blob: 5d8d34b396c4865fdcfdef57a5b8a42051276e15 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Runs a unit tests locally or remotely on a Chrome OS device.
Run unit tests locally:
$ src/build/ test0 test1 ...
Run unit tests remotely on a Chrome OS device.
$ src/build/ test0 test1 ... --remote=<REMOTE>
When --remote is specified, the test binaries and other necessary files are
copied to the remote Chrome OS device. The the unit tests need to be built
before running this script.
Some examples:
To see the list of unittest binaries:
$ src/build/ --list
To debug a unittest with GDB:
$ src/build/ bionic_test --gdb
To run a unittest on a Chromebook:
$ src/build/ posix_translation_test --remote=yoshi
To see the list of test cases in a unittest binary:
$ src/build/ libndk_test --gtest-list-tests
To run the unittest with a GTEST_FILTER:
$ src/build/ libndk_test --gtest-filter 'NdkTest.Opt*'
import argparse
import json
import os
import shlex
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import string
from import build_common
from import build_options
from import toolchain
from import platform_util
from import remote_executor
from import unittest_util
def _read_test_info(filename):
test_info_path = build_common.get_unittest_info_path(filename)
if not os.path.exists(test_info_path):
return None
with open(test_info_path, 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)
def _construct_command(test_info, gtest_filter, gtest_list_tests):
variables = test_info['variables'].copy()
variables.setdefault('argv', '')
variables.setdefault('qemu_arm', '')
if platform_util.is_running_on_chromeos():
# On ChromeOS, binaries in directories mounted with noexec options are
# copied to the corresponding directories mounted with exec option.
# Change runner to use the binaries under the directory mounted with exec
# option.
# Also do not use qemu_arm when running on ARM Chromebook.
arc_root_without_noexec = \
if build_options.OPTIONS.is_bare_metal_build():
variables['runner'] = ' '.join(
variables['runner_without_test_library'] = ' '.join(
if build_options.OPTIONS.is_arm():
variables['qemu_arm'] = ''
# Update --gtest_filter to re-enable the tests disabled only on qemu.
if variables.get('qemu_disabled_tests'):
variables['gtest_options'] = unittest_util.build_gtest_options(
variables.get('enabled_tests'), variables.get('disabled_tests'))
variables['runner'] = ' '.join(
variables['runner_without_test_library'] = ' '.join(
build_dir = build_common.get_build_dir()
# Use test binary in the directory mounted without noexec.
variables['in'] = variables['in'].replace(
build_dir, os.path.join(arc_root_without_noexec, build_dir))
if build_options.OPTIONS.is_arm():
# Pass environment variables by -E flag for qemu-arm instead of
# "env" command.
# TODO(hamaji): This and the is_running_on_chromeos() case above
# are both hacky. We probably want to construct the command to
# run a unittest here based on the info in variables, and remove
# test_info['command'].
qemu_arm = variables['qemu_arm'].split(' ')
if '$qemu_arm' in test_info['command']:
runner = variables['runner'].split(' ')
assert runner[0] == 'env'
while '=' in runner[0]:
variables['qemu_arm'] = ' '.join(qemu_arm)
variables['runner'] = ' '.join(runner)
if gtest_filter:
variables['gtest_options'] = '--gtest_filter=' + gtest_filter
if gtest_list_tests:
variables['gtest_options'] = '--gtest_list_tests'
# Test is run as a command to build a test results file.
command_template = string.Template(test_info['command'])
return command_template.substitute(variables)
def _run_unittest(tests, verbose, use_gdb, gtest_filter, gtest_list_tests):
"""Runs the unit tests specified in test_info.
This can run unit tests without depending on ninja and is mainly used on the
remote device where ninja is not installed.
failed_tests = []
unfound_tests = []
for test in tests:
index = 1
while True:
test_info = _read_test_info('%s.%d.json' % (test, index))
if not test_info:
# The format of test info file is [test name].[index].json, where index
# is one of consecutive numbers from 1. If the test info file for index
# 1 is not found, that means the corresponding test does not exist.
if index == 1:
command = _construct_command(test_info, gtest_filter, gtest_list_tests)
if verbose:
print 'Running:', command
args = shlex.split(command)
if use_gdb:
returncode =
if returncode != 0:
print 'FAILED: ' + test
failed_tests.append('%s.%d' % (test, index))
index += 1
if unfound_tests:
print 'The following tests were not found: \n' + '\n'.join(unfound_tests)
if failed_tests:
print 'The following tests failed: \n' + '\n'.join(failed_tests)
if unfound_tests or failed_tests:
return -1
return 0
def _check_args(parsed_args):
if parsed_args.gdb:
if len(parsed_args.tests) != 1:
raise Exception('You should specify only one test with --gdb.')
# TODO( Support --gdb with --remote.
if parsed_args.remote:
raise Exception('Setting both --gdb and --remote is not supported yet.')
if (parsed_args.remote and
filter(unittest_util.is_bionic_fundamental_test, parsed_args.tests)):
raise Exception('You cannot use --remote for bionic_fundamental_*_test')
def main():
description = 'Runs unit tests, verifying they pass.'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument('tests', metavar='test', nargs='*',
help=('The name of a unit test, such as libcommon_test.'
'If tests argument is not given, all unit tests '
'are run.'))
parser.add_argument('--gdb', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Run the test under GDB.')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--gtest-filter',
help='A \':\' separated list of googletest test filters')
parser.add_argument('--gtest-list-tests', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Lists the test names to run')
parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true',
help='List the names of tests.')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
default=False, dest='verbose',
help=('Show verbose output, including commands run'))
parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
if parsed_args.list:
for test_name in unittest_util.get_all_tests():
print test_name
return 0
if not parsed_args.tests:
parsed_args.tests = unittest_util.get_all_tests()
# Bionic fundamental tests are not supported on remote host.
if parsed_args.remote:
parsed_args.tests = [
t for t in parsed_args.tests
if not unittest_util.is_bionic_fundamental_test(t)]
if parsed_args.gdb:
# This script must not die by Ctrl-C while GDB is running. We simply
# ignore SIGINT. Note that GDB will still handle Ctrl-C properly
# because GDB sets its signal handler by itself.
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
if parsed_args.remote:
return remote_executor.run_remote_unittest(parsed_args)
return _run_unittest(parsed_args.tests, parsed_args.verbose,
parsed_args.gdb, parsed_args.gtest_filter,
if __name__ == '__main__':