blob: 87e871c9acde893cf9cca37b0ee3c37bb70632f6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Lint our source files."""
import glob
import os
import sys
import nassh
import libdot
JS_DIR = nassh.DIR / 'js'
# Path to generated deps file that terminal uses for libdot/hterm/etc...
DEPS_FILE = os.path.join(JS_DIR, 'nassh_deps.concat.js')
def _get_default_paths(basedir):
"""Get list of paths to lint by default."""
most_files = sorted(x for x in libdot.lint.get_known_sources(basedir)
if x.suffix not in {'.js'})
# All files in js/*.js excluding generated files.
# Use relpath for nicer default output.
# Sort to ensure nasftp.js comes before nasftp_cli.js, etc.
js_files = sorted(x for x in JS_DIR.glob('*.js')
if not'nassh_deps'))
return [os.path.relpath(x) for x in most_files + js_files]
def mkdeps(_opts):
"""Build the deps we might use when linting."""
if not os.path.exists(DEPS_FILE):[os.path.join(nassh.DIR, 'bin', 'mkdeps')])
def main(argv):
"""The main func!"""
# We need to use an absolute path with the module root to workaround
for i, arg in enumerate(argv):
if arg and arg[0] != '-' and os.path.exists(arg):
argv[i] = os.path.relpath(os.path.realpath(arg), nassh.DIR)
externs = ['--js_module_root', JS_DIR] + [
'--externs=%s' % os.path.relpath(x) for x in
sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(nassh.DIR, 'externs', '*.js')))]
closure_args = list(libdot.lint.DEFAULT_CLOSURE_ARGS) + externs + [
# TODO(vapier): We want to turn this on at some point.
return libdot.lint.main(argv, basedir=nassh.DIR,
get_default_paths=_get_default_paths, mkdeps=mkdeps,
if __name__ == '__main__':