blob: 89b549feb8b1c85cc9d31b7d261c72eceb7124b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Provides basic utilities to implement remote-host-execution of
# launch_chrome, run_integration_tests, and on Chrome OS,
# Windows (Cygwin), and Mac.
import atexit
import itertools
import logging
import os
import pipes
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import build_common
import toolchain
from build_options import OPTIONS
from util import concurrent_subprocess
from util import file_util
from util import gdb_util
from util import jdb_util
from util import logging_util
from util.minidump_filter import MinidumpFilter
from util.test import unittest_util
RUN_UNITTEST = 'src/build/'
SYNC_ADB = 'src/build/'
SYNC_CHROME = 'src/build/'
# Following lists contain glob patterns with place holders (see also
# build_common.expand_path_placeholder()) of files or directories to be copied
# to the remote host.
# The following two files are needed only for 901-perf test.
# TODO( Avoid checking for APK files when CRX is
# already generated so that we don't need to send APK to remote,
# for package.apk, HelloAndroid.apk, glowhockey.apk, and
# perf_tests_codec.apk
'{out}/target/common/obj/APPS/ndk_translation_tests_intermediates/work/libs/*', # NOQA
'{out}/target/common/obj/APPS/perf_tests_codec_intermediates/perf_tests_codec.apk', # NOQA
'third_party/android-cts/android-cts/repository/testcases/bionic-unit-tests-cts32', # NOQA
'third_party/android-cts-x86/android-cts/repository/testcases/bionic-unit-tests-cts32', # NOQA
# Java files are needed by VMHostTestRunner, which parses java files to
# obtain the information of the test methods at testing time.
'third_party/ndk/sources/cxx-stl/stlport/libs/armeabi-v7a/', # NOQA
# These two files are used by stlport_unittest
'{out}/target/{target}/intermediates/stlport_unittest/win32_file_format.tmp', # NOQA
'{out}/target/{target}/posix_translation_fs_images/test_readonly_fs_image.img', # NOQA
# Used by posix_translation_test
'{out}/target/{target}/runtime/_platform_specific/*/readonly_fs_image.img', # NOQA
# Downloaded in remote Win/Mac machine.
# Flags to remove when launching Chrome on remote host.
_REMOTE_FLAGS = ['--nacl-helper-nonsfi-binary', '--remote', '--ssh-key']
_TEMP_DIR = None
_TEMP_KEY = 'temp_arc_key'
_TEMP_KNOWN_HOSTS = 'temp_arc_known_hosts'
# File name pattern used for ssh connection sharing (%r: remote login name,
# %h: host name, and %p: port). See man ssh_config for the detail.
_TEMP_SSH_CONTROL_PATH = 'ssh-%r@%h:%p'
def _get_temp_dir():
global _TEMP_DIR
if not _TEMP_DIR:
_TEMP_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='arc_')
atexit.register(lambda: file_util.rmtree_with_retries(_TEMP_DIR))
return _TEMP_DIR
def _get_ssh_key():
return os.path.join(_get_temp_dir(), _TEMP_KEY)
def _get_original_ssh_key():
return os.path.join(build_common.get_arc_root(), _TEST_SSH_KEY)
def _get_known_hosts():
return os.path.join(_get_temp_dir(), _TEMP_KNOWN_HOSTS)
def _get_ssh_control_path():
return os.path.join(_get_temp_dir(), _TEMP_SSH_CONTROL_PATH)
def get_remote_binaries_dir():
"""Gets a directory for storing remote binaries like nacl_helper."""
path = os.path.join(_get_temp_dir(), _TEMP_REMOTE_BINARIES_DIR)
return path
class RemoteExecutor(object):
def __init__(self, user, remote, remote_env=None, ssh_key=None,
enable_pseudo_tty=False, attach_nacl_gdb_type=None,
nacl_helper_nonsfi_binary=None, arc_dir_name=None,
jdb_port=None, jdb_type=None):
self._user = user
self._remote_env = remote_env or {}
if not ssh_key:
# Copy the default ssh key and change the permissions. Otherwise ssh
# refuses the key by saying permissions are too open.
ssh_key = _get_ssh_key()
if not os.path.exists(ssh_key):
shutil.copyfile(_get_original_ssh_key(), ssh_key)
os.chmod(ssh_key, 0400)
self._ssh_key = ssh_key
# Use a temporary known_hosts file
self._known_hosts = _get_known_hosts()
self._enable_pseudo_tty = enable_pseudo_tty
self._attach_nacl_gdb_type = attach_nacl_gdb_type
self._nacl_helper_nonsfi_binary = nacl_helper_nonsfi_binary
self._arc_dir_name = arc_dir_name or 'arc'
self._jdb_port = jdb_port
self._jdb_type = jdb_type
if ':' in remote:
self._remote, self._port = remote.split(':')
self._remote = remote
self._port = None
# Terminates the Control process at exit, explicitly. Otherwise,
# in some cases, the process keeps the stdout/stderr open so that
# wrapper scripts (especially are confused and
# think that this process is still alive.
# Suppress the warning with -q as the control path does not exist when the
# script exits normally.
atexit_command = ['ssh', '%s@%s' % (self._user, self._remote),
'-o', 'ControlPath=%s' % _get_ssh_control_path(),
'-O', 'exit', '-q']
if self._port:
atexit_command.extend(['-p', self._port])
atexit.register(, atexit_command)
def copy_remote_files(self, remote_files, local_dir):
"""Copies files from the remote host."""
scp = ['scp'] + self._build_shared_command_options(port_option='-P')
assert remote_files
remote_file_pattern = ','.join(remote_files)
# scp does not accept {single_file}, so we should add the brackets
# only when multiple remote files are specified.
if len(remote_files) > 1:
remote_file_pattern = '{%s}' % remote_file_pattern
scp.append('%s@%s:%s' % (self._user, self._remote, remote_file_pattern))
_run_command(subprocess.check_call, scp)
def set_enable_pseudo_tty(self, enabled):
original_value = self._enable_pseudo_tty
self._enable_pseudo_tty = enabled
return original_value
def get_remote_tmpdir(self):
"""Returns the path used as a temporary directory on the remote host."""
return self._remote_env.get('TMPDIR', '/tmp')
def get_remote_arc_root(self):
"""Returns the arc root path on the remote host."""
return os.path.join(self.get_remote_tmpdir(), self._arc_dir_name)
def get_remote_env(self):
"""Returns the environmental variables for the remote host."""
return ' '.join(
'%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in self._remote_env.iteritems())
def get_ssh_options(self):
"""Returns the list of options used for ssh in the runner."""
return self._build_shared_ssh_command_options()
def rsync(self, source_paths, remote_dest_root, exclude_paths=None):
"""Runs rsync command to copy files to remote host.
Sends |source_paths| to |remote_dest_root| directory in the remote machine.
|exclude_paths| can be used to exclude files or directories from the
sending list.
The files which are under |remote_dest_root| but not in the sending list
will be deleted.
- Known editor temporary files would never be sent.
- .pyc files in remote machine will *not* be deleted.
- If debug info is enabled and therer is a corresponding stripped binary,
the stripped binary will be sent, instead of original (unstripped)
- Files newly created in the remote machine will be deleted. Specifically,
if a file in the host machine is deleted, the corresponding file in the
remote machine is also deleted after the rsync.
source_paths: a list of paths to be sent. Each path can be a file or
a directory. If the path is directory, all files under the
directory will be sent.
remote_dest_root: the path to the destination directory in the
remote machine.
exclude_paths: an optional list of paths to be excluded from the
sending path list. Similar to |source_paths|, if a path is
directory, all paths under the directory will be excluded.
filter_list = (
self._build_rsync_filter_list(source_paths, exclude_paths or []))
rsync_options = [
# The remote files need to be writable and executable by chronos. This
# option sets read, write, and execute permissions to all users.
'--rsh=' + ' '.join(['ssh'] + self._build_shared_ssh_command_options()),
dest = '%s@%s:%s' % (self._user, self._remote, remote_dest_root)
# Checks both whether to enable debug info and the existence of the stripped
# directory because build bots using test bundle may use the configure
# option with debug info enabled but binaries are not available in the
# stripped directory.
unstripped_paths = None
if (OPTIONS.is_debug_info_enabled() and
# When debug info is enabled, copy the corresponding stripped binaries if
# available to save the disk space on ChromeOS.
list_output = _run_command(
['rsync'] + filter_list + ['.', dest] + rsync_options +
paths = [
line.rsplit(' ', 1)[-1] for line in list_output.splitlines()[1:]]
unstripped_paths = [
path for path in paths if self._has_stripped_binary(path)]
# here, prepend filter rules to "protect" and "exclude" the files which
# have the corresponding stripped binary.
# Note: the stripped binraies will be sync'ed by the second rsync
# command, so it is necessary to "protect" here, too. Otherwise, the
# files will be deleted at the first rsync.
filter_list = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
(('--filter', 'P /' + path, '--exclude', '/' + path)
for path in unstripped_paths))) + filter_list
# Copy files to remote machine.
['rsync'] + filter_list + ['.', dest] + rsync_options)
if unstripped_paths:
# Copy strippted binaries to the build/ directory in the remote machine
# directly.
stripped_binary_relative_paths = [
os.path.relpath(path, build_common.get_build_dir())
for path in unstripped_paths]
logging.debug('rsync stripped_binaries: %s', ', '.join(unstripped_paths))
dest_build = os.path.join(dest, build_common.get_build_dir())
# rsync results in error if the parent directory of the destination
# directory does not exist, so ensure it exists.'mkdir -p ' + dest_build.rsplit(':', 1)[-1])
['rsync', '--files-from=-', build_common.get_stripped_dir(),
dest_build] + rsync_options,
def _build_rsync_filter_list(self, source_paths, exclude_paths):
"""Builds rsync's filter options to send |source_paths|.
Builds a list of command line arguments for rsync's filter option
to send |source_paths| excluding |exclude_paths|.
The rsync's filter is a bit complicated.
- The order of the rule is important. Earlier rule is stronger than
- In the rule, paths beginning with '/' matches with the paths relative
to the copy source directory, otherwise it matches any component.
For example, assuming the copy source directory is "source",
"*.pyc" matches any files (or directories) whose name ends with .pyc,
such as "source/test.pyc", "source/dir1/test.pyc", "source/dir2/main.pyc"
and so on.
- rsync traverses the paths recursively from top to bottom, and checks
filters for each path. So, if a file needs to be sent, all its ancestors
must be included.
E.g., if a/b/c/d needs to be sent;
--inlucde /a --include /a/b --include /a/b/c --include /a/b/c/d
must be set.
- If a directory path matches with the include pattern, all its descendants
will be sent. So, in above case, /a/*, /a/b/*, /a/b/c* and all their
descendants will be also sent. To avoid such a situation, this function
also adds;
--exclude /a/* --exclude /a/b/* --exclude /a/b/c/* --exclude /*
after include rules (as weaker rules).
source_paths: a list of paths for files and directories to be sent.
Please see rsync()'s docstring for more details.
exclude_paths: a list of paths for files and directories to be
excluded from the list of sending paths.
Returns: a list of filter command line arguments for rsync.
result = []
# 1) exclude all known editor temporary files and .pyc files.
# Note that, to keep .pyc files generated in the remote machine, protect
# then at first, otherwise these are removed every rsync execution.
# If we update a '.py' file, the corresponding '.pyc' file should be
# re-generated on execution automatically in remote host side.
result.extend(['--filter', 'P *.pyc'])
('--exclude', pattern) for pattern in (
build_common.COMMON_EDITOR_TMP_FILE_PATTERNS + ['*.pyc'])))
# 2) protect files downloaded and cached in remote machine.
('--filter', 'P %s' % build_common.expand_path_placeholder(pattern))
# 3) append all exclude paths.
('--exclude', '/' + path) for path in sorted(set(exclude_paths))))
# 4) append source paths as follows;
# 4-1) Remove "redundant" paths. Here "redundant" means paths whose
# anscestor is contained in the include paths.
# 4-2) Then, append remaining paths and their anscestors. See docstring
# for more details why anscestors are needed.
# 4-3) Finally, exclude unnecessary files and directories.
# Note: the "redundant" paths are removed at 1), so we can assume that
# all paths here are leaves.
source_paths = set(source_paths)
# 4-1) Remove redundant paths.
redundant_paths = []
for path in source_paths:
for dirpath in itertools.islice(file_util.walk_ancestor(path), 1, None):
if dirpath in source_paths:
for path in redundant_paths:
# 4-2) Build --include arguments.
include_paths = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
file_util.walk_ancestor(path) for path in source_paths))
('--include', '/' + path) for path in sorted(include_paths)))
# 4-3) Exclude unnecessary files.
('--exclude', '/%s/*' % path)
for path in sorted(include_paths - source_paths)))
result.extend(('--exclude', '/*'))
return result
def _has_stripped_binary(self, path):
"""Returns True if a stripped binary corresponding to |path| is found."""
relpath = os.path.relpath(path, build_common.get_build_dir())
if relpath.startswith('../'):
# The given file is not under build directory.
return False
# Returns True if there is a stripped file corresponding to the |path|.
return os.path.isfile(
os.path.join(build_common.get_stripped_dir(), relpath))
def port_forward(self, port):
"""Uses ssh to forward a remote port to local port so that remote service
listening to localhost only can be reached."""
return _run_command(,
# Something that waits until connection is established and
# terminates.
"sleep 3",
extra_options=['-L', '{port}:localhost:{port}'.format(port=port)]))
def run(self, cmd, ignore_failure=False, cwd=None):
"""Runs the command on remote host via ssh command."""
if cwd is None:
cwd = self.get_remote_arc_root()
cmd = 'cd %s && %s' % (cwd, cmd)
return _run_command( if ignore_failure else subprocess.check_call,
def run_commands(self, commands, cwd=None):
return' && '.join(commands), cwd)
def run_with_filter(self, cmd, cwd=None):
if cwd is None:
cwd = self.get_remote_arc_root()
cmd = 'cd %s && %s' % (cwd, cmd)
handler = MinidumpFilter(concurrent_subprocess.RedirectOutputHandler())
if self._attach_nacl_gdb_type:
if OPTIONS.is_nacl_build():
handler = gdb_util.NaClGdbHandlerAdapter(
handler, None, self._attach_nacl_gdb_type,
elif OPTIONS.is_bare_metal_build():
handler = gdb_util.BareMetalGdbHandlerAdapter(
handler, self._nacl_helper_nonsfi_binary,
self._attach_nacl_gdb_type, host=self._remote,
if self._jdb_type and self._jdb_port:
handler = jdb_util.JdbHandlerAdapter(
handler, self._jdb_port, self._jdb_type, self)
return run_command_with_filter(self._build_ssh_command(cmd),
def run_command_for_output(self, cmd):
"""Runs the command on remote host and returns stdout as a string."""
return _run_command(subprocess.check_output,
def _build_shared_command_options(self, port_option='-p'):
"""Returns command options shared among ssh and scp."""
# By the use of Control* options, the ssh connection lives 3 seconds longer
# so that the next ssh command can reuse it.
result = ['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
'-o', 'PasswordAuthentication=no',
'-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPersist=3s',
'-o', 'ControlPath=%s' % _get_ssh_control_path()]
if self._port:
result.extend([port_option, str(self._port)])
if self._ssh_key:
result.extend(['-i', self._ssh_key])
if self._known_hosts:
result.extend(['-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=' + self._known_hosts])
return result
def _build_shared_ssh_command_options(self):
"""Returns command options for ssh, to be shared among run and rsync."""
result = self._build_shared_command_options()
# For program which requires special terminal control (e.g.,
# run_integration_tests), we need to specify -t. Otherwise,
# it is better to specify -T to avoid extra \r, which messes
# up the output from locally running program.
result.append('-t' if self._enable_pseudo_tty else '-T')
return result
def _build_ssh_command(self, cmd, extra_options=[]):
ssh_cmd = (['ssh', '%s@%s' % (self._user, self._remote)] +
self._build_shared_ssh_command_options() +
extra_options + ['--', cmd])
return ssh_cmd
def _get_command(*args, **kwargs):
"""Returns command line from Popen's arguments."""
command = kwargs.get('args')
if command is not None:
return command
return args[0]
def _check_call_with_input(*args, **kwargs):
"""Works as subprocess.check_call(), but can send to it |input| via stdin."""
if 'input' not in kwargs:
return subprocess.check_call(*args, **kwargs)
if 'stdin' in kwargs:
raise ValueError('stdin and input are not allowed at once.')
inputdata = kwargs.pop('input')
process = subprocess.Popen(stdin=subprocess.PIPE, *args, **kwargs)
retcode = process.poll()
if retcode:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, _get_command(*args, **kwargs))
return 0
def _run_command(func, *args, **kwargs):
'%s', logging_util.format_commandline(_get_command(*args, **kwargs)))
return func(*args, **kwargs)
def run_command_with_filter(cmd, output_handler):
"""Run the command with some output filters. """
p = concurrent_subprocess.Popen(cmd)
returncode = p.handle_output(output_handler)
if returncode:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(cmd, returncode)
def create_launch_remote_chrome_param(argv):
"""Creates flags to run ./launch_chrome on remote_host.
To run ./launch_chrome, it is necessary to tweak the given flags.
- Removes --nacl-helper-nonsfi-binary, --remote, and --ssh-key flags.
- Adds --noninja flag.
result_argv = []
skip_next = False
for arg in argv:
if skip_next:
skip_next = False
if arg in _REMOTE_FLAGS:
skip_next = True
if any(arg.startswith(flag + '=') for flag in _REMOTE_FLAGS):
# pipes.quote should be replaced with shlex.quote on Python v3.3.
return result_argv + ['--noninja']
def create_remote_executor(parsed_args, remote_env=None,
return RemoteExecutor(os.environ['USER'], remote=parsed_args.remote,
remote_env=remote_env, ssh_key=parsed_args.ssh_key,
def get_launch_chrome_deps(parsed_args):
"""Returns a list of paths needed to run ./launch_chrome.
The returned path may be a directory. In that case, all its descendents are
glob_template_list = (
patterns = (
map(build_common.expand_path_placeholder, glob_template_list) +
return file_util.glob(*patterns)
def get_integration_test_deps():
"""Returns a list of paths needed to run ./run_integration_tests.
The returned path may be a directory. In that case, all its descendants are
# Note: integration test depends on ./launch_chrome. Also, we run unittests
# as a part of integration test on ChromeOS.
glob_template_list = (
patterns = (
map(build_common.expand_path_placeholder, glob_template_list) +
[toolchain.get_adb_path_for_chromeos()] +
unittest_util.get_nacl_tools() +
return file_util.glob(*patterns)
def get_unittest_deps(parsed_args):
"""Returns a list of paths needed to run unittests.
The returned path may be a directory. In that case, all its descendants are
glob_template_list = (
patterns = (
map(build_common.expand_path_placeholder, glob_template_list) +
unittest_util.get_nacl_tools() +
return file_util.glob(*patterns)
def _detect_remote_host_type_from_uname_output(str):
"""Categorizes the output from uname -s to one of cygwin|mac|chromeos."""
if 'CYGWIN' in str:
return 'cygwin'
if 'Darwin' in str:
return 'mac'
if 'Linux' in str:
# We don't support non-chromeos Linux as a remote target.
return 'chromeos'
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported remote host OS: %s.' % str)
def detect_remote_host_type(remote, ssh_key):
"""Tries logging in and runs 'uname -s' to detect the host type."""
# The 'root' users needs to be used for Chrome OS and $USER for other targets.
# Here we try 'root' first, to give priority to Chrome OS.
users = ['root', os.environ['USER']]
for user in users:
executor = RemoteExecutor(user, remote=remote, ssh_key=ssh_key)
return _detect_remote_host_type_from_uname_output(
executor.run_command_for_output('uname -s'))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise Exception(
'Cannot remote log in by: %s\n'
'Please check the remote address is correct: %s\n'
'If you are trying to connect to a Chrome OS device, also check that '
'test image (not dev image) is installed in the device.' % (
','.join(users), remote))