blob: fdd1d7543906705fd5b9a57e884e0c3c5c391e48 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
from util import statistics
_RAW_STAT_VARS = ['pre_plugin_time_ms',
_DERIVED_STAT_VARS = ['boot_time_ms']
class StartupStats:
def __init__(self):
for name in _RAW_STAT_VARS:
setattr(self, name, None)
def is_complete(self):
"""Returns True when all variables are assigned."""
return all(getattr(self, name) is not None
for name in _RAW_STAT_VARS)
def boot_time_ms(self):
return self.pre_plugin_time_ms + self.on_resume_time_ms
def _build_raw_stats(stats_list):
"""Builds a dict from stat key to a list of stat values."""
raw_stats = collections.defaultdict(list)
for stats in stats_list:
assert stats.is_complete()
for name in _ALL_STAT_VARS:
raw_stats[name].append(getattr(stats, name))
return raw_stats
def print_raw_stats(stats):
"""Prints the VRAWPERF= line of the given |stats|."""
print 'VRAWPERF=%s' % dict(_build_raw_stats([stats]))
def print_aggregated_stats(stats_list):
"""Prints the aggregated stats of given |stats_list|."""
# Skip incomplete stats (probably crashed during this run). We collect
# enough runs to make up for an occasional missed run.
stat_list = [stats for stats in stats_list if stats.is_complete()]
raw_stats = _build_raw_stats(stats_list)
# Builds a dict from key to (median, 90-percentile).
aggregated_stats = {
key: statistics.compute_percentiles(value, (50, 90))
for key, value in raw_stats.iteritems()
# If there is more than 1 stats, print the VPERF= and VRAWPERF= lines.
if len(stats_list) > 1:
# Print VPERF= lines.
for name in _ALL_STAT_VARS:
unit = 'ms' if name.endswith('_ms') else 'MB'
median, p90 = aggregated_stats[name]
print 'VPERF=%(name)s: %(median).2f%(unit)s 90%%=%(p90).2f' % {
'name': name,
'unit': unit,
'median': median,
'p90': p90,
# Print VRAWPERF= line.
print 'VRAWPERF=%s' % dict(raw_stats)
# Note: since each value is the median for each data set, they are not
# guaranteed to add up.
print ('\nPERF=boot:%dms (preEmbed:%dms + pluginLoad:%dms + onResume:%dms),'
'\n virt:%dMB, res:%dMB, runs:%d\n' % (