blob: 43bf9eeb432b776a62aa9306726c02cb600ff7cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
* be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef _NACL_DIRENT_H
#define _NACL_DIRENT_H
/* nacl_stat.h is required for nacl_abi_{ino_t,off_t} */
#include "nacl_stat.h"
/* From native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/include/sys/dirent.h */
/* TODO(mikhailt): extract the shared part of the dirent declarations to
native_client/src/shared */
/* We need a way to define the maximum size of a name. */
# ifdef NAME_MAX
# else
# define MAXNAMLEN 255
# endif
/* dirent represents a single directory entry. */
struct nacl_abi_dirent
nacl_abi_ino_t nacl_abi_d_ino;
nacl_abi_off_t nacl_abi_d_off;
uint16_t nacl_abi_d_reclen;
char nacl_abi_d_name[MAXNAMLEN + 1];
#endif /* _NACL_DIRENT_H */