const RawAddress& bd_addr);
* Function BTM_SetEncryption
* Description This function is called to ensure that connection is
* encrypted. Should be called only on an open connection.
* Typically only needed for connections that first want to
* bring up unencrypted links, then later encrypt them.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the peer device
* transport - Link transport
* p_callback - Pointer to callback function called if
* this function returns PENDING after required
* procedures are completed. Can be set to
* NULL if status is not desired.
* p_ref_data - pointer to any data the caller wishes to
* receive in the callback function upon
* completion. can be set to NULL if not used.
* sec_act - LE security action, unused for BR/EDR
* Returns BTM_SUCCESS - already encrypted
* BTM_PENDING - command will be returned in the callback
* BTM_WRONG_MODE- connection not up.
* BTM_BUSY - security procedures are currently active
* BTM_MODE_UNSUPPORTED - if security manager not linked in.
tBTM_STATUS BTM_SetEncryption(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
tBT_TRANSPORT transport,
tBTM_SEC_CALLBACK* p_callback, void* p_ref_data,
tBTM_BLE_SEC_ACT sec_act);
bool BTM_SecIsSecurityPending(const RawAddress& bd_addr);
* Function BTM_ConfirmReqReply
* Description This function is called to confirm the numeric value for
* Simple Pairing in response to BTM_SP_CFM_REQ_EVT
* Parameters: res - result of the operation BTM_SUCCESS if
* success
* bd_addr - Address of the peer device
void BTM_ConfirmReqReply(tBTM_STATUS res, const RawAddress& bd_addr);
* Function BTM_PasskeyReqReply
* Description This function is called to provide the passkey for
* Simple Pairing in response to BTM_SP_KEY_REQ_EVT
* Parameters: res - result of the operation BTM_SUCCESS if success
* bd_addr - Address of the peer device
* passkey - numeric value in the range of
* BTM_MAX_PASSKEY_VAL(999999(0xF423F)).
void BTM_PasskeyReqReply(tBTM_STATUS res, const RawAddress& bd_addr,
uint32_t passkey);
* Function BTM_ReadLocalOobData
* Description This function is called to read the local OOB data from
* LM
void BTM_ReadLocalOobData(void);
* Function BTM_RemoteOobDataReply
* Description This function is called to provide the remote OOB data for
* Simple Pairing in response to BTM_SP_RMT_OOB_EVT
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the peer device
* c - simple pairing Hash C.
* r - simple pairing Randomizer C.
void BTM_RemoteOobDataReply(tBTM_STATUS res, const RawAddress& bd_addr,
const Octet16& c, const Octet16& r);
* Function BTM_BothEndsSupportSecureConnections
* Description This function is called to check if both the local device
* and the peer device specified by bd_addr support BR/EDR
* Secure Connections.
* Parameters: bd_addr - address of the peer
* Returns true if BR/EDR Secure Connections are supported by both
* local and the remote device, else false.
bool BTM_BothEndsSupportSecureConnections(const RawAddress& bd_addr);
* Function BTM_PeerSupportsSecureConnections
* Description This function is called to check if the peer supports
* BR/EDR Secure Connections.
* Parameters: bd_addr - address of the peer
* Returns true if BR/EDR Secure Connections are supported by the peer,
* else false.
bool BTM_PeerSupportsSecureConnections(const RawAddress& bd_addr);
* Function btm_sec_l2cap_access_req
* Description This function is called by the L2CAP to grant permission to
* establish L2CAP connection to or from the peer device.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the peer device
* psm - L2CAP PSM
* is_originator - true if protocol above L2CAP originates
* connection
* p_callback - Pointer to callback function called if
* this function returns PENDING after required
* procedures are complete. MUST NOT BE NULL.
* Returns tBTM_STATUS
tBTM_STATUS btm_sec_l2cap_access_req(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint16_t psm,
bool is_originator,
tBTM_SEC_CALLBACK* p_callback,
void* p_ref_data);
// Allow enforcing security by specific requirement (from shim layer).
tBTM_STATUS btm_sec_l2cap_access_req_by_requirement(
const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint16_t security_required, bool is_originator,
tBTM_SEC_CALLBACK* p_callback, void* p_ref_data);
* Function btm_sec_mx_access_request
* Description This function is called by all Multiplexing Protocols
*during establishing connection to or from peer device to grant permission
*to establish application connection.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the peer device
* psm - L2CAP PSM
* is_originator - true if protocol above L2CAP originates
* connection
* mx_proto_id - protocol ID of the multiplexer
* mx_chan_id - multiplexer channel to reach application
* p_callback - Pointer to callback function called if
* this function returns PENDING after
*required procedures are completed p_ref_data - Pointer to any reference
*data needed by the the callback function.
tBTM_STATUS btm_sec_mx_access_request(const RawAddress& bd_addr,
bool is_originator,
uint16_t security_requirement,
tBTM_SEC_CALLBACK* p_callback,
void* p_ref_data);
* Function btm_sec_conn_req
* Description This function is when the peer device is requesting
* connection
* Returns void
void btm_sec_conn_req(const RawAddress& bda, uint8_t* dc);
* Function btm_create_conn_cancel_complete
* Description This function is called when the command complete message
* is received from the HCI for the create connection cancel
* command.
* Returns void
void btm_create_conn_cancel_complete(const uint8_t* p);
* Function btm_sec_dev_reset
* Description This function should be called after device reset
* Returns void
void btm_sec_dev_reset(void);
* Function btm_sec_abort_access_req
* Description This function is called by the L2CAP or RFCOMM to abort
* the pending operation.
* Parameters: bd_addr - Address of the peer device
* Returns void
void btm_sec_abort_access_req(const RawAddress& bd_addr);
bool is_state_getting_name(void* data, void* context);
* Function btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete
* Description This function is called when remote name was obtained from
* the peer device
* Returns void
void btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete(const RawAddress* p_bd_addr,
const uint8_t* p_bd_name,
tHCI_STATUS status);
* Function btm_sec_rmt_host_support_feat_evt
* Description This function is called when the
* Returns void
void btm_sec_rmt_host_support_feat_evt(const uint8_t* p);
* Function btm_io_capabilities_req
* Description This function is called when LM request for the IO
* capability of the local device and
* if the OOB data is present for the device in the event
* Returns void
void btm_io_capabilities_req(const RawAddress& p);
* Function btm_io_capabilities_rsp
* Description This function is called when the IO capability of the
* specified device is received
* Returns void
void btm_io_capabilities_rsp(const uint8_t* p);
* Function btm_proc_sp_req_evt
* Description This function is called to process/report
* Returns void
void btm_proc_sp_req_evt(tBTM_SP_EVT event, uint8_t* p);
* Function btm_simple_pair_complete
* Description This function is called when simple pairing process is
* complete
* Returns void
void btm_simple_pair_complete(const uint8_t* p);
* Function btm_rem_oob_req
* Description This function is called to process/report
* Returns void
void btm_rem_oob_req(const uint8_t* p);
* Function btm_read_local_oob_complete
* Description This function is called when read local oob data is
* completed by the LM
* Returns void
void btm_read_local_oob_complete(uint8_t* p);
* Function btm_sec_auth_complete
* Description This function is when authentication of the connection is
* completed by the LM
* Returns void
void btm_sec_auth_complete(uint16_t handle, tHCI_STATUS status);
* Function btm_sec_encrypt_change
* Description This function is when encryption of the connection is
* completed by the LM
* Returns void
void btm_sec_encrypt_change(uint16_t handle, tHCI_STATUS status,
uint8_t encr_enable);
* Function btm_sec_connected
* Description This function is when a connection to the peer device is
* established
* Returns void
void btm_sec_connected(const RawAddress& bda, uint16_t handle,
tHCI_STATUS status, uint8_t enc_mode,
* Function btm_sec_disconnect
* Description This function is called to disconnect HCI link
* Returns btm status
tBTM_STATUS btm_sec_disconnect(uint16_t handle, tHCI_STATUS reason,
* Function btm_sec_disconnected
* Description This function is when a connection to the peer device is
* dropped
* Returns void
void btm_sec_disconnected(uint16_t handle, tHCI_STATUS reason,
std::string comment);
* Function btm_sec_role_changed
* Description This function is called when receiving an HCI role change
* event
* Returns void
void btm_sec_role_changed(tHCI_STATUS hci_status, const RawAddress& bd_addr,
tHCI_ROLE new_role);
/** This function is called when a new connection link key is generated */
void btm_sec_link_key_notification(const RawAddress& p_bda,
const Octet16& link_key, uint8_t key_type);
* Function btm_sec_link_key_request
* Description This function is called when controller requests link key
* Returns Pointer to the record or NULL
void btm_sec_link_key_request(const uint8_t* p_event);
* Function btm_sec_pin_code_request
* Description This function is called when controller requests PIN code
* Returns Pointer to the record or NULL
void btm_sec_pin_code_request(const uint8_t* p_event);
* Function btm_sec_update_clock_offset
* Description This function is called to update clock offset
* Returns void
void btm_sec_update_clock_offset(uint16_t handle, uint16_t clock_offset);
* Function btm_sec_find_first_serv
* Description Look for the first record in the service database
* with specified PSM
* Returns Pointer to the record or NULL
tBTM_SEC_SERV_REC* btm_sec_find_first_serv(bool is_originator, uint16_t psm);
bool is_sec_state_equal(void* data, void* context);
* Function btm_sec_find_dev_by_sec_state
* Description Look for the record in the device database for the device
* which is being authenticated or encrypted
* Returns Pointer to the record or NULL
tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC* btm_sec_find_dev_by_sec_state(uint8_t state);
* Function btm_sec_dev_rec_cback_event
* Description This function calls the callback function with the given
* result and clear the callback function.
* Parameters: void
void btm_sec_dev_rec_cback_event(tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC* p_dev_rec, tBTM_STATUS res,
bool is_le_transport);
* Function btm_sec_clear_ble_keys
* Description This function is called to clear out the BLE keys.
* Typically when devices are removed in BTM_SecDeleteDevice,
* or when a new BT Link key is generated.
* Returns void
void btm_sec_clear_ble_keys(tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC* p_dev_rec);
* Function btm_sec_is_a_bonded_dev
* Description Is the specified device is a bonded device
* Returns true - dev is bonded
bool btm_sec_is_a_bonded_dev(const RawAddress& bda);
* Function btm_sec_set_peer_sec_caps
* Description This function is called to set sm4 and rmt_sec_caps fields
* based on the available peer device features.
* Returns void
void btm_sec_set_peer_sec_caps(uint16_t hci_handle, bool ssp_supported,
bool sc_supported,
bool hci_role_switch_supported,
bool br_edr_supported, bool le_supported);
* Function btm_sec_cr_loc_oob_data_cback_event
* Description This function is called to pass the local oob up to caller
* Returns void
void btm_sec_cr_loc_oob_data_cback_event(const RawAddress& address,
tSMP_LOC_OOB_DATA loc_oob_data);
// Return DEV_CLASS (uint8_t[3]) of bda. If record doesn't exist, create one.
const uint8_t* btm_get_dev_class(const RawAddress& bda);