blob: 365f6a81565fbe56730bb2f599557be70feccdba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Abstract interface to a pepper plugin. We are intentionally avoiding
// using anything from the pp namespace in hopes of keeping a clean
// abstraction layer between Android code and Chrome Pepper code.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "common/options.h"
// Use uint16 instead of uint8 since Dalvik and Chrome disagree on how to
// encode utf-8.
typedef uint16_t MessageCharType;
namespace arc {
class InputManagerInterface;
class ResizeObserver {
virtual void OnResize(int width, int height) = 0;
class RendererInterface {
struct RenderParams {
// Width of display in actual pixels.
int width;
// Width of display in actual pixels.
int height;
// Device scale from device independent pixels to actual pixels.
float device_render_to_view_pixels;
// Like crx_render_to_view_pixels, controls the size of the
// Graphics3D/Image2D resource. See also common/options.h.
float crx_render_to_view_pixels;
bool operator==(const RenderParams& params) const {
return width == params.width && height == params.height &&
device_render_to_view_pixels == params.device_render_to_view_pixels &&
crx_render_to_view_pixels == params.crx_render_to_view_pixels;
bool operator!=(const RenderParams& params) const {
return !operator==(params);
virtual ~RendererInterface() {}
// Get the plugin's render characteristics.
virtual void GetRenderParams(RenderParams* params) const = 0;
virtual void SetResizeObserver(ResizeObserver* observer) = 0;
// Opaque type of GPU context pointers.
struct ContextGPU;
namespace compositor {
class CompositorInterface;
} // namespace compositor
class GPURendererInterface {
typedef std::vector<int32_t> Attributes;
virtual ~GPURendererInterface() {}
virtual ContextGPU* CreateContext(const Attributes& attribs,
ContextGPU* shared_context) = 0;
virtual bool BindContext(ContextGPU* context) = 0;
virtual bool SwapBuffers(ContextGPU* context) = 0;
virtual void WaitForSwapBuffers() = 0;
virtual void DestroyContext(ContextGPU* context) = 0;
virtual compositor::CompositorInterface* GetCompositor() = 0;
class AudioManagerInterface {
struct AudioParams {
int sample_rate;
// Number of samples per audio frame that the plugin will request.
int sample_frame_count;
int num_channels;
int bytes_per_sample;
virtual ~AudioManagerInterface() {}
// Get the plugin's audio output characteristics.
virtual bool GetAudioOutParams(AudioParams* params) = 0;
// Signals to plugin that audio output is in standby mode.
virtual bool SetAudioOutStandby() = 0;
// Gets the estimated latency in ms of plugin audio output.
virtual uint32_t GetAudioOutLatency() = 0;
// Buffers audio data for later rendering.
virtual size_t WriteAudioOutData(const void* buffer, size_t size) = 0;
// Opens the audio input device. Returns false on failure.
virtual bool OpenAudioIn() = 0;
// Closes the audio input device.
virtual void CloseAudioIn() = 0;
// Get the plugin's audio input characteristics.
virtual bool GetAudioInParams(AudioParams* params) = 0;
// Set the plugin's audio input sampling rate.
virtual uint32_t SetAudioInSampleRate(uint32_t sample_rate) = 0;
// Signals to plugin that audio input is in standby mode.
virtual bool SetAudioInStandby() = 0;
// Reads audio data from the input device.
virtual size_t ReadAudioInData(void* buffer, size_t size) = 0;
// YUV Component Equivalencies:
// - YUV == YCbCr / YVU == YCrCb
// YUV Format Layouts:
// - YV12 = 8-bit 1x1 Y -> 8-bit 2x2 V -> 8-bit 2x2 U
// - I420 = 8-bit 1x1 Y -> 8-bit 2x2 U -> 8-bit 2x2 V
// - NV12 = 8-bit 1x1 Y -> Interleaved (8-bit 2x2 U, 8-bit 2x2 V) pairs
// - NV21 = 8-bit 1x1 Y -> Interleaved (8-bit 2x2 V, 8-bit 2x2 U) pairs
enum VideoFrameFormat {
enum DisplayOrientation {
class CameraManagerInterface {
virtual ~CameraManagerInterface() {}
// Opens the device and set it to standby to capture frames.
virtual bool OpenVideoIn() = 0;
// Closes the device.
virtual void CloseVideoIn() = 0;
// Capture one video frame. This must be called before ReadVideoInData and
// must be released using ReleaseFrame. If this function returns false,
// frame data was not read so ReadVideoInData and ReleaseFrame must not
// be called. If the function is successful, |*frame_nsecs| will be updated
// with the frame timestamp in nanoseconds since the start of the process
// using a monotonic clock.
virtual bool CaptureFrame(int64_t* frame_nsecs) = 0;
// Reads video data from the last captured frame, performing any necessary
// scaling and format conversions. Should only be called if CaptureFrame
// returned true.
virtual size_t ReadVideoInData(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
VideoFrameFormat format,
DisplayOrientation orientation) = 0;
// Releases the last captured frame. Should only be called if CaptureFrame
// returned true.
virtual void ReleaseFrame() = 0;
// Defines the set of supported video profiles.
enum VideoProfile {
class VideoDecoderInterface {
virtual ~VideoDecoderInterface() {}
// Describes one decoded video frame.
struct DecodedTexture {
uint32_t decode_id;
uint32_t texture_target;
uint32_t texture_name;
uint32_t texture_width;
uint32_t texture_height;
uint32_t visible_left;
uint32_t visible_top;
uint32_t visible_width;
uint32_t visible_height;
// Accelerated video decoding callback interface. The decoder invokes these
// functions sequentially, from a single thread, without recursion
// from a decoder call.
struct Client {
virtual ~Client() {}
// Invoked when the decoder has been disabled. No more callback functions
// will be invoked for the corresponding decoder.
// The implementer is responsible for deleting this Client instance.
virtual void OnDecoderDisabled() = 0;
// Invoked after encountering an error during decoding. After this callback
// all calls except Reset() and Destroy() will be ignored.
virtual void ReportError(
const char* message, bool is_corrupt_stream) = 0;
// Invoked after successful decoder creation, and then whenever
// the user code should provide more data through Decode() call.
// Last Decode's buffer can be reused at this point.
virtual void NeedMoreData() = 0;
// Invoked when a video frame has been decoded as a texture.
// The client has to invoke RecycleTexture() once the texture has been
// rendered, so that it can be reused for another frame. Resetting or
// destroying the decoder will automatically recycle all textures.
// The pixel format of the texture is GL_RGBA.
virtual void OnTextureReady(const DecodedTexture& texture) = 0;
// Invoked once Flush() call has completed processing all data.
virtual void FlushCompleted() = 0;
// Invoked once Reset() call has completed discarding all data.
virtual void ResetCompleted() = 0;
typedef void (*DestroyCallbackFunc)(void* param);
// Checks whether video decoding is supported for a given profile.
virtual bool CanDecode(ContextGPU* context, VideoProfile profile) = 0;
// Starts a video decoding process. Takes over ownership of GL context.
// Only one video decoding process is allowed per GPU context. Returns
// non-zero decoder id that should be used with the other methods.
// Invokes |destroy_func| and passes |destroy_param| when context
// is no longer needed. Fills out |tracking_handle| for use with
// SharedObjectTracker.
virtual uint32_t StartDecoding(
ContextGPU* context, VideoProfile profile, Client* client,
int* tracking_handle, DestroyCallbackFunc destroy_func,
void* destroy_param) = 0;
// Permanently disables processing on the given video decoder.
// All further calls with the same |decoder_id| will fail in debug builds.
// Invokes OnDecoderDisabled() once done disabling.
// The actual decoder instance will be destroyed once all extra
// references have been freed through SharedObjectTracker.
virtual void Disable(uint32_t decoder_id) = 0;
// Flushes all pending data. Will invoke FlushCompleted() once done.
virtual void Flush(uint32_t decoder_id) = 0;
// Resets all pending data. Cancels all pending operations and
// invokes ResetCompleted().
virtual void Reset(
uint32_t decoder_id, std::vector<uint32_t> unused_textures) = 0;
// Requests decoding of video data. This call can be made only after
// receiving NeedMoreData() callback. Data buffer should not be modified
// until the next NeedMoreData() callback is received.
virtual void Decode(
uint32_t decoder_id, uint32_t decode_id,
const void* data, uint32_t len) = 0;
// Requests the decoder to provide a texture through OnTextureReady()
// callback. Only one request can be outstanding at any given time.
virtual void ProvideTexture(uint32_t decoder_id) = 0;
// Returns the texture that was earlier provided with OnTextureReady().
virtual void RecycleTexture(
uint32_t decoder_id, uint32_t texture_id) = 0;
typedef void* (*ThreadCallbackFunc)(void* p);
class AndroidMessageHandler {
virtual ~AndroidMessageHandler() {}
// This function will be called on main thread, so it should return
// as soon as possible.
virtual void OnMessage(const MessageCharType* message, size_t length) = 0;
class ArcMessageBridgeMessageSender {
virtual ~ArcMessageBridgeMessageSender() {}
virtual void PostMessage(const MessageCharType* message, size_t length) = 0;
virtual void StartListening(const MessageCharType* name_space,
size_t length) = 0;
virtual void StopListening(const MessageCharType* name_space,
size_t length) = 0;
virtual void StartInterceptMessageForTest(const MessageCharType* name_space,
size_t length) = 0;
virtual void StopInterceptMessageForTest(const MessageCharType* name_space,
size_t length) = 0;
// Miscellaneous
class PluginUtilInterface {
virtual ~PluginUtilInterface() {}
// Run |func| on the renderer thread with the given argument. This will block
// on the non-renderer thread until the renderer thread runs |func| and
// returns. The return value of |func| is passed back as the return value of
// RunOnRendererThread.
virtual void* RunOnRendererThread(ThreadCallbackFunc func, void* arg) = 0;
virtual void SetTimeZone(const char* timezone) = 0;
virtual bool IsMainThread() = 0;
virtual bool IsRendererThread() = 0;
// Sets JavaScript message handler and returns message sender interface.
// Caller must free |handler| and returned object.
virtual ArcMessageBridgeMessageSender* InitializeArcMessageBridge(
AndroidMessageHandler* handler) = 0;
// Report an unhandled exception.
virtual void ReportApplicationCrash(const char* log_message,
const char* stack_trace,
const char* stack_signature) = 0;
virtual void HistogramShortTime(const std::string& name, int64_t time_ms) = 0;
virtual void HistogramLongTime(const std::string& name, int64_t time_ms) = 0;
virtual void HistogramBoolean(const std::string& name, bool value) = 0;
virtual void HistogramEnumeration(const std::string& name,
int value, int bounds) = 0;
// Start shut down of environment.
virtual void ShutDown() = 0;
class ChildPluginSpawnerInterface {
virtual ~ChildPluginSpawnerInterface() {}
virtual int RunAndWait(const char* const argv[],
const char* preopened_fd_args[],
const char* preopened_fd_names[]) = 0;
class PluginInterface {
virtual RendererInterface* GetRenderer() = 0;
virtual GPURendererInterface* GetGPURenderer() = 0;
virtual InputManagerInterface* GetInputManager() = 0;
virtual AudioManagerInterface* GetAudioManager() = 0;
virtual CameraManagerInterface* GetCameraManager() = 0;
virtual VideoDecoderInterface* GetVideoDecoder() = 0;
virtual PluginUtilInterface* GetPluginUtil() = 0;
virtual ChildPluginSpawnerInterface* GetChildPluginSpawner() = 0;
virtual ~PluginInterface() = 0;
} // namespace arc