blob: 77a06d159411d9b8f397644241fd9245a5a8d56d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "volume_archive_libarchive.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <limits>
#include "archive_entry.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/logging.h"
namespace {
const int64_t kArchiveReadDataError = -1; // Negative value means error.
std::string ArchiveError(const std::string& message, archive* archive_object) {
return message + archive_error_string(archive_object);
// Sets the libarchive internal error to a VolumeReader related error.
// archive_error_string function must work on valid strings, but in case of
// errors in the custom functions, libarchive API assumes the error is set by
// us. If we don't set it, we will get a Segmentation Fault because
// archive_error_string will work on invalid memory.
void SetLibarchiveErrorToVolumeReaderError(archive* archive_object) {
EIO /* I/O error. */,
"%s" /* Format string similar to printf. */,
ssize_t CustomArchiveRead(archive* archive_object,
void* client_data,
const void** buffer) {
VolumeArchiveLibarchive* volume_archive =
int64_t read_bytes = volume_archive->reader()->Read(
volume_archive->reader_data_size(), buffer);
if (read_bytes == ARCHIVE_FATAL)
return read_bytes;
int64_t CustomArchiveSkip(archive* archive_object,
void* client_data,
int64_t request) {
VolumeArchiveLibarchive* volume_archive =
// VolumeReader::Skip returns 0 in case of failure and CustomArchiveRead is
// used instead, so there is no need to check for VolumeReader error.
return volume_archive->reader()->Skip(request);
int64_t CustomArchiveSeek(archive* archive_object,
void* client_data,
int64_t offset,
int whence) {
VolumeArchiveLibarchive* volume_archive =
int64_t new_offset = volume_archive->reader()->Seek(offset, whence);
if (new_offset == ARCHIVE_FATAL)
return new_offset;
int CustomArchiveClose(archive* archive_object, void* client_data) {
return ARCHIVE_OK;
const char* CustomArchivePassphrase(
archive* archive_object, void* client_data) {
VolumeArchiveLibarchive* volume_archive =
return volume_archive->reader()->Passphrase();
} // namespace
VolumeArchiveLibarchive::VolumeArchiveLibarchive(VolumeReader* reader)
: VolumeArchive(reader),
decompressed_error_(false) {
VolumeArchiveLibarchive::~VolumeArchiveLibarchive() {
bool VolumeArchiveLibarchive::Init(const std::string& encoding) {
archive_ = archive_read_new();
if (!archive_) {
return false;
// TODO(cmihail): Once the bug mentioned at
// is resolved
// add RAR file handler to manifest.json.
if (archive_read_support_format_rar(archive_) != ARCHIVE_OK ||
archive_read_support_format_zip_seekable(archive_) != ARCHIVE_OK) {
volume_archive_constants::kArchiveSupportErrorPrefix, archive_));
return false;
// Default encoding for file names in headers. Note, that another one may be
// used if specified in the archive.
std::string options = std::string("hdrcharset=") + encoding;
if (!encoding.empty() &&
archive_read_set_options(archive_, options.c_str()) != ARCHIVE_OK) {
volume_archive_constants::kArchiveSupportErrorPrefix, archive_));
return false;
// Set callbacks for processing the archive's data and open the archive.
// The callback data is the VolumeArchive itself.
int ok = ARCHIVE_OK;
if (archive_read_set_read_callback(archive_, CustomArchiveRead) != ok ||
archive_read_set_skip_callback(archive_, CustomArchiveSkip) != ok ||
archive_read_set_seek_callback(archive_, CustomArchiveSeek) != ok ||
archive_read_set_close_callback(archive_, CustomArchiveClose) != ok ||
archive_, this, CustomArchivePassphrase) != ok ||
archive_read_set_callback_data(archive_, this) != ok ||
archive_read_open1(archive_) != ok) {
volume_archive_constants::kArchiveOpenErrorPrefix, archive_));
return false;
return true;
bool VolumeArchiveLibarchive::GetNextHeader(const char** pathname,
int64_t* size,
bool* is_directory,
time_t* modification_time) {
// Headers are being read from the central directory (in the ZIP format), so
// use a large block size to save on IPC calls. The headers in EOCD are
// grouped one by one.
reader_data_size_ = volume_archive_constants::kMaximumDataChunkSize;
// Reset to 0 for new VolumeArchive::ReadData operation.
last_read_data_offset_ = 0;
decompressed_data_size_ = 0;
// Archive data is skipped automatically by next call to
// archive_read_next_header.
switch (archive_read_next_header(archive_, &current_archive_entry_)) {
*pathname = NULL; // End of archive.
return true;
*pathname = archive_entry_pathname(current_archive_entry_);
*size = archive_entry_size(current_archive_entry_);
*modification_time = archive_entry_mtime(current_archive_entry_);
*is_directory = S_ISDIR(archive_entry_filetype(current_archive_entry_));
return true;
volume_archive_constants::kArchiveNextHeaderErrorPrefix, archive_));
return false;
bool VolumeArchiveLibarchive::SeekHeader(int64_t index) {
// Reset to 0 for new VolumeArchive::ReadData operation.
last_read_data_offset_ = 0;
decompressed_data_size_ = 0;
if (archive_read_seek_header(archive_, index) != ARCHIVE_OK) {
volume_archive_constants::kArchiveNextHeaderErrorPrefix, archive_));
return false;
return true;
void VolumeArchiveLibarchive::DecompressData(int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
// TODO(cmihail): As an optimization consider using archive_read_data_block
// which avoids extra copying in case offset != last_read_data_offset_.
// The logic will be more complicated because archive_read_data_block offset
// will not be aligned with the offset of the read request from JavaScript.
// Requests with offset smaller than last read offset are not supported.
if (offset < last_read_data_offset_) {
std::string(volume_archive_constants::kArchiveReadDataErrorPrefix) +
"Reading backwards is not supported.");
decompressed_error_ = true;
// Request with offset greater than last read offset. Skip not needed bytes.
// Because files are compressed, seeking is not possible, so all of the bytes
// until the requested position must be unpacked.
ssize_t size = -1;
while (offset > last_read_data_offset_) {
// ReadData will call CustomArchiveRead when calling archive_read_data. Read
// should not request more bytes than possibly needed, so we request either
// offset - last_read_data_offset_, kMaximumDataChunkSize in case the former
// is too big or kMinimumDataChunkSize in case its too small and we might
// end up with too many IPCs.
reader_data_size_ =
std::max(std::min(offset - last_read_data_offset_,
// No need for an offset in dummy_buffer as it will be ignored anyway.
// archive_read_data receives size_t as length parameter, but we limit it to
// volume_archive_constants::kDummyBufferSize which is positive and less
// than size_t maximum. So conversion from int64_t to size_t is safe here.
size =
std::min(offset - last_read_data_offset_,
PP_DCHECK(size != 0); // The actual read is done below. We shouldn't get to
// end of file here.
if (size < 0) { // Error.
volume_archive_constants::kArchiveReadDataErrorPrefix, archive_));
decompressed_error_ = true;
last_read_data_offset_ += size;
// Do not decompress more bytes than we can store internally. The
// kDecompressBufferSize limit is used to avoid huge memory usage.
int64_t left_length =
std::min(length, volume_archive_constants::kDecompressBufferSize);
// ReadData will call CustomArchiveRead when calling archive_read_data. The
// read should be done with a value similar to length, which is the requested
// number of bytes, or kMaximumDataChunkSize / kMinimumDataChunkSize
// in case length is too big or too small.
reader_data_size_ =
// Perform the actual copy.
int64_t bytes_read = 0;
do {
// archive_read_data receives size_t as length parameter, but we limit it to
// volume_archive_constants::kMinimumDataChunkSize (see left_length
// initialization), which is positive and less than size_t maximum.
// So conversion from int64_t to size_t is safe here.
size = archive_read_data(
archive_, decompressed_data_buffer_ + bytes_read, left_length);
if (size < 0) { // Error.
volume_archive_constants::kArchiveReadDataErrorPrefix, archive_));
decompressed_error_ = true;
bytes_read += size;
left_length -= size;
} while (left_length > 0 && size != 0); // There is still data to read.
// VolumeArchiveLibarchive::DecompressData always stores the data from
// beginning of the buffer. VolumeArchiveLibarchive::ConsumeData is used
// to preserve the bytes that are decompressed but not required by
// VolumeArchiveLibarchive::ReadData.
decompressed_data_ = decompressed_data_buffer_;
decompressed_data_size_ = bytes_read;
bool VolumeArchiveLibarchive::Cleanup() {
bool returnValue = true;
if (archive_ && archive_read_free(archive_) != ARCHIVE_OK) {
volume_archive_constants::kArchiveReadFreeErrorPrefix, archive_));
returnValue = false; // Cleanup should release all resources even
// in case of failures.
archive_ = NULL;
return returnValue;
int64_t VolumeArchiveLibarchive::ReadData(int64_t offset,
int64_t length,
const char** buffer) {
PP_DCHECK(length > 0); // Length must be at least 1.
PP_DCHECK(current_archive_entry_); // Check that GetNextHeader was called at
// least once. In case it wasn't, this is
// a programmer error.
// End of archive.
if (archive_entry_size(current_archive_entry_) <= offset)
return 0;
// In case of first read or no more available data in the internal buffer or
// offset is different from the last_read_data_offset_, then force
// VolumeArchiveLibarchive::DecompressData as the decompressed data is
// invalid.
if (!decompressed_data_ || last_read_data_offset_ != offset ||
decompressed_data_size_ == 0)
DecompressData(offset, length);
// Decompressed failed.
if (decompressed_error_)
return kArchiveReadDataError;
last_read_data_length_ = length; // Used for decompress ahead.
// Assign the output *buffer parameter to the internal buffer.
*buffer = decompressed_data_;
// Advance internal buffer for next ReadData call.
int64_t read_bytes = std::min(decompressed_data_size_, length);
decompressed_data_ = decompressed_data_ + read_bytes;
decompressed_data_size_ -= read_bytes;
last_read_data_offset_ += read_bytes;
PP_DCHECK(decompressed_data_ + decompressed_data_size_ <=
decompressed_data_buffer_ +
return read_bytes;
void VolumeArchiveLibarchive::MaybeDecompressAhead() {
if (decompressed_data_size_ == 0)
DecompressData(last_read_data_offset_, last_read_data_length_);