blob: 8734a3544fb6e87f9952e4aec6823e793353f25b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Re-make the library deliverables in hterm/dist.
# The deliverables (things published for use by third parties) are...
# dist/js/hterm_deps.js - Code that hterm depends on from outside of the
# hterm/ directory. If you also depend on some or all of these files you
# may want to make this file yourself.
# dist/js/hterm.js - The hterm code and resources.
# dist/js/hterm_resource.js - Only the resources, used by hterm_test.html.
# dist/js/hterm_all.js - hterm_deps.js + hterm.js. Most apps can just use
# this.
COMMAND_LINE="$(readlink -f $0) $@"
LIBDOT_DIR="$(dirname -- "$0")/../../libdot"
source "${LIBDOT_DIR}/bin/"
cd "${BIN_DIR}/.."
DEFINE_boolean forever "$FLAGS_FALSE" \
"Recreate dist/js whenever an input file changes." f
FLAGS "$@" || exit $?
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
function concat() {
local outdir="$1"
local concat=( -I )
insist "${concat[@]}" -i ./concat/hterm_deps.concat -o "$outdir/hterm_deps.js"
insist "${concat[@]}" -i ./concat/hterm_resources.concat -o \
insist "${concat[@]}" -i ./concat/hterm.concat -o "$outdir/hterm.js"
cat "$outdir/hterm_deps.js" "$outdir/hterm_resources.js" \
"$outdir/hterm.js" > "$outdir/hterm_all.js"
function main() {
rm -rf ./dist/js/
mkdir -p ./dist/js/
local inotify_list
inotify_list="$(concat "./dist/js")"
if [ "$FLAGS_forever" = "$FLAGS_TRUE" ]; then
inotifywait -qqe modify $0 $inotify_list
local err=$?
if [[ $err != 0 && $err != 1 ]]; then
echo_err "inotify exited with status code: $err"
exit $err
main "$@"