blob: 599fa8e044bd32aa090cf22b0d54adb1f314a6a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "common/vector.h"
#include "graphics_translation/gles/dirtiable.h"
#include "graphics_translation/gles/lazy_cache.h"
#include "graphics_translation/gles/matrix_stack.h"
#include "graphics_translation/gles/texture_data.h"
class GlesContext;
class ProgramContext;
// This tuple is used to map the VertexAttributeKey enumeration to a specific
// vertex attribute in the vertex shader for emulation.
// N.B. Position has to be attribute 0 otherwise Pepper complains.
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kPositionVertexAttribute, "a_position") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kColorVertexAttribute, "a_color") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kNormalVertexAttribute, "a_normal") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kPointSizeVertexAttribute, "a_point_size") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kTexCoord0VertexAttribute, "a_texcoord_0") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kTexCoord1VertexAttribute, "a_texcoord_1") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kTexCoord2VertexAttribute, "a_texcoord_2") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kTexCoord3VertexAttribute, "a_texcoord_3") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kTexCoord4VertexAttribute, "a_texcoord_4") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kTexCoord5VertexAttribute, "a_texcoord_5") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kTexCoord6VertexAttribute, "a_texcoord_6") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kTexCoord7VertexAttribute, "a_texcoord_7") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kWeightVertexAttribute, "a_weight") \
VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(kMatrixIndexVertexAttribute, "a_matrix_index")
#define VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_KEY(enum, name) enum,
enum VertexAttributeKey {
// This tuple is used to map the UniformKey enumeration to a uniform location
// name in the generated shaders for emulation.
UNIFORM_KEY(kAlphaTestConstantUniform, "u_alpha_test_constant") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kAmbientLightUniform, "u_ambient") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kClipPlaneUniform, "u_clip_plane[%d]") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kColorUniform, "u_color") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kFogColorUniform, "u_fog_color") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kFogDensityUniform, "u_fog_density") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kFogEndUniform, "u_fog_end") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kFogStartUniform, "u_fog_start") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightAmbientUniform, "u_light[%d].ambient") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightConstAttenuationUniform, "u_light[%d].const_attenuation") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightDiffuseUniform, "u_light[%d].diffuse") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightDirectionUniform, "u_light[%d].direction") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightLinearAttenuationUniform, \
"u_light[%d].linear_attenuation") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightPositionUniform, "u_light[%d].position") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightQuadraticAttenuationUniform, \
"u_light[%d].quadratic_attenuation") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightSpecularUniform, "u_light[%d].specular") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightSpotCutoffUniform, "u_light[%d].spot_cutoff") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kLightSpotExponentUniform, "u_light[%d].spot_exponent") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kMaterialAmbientUniform, "u_material.ambient") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kMaterialDiffuseUniform, "u_material.diffuse") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kMaterialEmissionUniform, "u_material.emission") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kMaterialShininessUniform, "u_material.shininess") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kMaterialSpecularUniform, "u_material.specular") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kModelViewInverseTransposeMatrixUniform, \
"u_mv_inverse_transpose_matrix") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kModelViewMatrixUniform, "u_mv_matrix") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kNormalUniform, "u_normal") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kPaletteMatrixUniform, "u_palette_matrix[%d]") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kPaletteInverseMatrixUniform, "u_palette_inv_matrix[%d]") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kPointSizeAttenuationUniform, "u_point_size_attenuation") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kPointSizeMaxUniform, "u_point_size_max") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kPointSizeMinUniform, "u_point_size_min") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kProjectionMatrixUniform, "u_p_matrix") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kTextureEnvColorUniform, "u_texenv_const[%d]") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kTextureEnvScaleUniform, "u_texenv_scale[%d]") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kTextureMatrixUniform, "u_texture_matrix[%d]") \
UNIFORM_KEY(kTextureSamplerUniform, "u_sampler_%d")
#define UNIFORM_KEY(enum, name) enum,
enum UniformKey {
// Structure to store light source parameters. See es_full_spec.1.1.12.pdf
// section 2.12.1 table 2.8 for information about the parameters.
struct Light {
bool IsSpot() const;
bool IsPositional() const;
bool IsDirectional() const;
bool ShouldAttenuate() const;
arc::Vector ambient;
arc::Vector diffuse;
arc::Vector specular;
arc::Vector position;
arc::Vector direction;
float spot_exponent;
float spot_cutoff;
float const_attenuation;
float linear_attenuation;
float quadratic_attenuation;
// Structure to store material parameters. See es_full_spec.1.1.12.pdf section
// 2.12.1 table 2.8 for information about the parameters.
struct Material {
arc::Vector ambient;
arc::Vector diffuse;
arc::Vector specular;
arc::Vector emission;
float shininess;
// Structure to store fog parameters. See es_full_spec.1.1.12.pdf section 3.8.
// The names for these parameters correspond to the GLenums that are used to
// set them through glFogf and glFogfv.
struct Fog {
GLenum mode;
arc::Vector color;
float density;
float start;
float end;
struct TexEnv {
int mode;
int combine_rgb;
int combine_alpha;
int src_rgb[3];
int src_alpha[3];
int operand_rgb[3];
int operand_alpha[3];
arc::Vector color;
float rgb_scale;
float alpha_scale;
struct TexGen {
GLenum mode;
GLboolean enabled;
struct AlphaTest {
GLenum func;
float value;
struct PointParameters {
// Minimum size of the point
float size_min;
// Maximum size of the point
float size_max;
// Sets the size at which the point will fade to an alpha value of zero
float threshold_size;
// Controls how the point size is scaled with distance from the eye
float attenuation[3];
// Current point size. Constant size used when no array is set.
float current_size;
struct PointerData {
bool enabled;
GLint size;
GLenum type;
GLsizei stride;
GLboolean normalize;
GLuint buffer_name;
const GLvoid* pointer;
// Helps with the implementation of StateCache by implementing the Load
// functionality it needs.
// The implementation cannot be inlined here as it requires classes which have
// not yet been defined, and which depend on StateCache being defined first.
class StateCacheLoaderHelper {
static void Load(GLenum value, GLboolean* data);
static void Load(GLenum value, GLfloat* data);
static void Load(GLenum value, GLint* data);
static void Load(GLenum value, GLuint* data);
static void Load(GLenum value,
GLboolean& data); // NOLINT(runtime/references)
static void Load(GLenum value, GLfloat& data); // NOLINT(runtime/references)
static void Load(GLenum value, GLint& data); // NOLINT(runtime/references)
static void Load(GLenum value, GLuint& data); // NOLINT(runtime/references)
// Defines a lazy-loaded cache for GLES state.
// The state is loaded from the underlying implementation if not yet known.
// State can also be set into the cache directly, bypassing the need for the
// query in cases where the application sets the state away from the default.
// This cache saves substantial time per query given the latency needed to
// simply pass the call through to the underlying implementation and wait for it
// to return. Loading the cache lazily also saves on time at startup given that
// most state may never be queried.
template <typename T, GLenum V>
class StateCache {
enum { kValue = V };
T& Mutate() { return cache_.Mutate(); }
const T& Get() const { return cache_.Get(); }
static void Load(T& t) { // NOLINT(runtime/references)
StateCacheLoaderHelper::Load(kValue, t);
LazyCache<T, StateCache<T, V>::Load> cache_;
// A helper class to draw fullscreen quads.
class FullscreenQuad {
explicit FullscreenQuad(GlesContext* context);
void Draw(GLuint texture, bool flip_v);
GlesContext* context_;
GLuint program_;
GLuint buffer_;
GLuint position_attrib_idx_;
GLuint texcoord_attrib_idx_;
GLuint sampler_uniform_idx_;
FullscreenQuad(const FullscreenQuad&);
FullscreenQuad& operator=(const FullscreenQuad&);
// Stores all context data that requires emulation. We separate this
// to implement a dependency mechanism using C++ type checking to know
// whenever uniform-specific context has changed (and requires us to
// update our shader uniforms.)
class UniformContext {
enum {
kMaxLights = 8,
kMaxClipPlanes = 6,
kMaxTextureUnits = 8,
kMaxPaletteMatricesOES = 9,
kMaxVertexUnitsOES = 4,
explicit UniformContext(GlesContext* context);
void Init(int num_texture_units);
void Bind(ProgramContext* program);
void Enable(GLenum cap);
void Disable(GLenum cap);
GLboolean IsEnabled(GLenum cap) const;
bool SetMatrixMode(GLenum matrix_mode);
GLenum GetMatrixMode() const { return matrix_mode_; }
bool SetActiveTexture(GLenum texture_id);
const arc::Matrix& GetModelViewMatrix() const;
arc::Matrix& MutateModelViewMatrix();
const arc::Matrix& GetProjectionMatrix() const;
arc::Matrix& MutateProjectionMatrix();
const arc::Matrix& GetTextureMatrix() const;
const arc::Matrix& GetTextureMatrixByStage(GLint stage) const;
arc::Matrix& MutateTextureMatrixByStage(GLint stage);
bool ActiveMatrixPush();
bool ActiveMatrixPop();
arc::Matrix& MutateActiveMatrix();
const arc::Matrix& GetActiveMatrix() const;
bool SetCurrentPaletteMatrix(GLuint index);
GLuint GetCurrentPaletteMatrix() const { return current_palette_matrix_; }
const arc::Matrix& GetPaletteMatrix() const;
arc::Matrix& MutatePaletteMatrix();
TexEnv& MutateActiveTexEnv();
const TexEnv& GetActiveTexEnv() const;
TexGen& MutateActiveTexGen();
const TexGen& GetActiveTexGen() const;
arc::Vector* MutateClipPlane(GLenum id);
const arc::Vector* GetClipPlane(GLenum id) const;
TexEnv* MutateTexEnv(GLenum id);
const TexEnv* GetTexEnv(GLenum id) const;
TexGen* MutateTexGen(GLenum id);
const TexGen* GetTexGen(GLenum id) const;
Light* MutateLight(GLenum id);
const Light* GetLight(GLenum id) const;
PointParameters& MutatePointParameters() {
return point_parameters_.Mutate();
const PointParameters& GetPointParameters() const {
return point_parameters_.Get();
AlphaTest& MutateAlphaTest() { return alpha_test_.Mutate(); }
const AlphaTest& GetAlphaTest() const { return alpha_test_.Get(); }
Material& MutateMaterial() { return material_.Mutate(); }
const Material& GetMaterial() const { return material_.Get(); }
Fog& MutateFog() { return fog_.Mutate(); }
const Fog& GetFog() const { return fog_.Get(); }
arc::Vector& MutateColor() { return color_.Mutate(); }
const arc::Vector& GetColor() const { return color_.Get(); }
arc::Vector& MutateNormal() { return normal_.Mutate(); }
const arc::Vector& GetNormal() const { return normal_.Get(); }
arc::Vector& MutateAmbient() { return ambient_.Mutate(); }
const arc::Vector& GetAmbient() const { return ambient_.Get(); }
const Dirtiable<MatrixStack>* GetActiveMatrixStackInternal() const;
GlesContext* context_;
GLuint program_object_;
GLenum matrix_mode_;
GLint active_texture_unit_;
GLint current_palette_matrix_;
Dirtiable<AlphaTest> alpha_test_;
Dirtiable<arc::Vector> ambient_;
Dirtiable<arc::Vector> clip_planes_[kMaxClipPlanes];
Dirtiable<arc::Vector> color_;
Dirtiable<Fog> fog_;
Dirtiable<Light> lights_[kMaxLights];
Dirtiable<Material> material_;
Dirtiable<MatrixStack> modelview_matrix_stack_;
Dirtiable<arc::Vector> normal_;
Dirtiable<PointParameters> point_parameters_;
Dirtiable<MatrixStack> projection_matrix_stack_;
Dirtiable<TexEnv> texenv_[kMaxTextureUnits];
Dirtiable<TexGen> texgen_[kMaxTextureUnits];
Dirtiable<MatrixStack> texture_matrix_stack_[kMaxTextureUnits];
Dirtiable<arc::Matrix> palette_matrices_[kMaxPaletteMatricesOES];
// Stores information about the current gles_translation program that is
// being used to emulate the GLES 1 draw state.
class ProgramContext {
ProgramContext(GlesContext* context, GLuint program);
void Bind();
void Delete();
GLuint GetProgramObject() const { return program_object_; }
GLint GetUniformLocation(UniformKey key);
GLint GetUniformLocation(UniformKey key, int index);
void BindUniform(const int& value, UniformKey key);
void BindUniform(const int& value, UniformKey key, int index);
void BindUniform(const float& value, UniformKey key);
void BindUniform(const float& value, UniformKey key, int index);
void BindUniform(const float (&values)[3], UniformKey key);
void BindUniform(const arc::Vector& vector, UniformKey key);
void BindUniform(const arc::Vector& vector, UniformKey key, int index);
void BindUniform(const arc::Matrix& matrix, UniformKey key);
void BindUniform(const arc::Matrix& matrix, UniformKey key, int index);
void BindUniform(const Fog& fog);
void BindUniform(const Light& light, int index);
void BindUniform(const Material& material);
void BindUniform(const PointParameters& point_parameters);
void BindUniform(const TexEnv& texenv, int index);
enum {
kScalarUniform = -1
// Uniform locations are keyed by their name (eg. u_mv_matrix) and array
// index (eg. u_light[0]). Uniforms that are not arrays have an implied
// index of kScalarUniform.
typedef std::pair<UniformKey, int> UniformKeyIdx;
typedef std::map<UniformKeyIdx, GLint> UniformLocationMap;
GlesContext* context_;
GLuint program_object_;
UniformLocationMap uniform_location_map_;
class TextureContext {
struct TextureUnit;
explicit TextureContext(GlesContext* context);
void Init(int num_texture_units, int max_texture_size);
void DeleteTexture(GLuint texture);
GLint GetMaxLevels() const { return max_texture_levels_; }
TextureDataPtr GetDefaultTextureData(GLenum target);
GLenum GetActiveTexture() const { return GL_TEXTURE0 + active_texture_unit_; }
bool SetActiveTexture(GLenum id);
bool BindTextureToTarget(const TextureDataPtr& tex, GLenum target);
void SetTargetTexture(GLenum target, GLuint texture, GLenum global_target);
GLenum EnsureCorrectBinding(GLenum target);
void RestoreBinding(GLenum target);
void PrepareTextures(bool gles11, bool uses_external_as_2d);
void RestoreTextures();
void Enable(GLenum target);
void Disable(GLenum target);
bool IsEnabled(GLenum target) const;
bool IsEnabled(GLenum id, GLenum target) const;
GLuint GetBoundTexture(GLenum target) const;
GLuint GetTexture(GLenum id, GLenum target) const;
GLenum GetGlobalTarget(GLenum id, GLenum target) const;
bool SetClientActiveTexture(GLenum texture);
GLenum GetClientActiveTexture() const {
return GL_TEXTURE0 + client_active_texture_unit_;
GLuint GetClientActiveTextureCoordAttrib() const {
return kTexCoord0VertexAttribute + client_active_texture_unit_;
static GLuint GetTextureCoordAttrib(GLenum texture) {
return kTexCoord0VertexAttribute + texture - GL_TEXTURE0;
enum Target {
struct TextureUnit {
TextureUnit() : texture(0), global_target(0), enabled(GL_FALSE) {
GLuint texture;
GLenum global_target;
GLboolean enabled;
Target MapTarget(GLenum target) const;
TextureUnit& GetTextureUnit(Target t, GLuint index);
const TextureUnit& GetTextureUnit(Target t, GLuint index) const;
void BindUnderlying(const TextureUnit& texture_unit);
void ActiveTextureUnderlying(GLuint index);
// The maximum number of texture mipmap levels supported. Computed from the
// maximum supported texture size of the underlying implementation.
GlesContext* context_;
GLint max_texture_levels_;
GLuint num_texture_units_;
GLuint active_texture_unit_;
GLenum client_active_texture_unit_;
std::vector<TextureUnit> texture_units_[kNumTargets];
static const GLenum supported_texture_targets_[kNumTargets];
// Texture information about the default texture (ie. texture 0). This
// information is not shared between contexts.
std::vector<TextureDataPtr> default_textures_;
TextureContext(const TextureContext&);
TextureContext& operator=(const TextureContext&);
class PointerContext {
typedef std::vector<PointerData> PointerDataVector;
explicit PointerContext(GlesContext* context);
void Init(int num_pointers);
void Release();
void EnableArray(GLuint index);
void DisableArray(GLuint index);
bool IsArrayEnabled(GLuint index) const;
const PointerData* GetPointerData(GLuint index) const;
void SetPointer(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride,
const GLvoid* pointer, GLboolean normalized = GL_FALSE);
void PrepareBuffersForDrawArrays(GLint first, GLsizei count);
const GLvoid* PrepareBuffersForDrawElements(GLsizei count, GLenum type,
const GLvoid* indices);
const PointerDataVector& GetPointers() const { return pointers_; }
void SetPointers(const PointerDataVector& pointers);
void BindPointers(GLint first, GLint last);
GlesContext* context_;
PointerDataVector pointers_;
GLuint array_buffer_;
size_t array_buffer_size_;
GLuint element_array_buffer_;
size_t element_array_buffer_size_;
bool disable_gl_fixed_attribs_;
PointerContext(const PointerContext&);
PointerContext& operator=(const PointerContext&);