blob: 92ac415c33ed5aca13d3606d0bba7c6fbe51bb56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "compressor_archive_libarchive.h"
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include "archive_entry.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/logging.h"
namespace {
// Nothing to do here because JavaScript takes care of file open operations.
int CustomArchiveOpen(archive* archive_object, void* client_data) {
return ARCHIVE_OK;
// Called when any data chunk must be written on the archive. It copies data
// from the given buffer processed by libarchive to an array buffer and passes
// it to compressor_stream.
ssize_t CustomArchiveWrite(archive* archive_object, void* client_data,
const void* buffer, size_t length) {
CompressorArchiveLibarchive* compressor_libarchive =
const char* char_buffer = static_cast<const char*>(buffer);
// Copy the data in buffer to array_buffer.
PP_DCHECK(length > 0);
pp::VarArrayBuffer array_buffer(length);
char* array_buffer_data = static_cast<char*>(array_buffer.Map());
memcpy(array_buffer_data, char_buffer, length);
ssize_t written_bytes =
compressor_libarchive->compressor_stream()->Write(length, array_buffer);
// Negative written_bytes represents an error.
if (written_bytes < 0) {
// When writing fails, archive_set_error() should be called and -1 should
// be returned.
compressor_libarchive->archive(), EIO, "Failed to write a chunk.");
return -1;
return written_bytes;
// Nothing to do here because JavaScript takes care of file close operations.
int CustomArchiveClose(archive* archive_object, void* client_data) {
return ARCHIVE_OK;
CompressorStream* compressor_stream)
: CompressorArchive(compressor_stream),
compressor_stream_(compressor_stream) {
destination_buffer_ =
new char[compressor_archive_constants::kMaximumDataChunkSize];
CompressorArchiveLibarchive::~CompressorArchiveLibarchive() {
delete destination_buffer_;
void CompressorArchiveLibarchive::CreateArchive() {
archive_ = archive_write_new();
// Passing 1 as the second argument causes the final chunk not to be padded.
archive_write_set_bytes_in_last_block(archive_, 1);
archive_, compressor_archive_constants::kMaximumDataChunkSize);
archive_write_open(archive_, this, CustomArchiveOpen,
CustomArchiveWrite, CustomArchiveClose);
void CompressorArchiveLibarchive::AddToArchive(
const std::string& filename,
int64_t file_size,
time_t modification_time,
bool is_directory) {
entry = archive_entry_new();
archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, filename.c_str());
archive_entry_set_size(entry, file_size);
archive_entry_set_mtime(entry, modification_time, 0 /* millisecond */);
if (is_directory) {
archive_entry_set_filetype(entry, AE_IFDIR);
entry, compressor_archive_constants::kDirectoryPermission);
} else {
archive_entry_set_filetype(entry, AE_IFREG);
entry, compressor_archive_constants::kFilePermission);
archive_write_header(archive_, entry);
// If archive_errno() returns 0, the header was written correctly.
if (archive_errno(archive_) != 0) {
CloseArchive(true /* hasError */);
if (!is_directory) {
int64_t remaining_size = file_size;
while (remaining_size > 0) {
int64_t chunk_size = std::min(remaining_size,
PP_DCHECK(chunk_size > 0);
int64_t read_bytes =
compressor_stream_->Read(chunk_size, destination_buffer_);
// Negative read_bytes indicates an error occurred when reading chunks.
if (read_bytes < 0) {
CloseArchive(true /* hasError */);
int64_t written_bytes =
archive_write_data(archive_, destination_buffer_, read_bytes);
// If archive_errno() returns 0, the buffer was written correctly.
if (archive_errno(archive_) != 0) {
CloseArchive(true /* hasError */);
PP_DCHECK(written_bytes > 0);
remaining_size -= written_bytes;
void CompressorArchiveLibarchive::CloseArchive(bool has_error) {
// If has_error is true, mark the archive object as being unusable and
// release resources without writing no more data on the archive.
if (has_error)
if (archive_) {
archive_ = NULL;