blob: 41bf943b4385ec4cfb400a15cba6c07d623555e2 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import ast
import distutils.spawn
import os
import pipes
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import build_common
import config_runner
import download_cts_files
import download_naclports_files
import download_sdk_and_ndk
import open_source
import staging
import sync_adb
import sync_gdb_multiarch
import sync_nacl_sdk
import toolchain
from build_options import OPTIONS
from util import file_util
def _set_up_git_hooks():
# These git hooks do not make sense for the open source repo because they:
# 1) lint the source, but that was already done when committed internally,
# and we will run 'ninja all' as a test step before committing to open
# source.
# 2) add fields to the commit message for the internal dev workflow.
if open_source.is_open_source_repo():
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
hooks = {
'pre-push': os.path.join(script_dir, ''),
'prepare-commit-msg': os.path.join(script_dir, ''),
'commit-msg': 'third_party/gerrit/commit-msg',
obsolete_hooks = ['pre-commit'] # Replaced by pre-push hook.
git_hooks_dir = os.path.join(build_common.get_arc_root(), '.git', 'hooks')
for git_hook, source_path in hooks.iteritems():
symlink_path = os.path.join(git_hooks_dir, git_hook)
file_util.create_link(symlink_path, source_path, overwrite=True)
for git_hook in obsolete_hooks:
symlink_path = os.path.join(git_hooks_dir, git_hook)
if os.path.lexists(symlink_path):
def _check_javac_version():
# Stamp file should keep the last modified time of the java binary.
javac_path = distutils.spawn.find_executable(
toolchain.get_tool('java', 'javac'))
stamp_file = build_common.StampFile(
'%s %f' % (javac_path, os.path.getmtime(javac_path)),
if stamp_file.is_up_to_date():
want_version = '1.6.'
javac_version = subprocess.check_output(
[javac_path, '-version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if want_version not in javac_version:
print('\nWARNING: You are not using the supported Java SE 1.6.: ' +
print 'See docs/\n'
def _cleanup_orphaned_pyc_files():
# Watch out for .pyc files without a corresponding .py file
for base_path in ('src/', 'mods/'):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path):
for name in files:
fullpath = os.path.join(root, name)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(fullpath)
if ext == '.pyc' and not os.path.exists(base + '.py'):
print ('\nWARNING: %s appears to be a compiled python file without '
'any associated python code. It has been removed.') % fullpath
def _cleanup_unittest_info():
if os.path.exists(build_common.get_unittest_info_path()):
def _gclient_sync_third_party():
gclient_filename = 'third_party/.gclient'
# For whatever reason gclient wants to take revisions from the command line
# and does not read them from the .gclient file -- they used to be part of the
# url. To work around this, we look for a new revision key for each dictionary
# in the .gclient solution array, and use that to pass the revision
# information on the command line.
# TODO(lpique): Modify gclient to have it look for 'revision' in the .gclient
# file itself, which will make this block of code unnecessary.
with open(gclient_filename) as f:
# Read the gclient file ourselves to extract some extra information from it
gclient_content =
# Make sure it appears to have an expected beginning, so we can quickly
# parse it.
assert gclient_content.startswith('solutions = [')
# Use ast.literal_eval on the array, which works to evaluate simple python
# constants. Using the built-in eval is potentially unsafe as it can execute
# arbitrary code.
# We start with the first array bracket, ignoring anything before it.
gclient_contents = ast.literal_eval(
with open(gclient_filename, 'r') as f:
stamp_file = build_common.StampFile(
gclient_content, build_common.get_thirdparty_gclient_revision_file())
if stamp_file.is_up_to_date():
cmd = ['gclient', 'sync', '--gclientfile', os.path.basename(gclient_filename)]
# TODO(lpique): Modify gclient to have it look for 'revision' in the .gclient
# file itself, which will make this block of code unnecessary.
for entry in gclient_contents:
if 'name' in entry and 'revision' in entry:
cmd.extend(['--revision', pipes.quote('%(name)s@%(revision)s' % entry)])
subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(gclient_filename))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
sys.exit('Error running "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd))
def _ensure_downloads_up_to_date():
# Always sync NaCl SDK.
verbosity_option = ['-v'] if OPTIONS.verbose() else []
if sync_nacl_sdk.main(verbosity_option):
if download_sdk_and_ndk.check_and_perform_updates():
if download_cts_files.check_and_perform_updates():
if download_naclports_files.check_and_perform_updates():
if sync_gdb_multiarch.main():
# The open source repository does not have
if (not open_source.is_open_source_repo() and
OPTIONS.internal_apks_source() == 'prebuilt'):
import download_internal_apks
if download_internal_apks.check_and_perform_updates():
if not open_source.is_open_source_repo():
import download_third_party_apks
if download_third_party_apks.check_and_perform_updates():
def _configure_build_options():
if OPTIONS.parse(sys.argv[1:]):
print 'Args error'
return False
# Write out the configure file early so all other scripts can use
# the options passed into configure. (e.g., sync_chrome).
# Target directory is replaced. If an old directory, out/target/<target>,
# exists, move it to the new place, out/target/<target>_<opt>.
old_path = os.path.join('out/target',
new_path = build_common.get_build_dir()
if os.path.lexists(old_path):
if os.path.isdir(old_path) and not os.path.islink(old_path):
if os.path.exists(new_path):
shutil.move(old_path, new_path)
# Create an empty directory as a placeholder if necessary.
# Create a symlink from new place to old place to keep as compatible as
# possible.
os.symlink(os.path.basename(new_path), old_path)
# Write out the configure file to a target specific location, which can be
# queried later to find out what the config for a target was.
return True
def _set_up_chromium_org_submodules():
CHROMIUM_ORG_ROOT = 'third_party/android/external/chromium_org'
# android/external/chromium_org contains these required submodules. It is not
# posible to have submodules within a submodule path (i.e., chromium_org)
# using git submodules. This is the list of subdirectories relative to
# chromium_org that we need to symlink to the appropriate submodules.
submodules = [
# First remove all existing symlinks to make sure no stale links exist.
for dirpath, dirs, fnames in os.walk(CHROMIUM_ORG_ROOT):
# We only create symlinks for directories.
for name in dirs:
directory = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
if os.path.islink(directory):
for s in submodules:
symlink = os.path.join(CHROMIUM_ORG_ROOT, s)
# As an example, this maps 'sdch/open-vcdiff' to
# 'android/external/chromium_org__sdch_open-vcdiff', which is the true
# location of the submodule checkout.
source = 'third_party/android/external/chromium_org__' + s.replace('/', '_')
if not os.path.exists(source):
print 'ERROR: path "%s" does not exist.' % source
print 'ERROR: Did you forget to run git submodules update --init?'
# If a real directory exists, remove it explicitly. |overwrite| flag does
# not care for real directories and files, but old symlinks.
if not os.path.islink(symlink) and os.path.isdir(symlink):
file_util.create_link(symlink, source, overwrite=True)
def _update_arc_version_file():
stamp = build_common.StampFile(build_common.get_build_version(),
if not stamp.is_up_to_date():
def main():
# Disable line buffering
sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)
if not _configure_build_options():
return -1
if not open_source.is_open_source_repo():
import sync_chrome
adb_target = 'linux-arm' if OPTIONS.is_arm() else 'linux-x86_64'
if OPTIONS.internal_apks_source() == 'internal':
# Check if internal/third_party/{gms-core, google-contacts-sync-adapter}/
# checkout, which requires manual sync for now, is consistent with
# internal/build/DEPS.*.xml.
# Make sure the staging directory is up to date whenever configure
# runs to make it easy to generate rules by scanning directories.
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':