blob: 123ab88e5c9d3011f0cfca584636b5b7f10effe8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# These build properties are usually created by the Android makefile
# system. Specifically the info is written by
# $ANDROID/build/tools/ whose variables are set by
# $ANDROID/build/core/ and various
# files.
import os
import subprocess
import build_common
from build_options import OPTIONS
# Environment variables below are sorted alphabetically.
# sets this if there is no BUILD_ID set.
_BUILD_NUMBER = build_common.get_build_version()
# Non-tagged builds generate fingerprints that are longer than the maximum of 92
# characters allowed for system property values. Split the build ID in version
# and specific build to be within the limit.
if '-' in _BUILD_NUMBER:
tokens = _BUILD_NUMBER.split('-')
os.environ['BUILD_ID'] = tokens[0]
os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'] = '-'.join(tokens[1:])
os.environ['BUILD_ID'] = _BUILD_NUMBER
if OPTIONS.is_debug_code_enabled():
os.environ['BUILD_VERSION_TAGS'] = 'test-keys'
os.environ['BUILD_VERSION_TAGS'] = 'release-keys'
# "REL" means a release build (everything else is a dev build).
os.environ['PLATFORM_VERSION'] = '4.4'
# SDK has to be pinned to correct level to avoid loading
# unsupported featured from app's APK file.
os.environ['PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION'] = '19'
# By convention, ro.product.brand, ro.product.manufacturer and
# are always in lowercase.
os.environ['PRODUCT_BRAND'] = 'chromium'
os.environ['PRODUCT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'] = 'en'
os.environ['PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER'] = 'chromium'
os.environ['PRODUCT_MODEL'] = 'App Runtime for Chrome'
os.environ['PRODUCT_NAME'] = 'arc'
os.environ['TARGET_AAPT_CHARACTERISTICS'] = 'default'
os.environ['TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT'] = build_common.get_build_type()
# TODO( BUILD_TYPE should be set properly, but
# changing the value does not work for now.
os.environ['TARGET_BUILD_TYPE'] = 'eng'
# Prefer ARM v7 NDK code over v6 as v7 has hardware floating point
# and thus can be translated/simulated in fewer instructions.
os.environ['TARGET_CPU_ABI'] = 'armeabi-v7a'
os.environ['TARGET_CPU_ABI2'] = 'armeabi'
# Cannot set device as "simulator" as it causes NPE in network service.
# NetworkManagementService and MountService appear to be the only places
# to check for "simulator". However NetworkManagementService would then skip
# a part of its own initialization leaving important variables set to null.
os.environ['TARGET_DEVICE'] =
os.environ['TARGET_PRODUCT'] = 'arc'
os.environ.setdefault('USER', 'unknown')
# This cannot be ordered alphabetically due to dependencies.
os.environ['BUILD_FINGERPRINT'] = ''.join([
os.environ['PRODUCT_BRAND'], '/',
os.environ['TARGET_PRODUCT'], '/',
os.environ['TARGET_DEVICE'], ':',
os.environ['PLATFORM_VERSION'], '/',
os.environ['BUILD_ID'], '/',
os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'], ':',
os.environ['TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT'], '/',
os.environ['PRIVATE_BUILD_DESC'] = os.environ['BUILD_FINGERPRINT']
build_info_sh = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..',
'third_party', 'android', 'build', 'tools',
print subprocess.check_output([build_info_sh])
print '# begin build properties added by'
# Set up the same DNS as in config.xml to avoid errors at startup.
# Dummy network does not provide its own DNS server names.
# The value matches the default from config.xml.
print 'net.dns1='
# Normally init parses the hardware value from the kernel command line
# androidboot.hardware=* parameter. We hardcode it here and this is
# used in determining appropriate HAL modules.
print 'ro.hardware=arc'
# Enable atrace. See android/frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/
# for flag definition. Here we turn on every category when debugging code is
# enabled.
if OPTIONS.is_debug_code_enabled():
print 'debug.atrace.tags.enableflags=' + str(int('0xffffffff', 16))
if not OPTIONS.disable_hwui():
# This value is exposed through the Activity Manager service
# getDeviceConfigurationInfo() call, and this value indicates that GLES2 is
# available. The number is the major version number in the upper sixteen bits
# followed by the minor version number in the lower sixteen bits.
print 'ro.opengles.version=131072'
print '# end build properties added by'