blob: 514ee7cfa579e664b921207cc35da085e7798aa4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""UTF8 dumper for testing terminal output.
You'll need to install the 'wcwidth' module on the system.
import argparse
import sys
import wcwidth
def wcfilter(ch):
"""Return x/X for non-printable characters."""
width = wcwidth.wcwidth(ch)
if width == -1:
return 'x'
elif width == 0:
return 'X'
return ch
def gen_range(start, end):
"""Return a list of the numbers between |start| and |end|.
This filters out surrogate pairs.
return [x for x in range(start, end) if x < 0xd800 or x >= 0xe000]
def print_range(opts):
"""Display all the code points requests by |opts|."""
codepoints = gen_range(opts.start, opts.end)
if not codepoints:
start = codepoints[0]
codepoints = [wcfilter(chr(x)) for x in codepoints]
i = 0
spacer = opts.spacer or ' '
while i < len(codepoints):
data = codepoints[i:i + opts.width]
print('%*x%s' % (opts.pad, i + start, spacer), end='')
print(opts.spacer.join(data), end='')
i += opts.width
def print_header(opts):
"""Display the header for the codepoints."""
print('%*s%s' % (opts.pad, '', opts.spacer or ' '), end='')
i = 4
width = 4
if opts.spacer:
width += 4 * len(opts.spacer) - 1
while i <= opts.width:
print('%*s%s' % (width, '+' + ('%x' % (i - 1)), opts.spacer), end='')
i += 4
class IntAction(argparse.Action):
"""Argparse callback to parse int/hex values."""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, int(values, 0))
def get_parser():
"""Return an argparse parser for the CLI."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('-s', dest='start', default=0, action=IntAction,
help='First codepoint to display')
parser.add_argument('-e', dest='end', default=0x800, action=IntAction,
help='Last codepoint to display')
parser.add_argument('-w', dest='width', default=64, action=IntAction,
help='Width of the table')
parser.add_argument('-p', dest='spacer', default='|',
help='Interspace character for table')
return parser
def main(argv):
"""The main entry point!"""
parser = get_parser()
opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
opts.pad = len('%x' % opts.end)
if __name__ == '__main__':